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Search Results for "Sutzkever"

Search Result Count:   62 Matches
RG 201 : Abraham Liessin
[view finding aid] . . . The collection relates primarily to Liessin’s work as . . . . Sutzkever. . .
RG 205 : Kalman Marmor
[view full description] . . . Reisen, Maurice Schwartz, Nahum Shtif, Sholem Aleichem, Abraham Sutzkever, Henrietta Szold, Menahem Ussishkin, Chaim Weizmann, Yehoash. Biographical . . .
RG 223 : Abraham Sutzkever and Szmerke Kaczerginski
[view full description] . . . collection is named for the Yiddish poets Abraham Sutzkever and Szmerke Kaczerginski who were instrumental in saving . . .
[view finding aid] . . . the Vilna Ghetto by the Yiddish poets Avraham Sutzkever and Szmerke Kaczerginski and holds  c. 650 folders, . . .
RG 227 : Alexander Mukdoni
[view full description] . . . Ignacy Schipper, Nahum Shtif, Isaac Nachman  Steinberg, Abraham Sutzkever.  Manuscripts of articles by Mukdoni including fragments . . .
RG 234 : Solomon Simon
[view full description] . . . Nahum Baruch Minkoff, Shmuel Niger, Maurice Samuel, Abraham Sutzkever. Correspondence with organizations. . . .
RG 279 : Moshe Starkman
[view full description] . . . Dov Sadan, Jacob Shatzky,Isaac Bashevis Singer, Abraham Sutzkever, Aaron Zeitlin. . . .
RG 353 : Jacob Glatstein
[view full description] . . . Segal, Hillel Seidman, Lamed Shapiro, Zalman Shazar,Abraham Sutzkever, Jonas Turkow, Jacob Waislitz, Simon Weber, Zishe Weinper, . . .
RG 357 : Mark Schweid
[view full description] . . . Pinsky, Melech Ravitch, Zalman Reisen, Maurice Schwartz, Abraham Sutzkever, Zalmen Zylbercweig.   Correspondence with organizations including Congress . . .
RG 359 : Joseph Rolnick
[view full description] . . . Marmor, Nahum Baruch Minkoff, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Abraham Sutzkever, Baruch Vladeck. Manuscripts of poems, essays.  Clippings . . .
RG 360 : Shmuel Niger
[view full description] . . . Alexander Pomerantz, Moshe Starkman, Isaac Nachman Steinberg, Abraham Sutzkever, Max Weinreich, Chaim Zhitlowsky.      Family . . .
RG 366 : Isaac Nachman Steinberg
[view finding aid] . . . A large proportion of the collection consists of records of . . . . Sutzkever. . .
RG 367 : Malka Lee
[view full description] . . . Ravitch, Abraham Reisen, Maurice Schwartz, Zalman Shneur, Abraham Sutzkever. Manuscripts of Malka Lee's works.  Clippings. . . .
RG 396 : Moshe Oved
[view full description] . . . Ravitch, Maurice Schwartz, Zalman Shneur, Nahum Sokolow, Abraham Sutzkever, Aaron Zeitlin, Hillel Zeitlin. Manuscripts of Oved's . . .
RG 408 : Arthur Schechter
[view full description] . . . Niger, A.A. Roback, I.J. Schwartz, Abraham Sutzkever, Berish Weinstein. . . .
RG 421 : Daniel Charney
[view full description] . . . Melech Ravitch, Abraham Reisen, A.A. Roback, Abraham Sutzkever, Baruch Charney Vladeck, Max Weinreich, Aaron Zeitlin. Family . . .
RG 436 : Joseph Opatoshu
[view full description] . . . Shtif, Israel Joshua Singer, Isaac Nachman Steinberg, Abraham Sutzkever, Baruch Vladeck, Max Weinreich, Yehoash, Israel Zangwill, Aaron . . .
RG 439 : Chaim Gutman
[view full description] . . . Zalman Reisen, Maurice Schwartz, Israel Joshua Singer, Abraham Sutzkever. Clippings of articles, by and about Gutman.  . . .
RG 451 : Ephim H. Jeshurin
[view full description] . . . Grade, Mani Leib, Melech Ravitch, Dov Sadan, Abraham Sutzkever, Uriel Weinreich. . . .
RG 459 : Lippa Lehrer
[view full description] . . . Manger, Noach Nachbush, Shmuel Niger, Maurice Schwartz, Abraham Sutzkever, Aaron Zeitlin. . . .
RG 479 : Benjamin Jacob Bialostotzky
[view full description] . . . Schwartz, Mark Schweid, Zalman Shneur, Nahum Shtif, Abraham Sutzkever, Jennings (Yehudah) Tofel, Lazar Weiner, Max Weinreich, Berish . . .
RG 485 : Israel London
[view full description] . . . Leivick, Leib Olitzky, Melech Ravitch, Zalman Shneur, Abraham Sutzkever. Manuscripts and typescripts by H. Leivick, Reuveni, Isaac . . .
RG 491 : Mani Leib
[view full description] . . . Manger, David Pinsky, Melech Ravitch, Abraham Reisen, Abraham Sutzkever.  Galley proofs of poetry.  Lists of . . .
RG 507 : Leibush Lehrer
[view full description] . . . Roback, Jacob Shatzky, Israel Steinbaum, Salomon Suskovich, Abraham Sutzkever, Yokhanan Twersky, Max Weinreich, Aaron Zeitlin.    . . .
RG 518 : Mattes Deitch
[view full description] . . . Liessin, Itzik Manger, Shmuel Niger, Melech Ravitch, Abraham Sutzkever, Wolf Younin. Manuscripts of Deitch's writings. Clippings . . .
RG 535 : Rachel Holzer
[view full description] . . . including Ida  Kaminska, Rachel Korn, Melech Ravitch, Abraham Sutzkever, Jonas Turkow. Correspondence with organizations.  Clippings, announcements, . . .
RG 540 : Yudel Mark
[view full description] . . . Schaechter, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Isaac Nachman Steinberg, Abraham Sutzkever, Max Weinreich, Uriel Weinreich. Correspondence with organizations.  . . .
RG 556 : Aaron Glanz-Leieles
[view full description] . . . Leivick, Shmuel Niger, David Pinsky, Maurice Schwartz, Abraham Sutzkever, Elias Tcherikower, Menashe Unger, Max Weinreich, Aaron Zeitlin, . . .
RG 558 : Harry Radoshitzky
[view full description] . . . .A. Roback, Isaiah (Jeshajahu) Spiegel, Moshe Starkman, Abraham Sutzkever, Shea Tenenbaum, Tolush, Zalmen Zylbercweig. . . .
RG 569 : Shlomo Bickel
[view full description] . . . Pinsky, Melech Ravitch, Mordkhe Schaechter,Jacob Shatzky, Abraham Sutzkever, Joseph Tenenbaum, Jonas Turkow, Menashe Unger, Max Weinreich, . . .
RG 584 : Max Weinreich
[view full description] . . . Dov Sadan, Pinchas Schwartz, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Abraham Sutzkever, Zosa Szajkowski. . . .
RG 599 : Noah Goldberg
[view full description] . . . Shmuel Niger, Jacob Pat, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Abraham Sutzkever. . . .
RG 601 : Leon Feinberg
[view full description] . . . Ravitch, A.A. Roback, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Abraham Sutzkever, Malka Heifetz Tussman, Zishe Weinper. Family correspondence.  . . .
[view finding aid] . . . Ravitch, A.A. Roback, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Abraham Sutzkever, Malka Heifetz Tussman, and Zishe Weinper.There is . . .
RG 602 : Shalom Asch
[view full description] . . . Rabon, Maurice Samuel, Jacob Schiff, Zalman Shneur, Abraham Sutzkever, Edward Warburg, Max Weinreich. . . .
RG 609 : Ephraim Auerbach
[view full description] . . . Molodowsky, Shmuel Niger, Melech Ravitch, Dov Sadan, Abraham Sutzkever, Michael Weichert. . . .
RG 610 : Leib Olitzky
[view full description] . . . Shlonsky, Chone Shmeruk, Zalman Shneur, Leopold Staff, Abraham Sutzkever, Michael Weichert, Aaron Zeitlin. Personal documents.  Correspondence . . .
RG 624: Mordecai Jaffe
[view full description] . . . -Leieles, H. Leivick, Shmuel Niger, Joseph Opatoshu, Abraham Sutzkever, Malka Heifetz Tussman. Family correspondence.  Materials for . . .
RG 626: Berish Weinstein
[view full description] . . . Shmuel Niger, Melech Ravitch, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Abraham Sutzkever. Reviews of Weinstein's works. Biographical notes. . . .
RG 641: Menahem Boraisha
[view full description] . . . Leivick, Kadia Molodowsky, Shmuel Niger, Joseph Opatoshu, Abraham Sutzkever, Aaron Zeitlin, Chaim Zhitlowsky. Family correspondence. . . .
RG 658: Julius Borenstein
[view full description] . . . .  Letters from Leibush Lehrer, H. Leivick, Abraham Sutzkever, Max Weinreich, and others. Correspondence with institutions. . . .
RG 676: Ezekiel Lifschutz
[view full description] . . . Yosef Gutman, Nathan David Korman, Chone Shmeruk, Abraham Sutzkever, Ruth Wisse. Notes and source materials for various . . .
RG 685: Forward Association
[view finding aid] . . . This collection pertains mostly to the work of the Office . . . . Sutzkever. . .
RG 698: B. Alkwit
[view full description] . . . Niger, Melech Ravitch, Lamed Shapiro, Moshe Starkman, Abraham Sutzkever, Tolush, Isaiah Trunk. . . .
RG 703: Kadia Molodowsky
[view full description] . . . .J. Schwartz, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Moshe Starkman, Abraham Sutzkever, Malka Heifeitz Tussman, Max Weinreich, Berish Weinstein, Aaron . . .
RG 720: Julian Hirszhaut
[view finding aid] . . . Zipper, Shea Tenenbaum, Saul Maltz, Jacob Maitlis, Avram Sutzkever, Moishe Ettinger, Arnold Posy, Menke Katz, Rokhl Korn, . . .
RG 722: Shea Tenenbaum
[view full description] . . . Abbo Ostrowsky, Maurice Schwartz, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Abraham Sutzkever, Jennings Yehudah Tofel, Tolush, Max Weinreich, Zalmen Zylbercweig. . . .
RG 725: Mendel Osherowitch
[view full description] . . . Hurok, Jacob Lestschinsky, Zalman Reisen, Jacob Shatzky, Abraham Sutzkever, Max Weinreich.      Manuscripts and typescripts . . .
RG 1167: Meyer Stiker
[view full description] . . . consist of: correspondence with Yiddish writers including Abraham Sutzkever, Selig Heller, Malka Heifetz Tussman; manuscripts of Yiddish . . .
RG 1186: Jacob and Sara Dubov
[view full description] . . . (Moyshe) Leib Halpern, H. Leivick, Kadia Molodowsky, Abraham Sutzkever. Photographs of H. Leivick, Peretz Hirschbein and David . . .
RG 1247: Paul Novick
[view finding aid] . . . The papers in this collection pertain to Novick’s work as . . . . Sutzkever. . .
RG 1253: Shloime Schwartz
[view full description] . . . Korn, M. Mann, Mates Olitzky, Elias Schulman, Abraham Sutzkever, Malka Heifetz Tussman, Itzhak Yanasowicz. Typescripts of poems. . . .
RG 1258: Philip Friedman
[view finding aid] . . . The collection relates primarily to Friedman’s post-war . . . . Sutzkever. . .
RG 1340: Moishe Bassin
[view full description] . . . Mukdoni, Rosa Nevadovska, Shmuel Niger, Yente Serdatsky, Abraham Sutzkever, Chana Safran, Noach Siegalovsky, J. I. Segal (manuscript . . .
RG 1353 : Joseph Mlotek
[view full description] . . . Mark, Dov Noy, Melech Ravitch, Dov Sadan, Abraham Sutzkever, Aaron Zeitlin. Materials include cassettes and correspondence of . . .
RG 1380: Bernard Gotfryd
[view full description] . . . Rosenthal, Philip Roth, Charles Silberman, Sidney Shore, Abraham Sutzkever, Janos Starker, Isaac Stern, Jacqueline Susann, Harvey Swados, . . .
RG 1381: Wolf Snyder
[view full description] . . . Sztokfisz, Israel Steinbaum, Dov Sadan, Philip Simovitz, Abraham Sutzkever, Israel Stern (Canada), Abraham Shulman, Jacob Tolpin, Isaiah . . .
RG 1513: Moishe and Sarah Freedman Papers
[view full description] . . . Rosenblatt, I.J. Schwartz, I.N. Steinberg, Abraham Sutzkever, and Berish Weinstein . . .
RG 1525 : Sarah Hammer Jacklin Papers
[view full description] . . . Reisen, Zalman Shneur, Philip Sandler, Jeszajahu Szpigl, Abraham Sutzkever, Solomon Simon, Israel Silberer-Cholewa, Moshe Spiegel, Moses . . .
RG 1528: Israel Knox Papers
[view full description] . . . Oshry, James Parkes, Jacob Pat, Chaim Pett, Abraham Sutzkever, Nachum Sumer, Gershon Sapozhnikof, William Schichman, I. Silberberg- . . .
RG 1873: Simon Weber
[view full description] . . . Chaim Grade, Abraham Karpinowitz, I. B. Singer, Abraham Sutzkever, and Mordecai Tsanin, 1936-1987. . . .
RG 1971: Wolf Younin
[view full description] . . . .  Manuscripts, which include poetry authored by Abraham Sutzkever in the Vilna ghetto, and the badkhones of . . .

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