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Search Results for "shapiro"

Search Results for Language: German

Search Result Count:   6 Matches
RG 53: The OZE-TOZ (Obshchestvo Zdravookhraneniia Evreev / Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jews)
[view full description] . . . The collection includes materials pertaining to: OZE . . . . shapiro. . .
RG 54: Association of Jewish Deaf-Mutes in Poland
[view full description] . . . The collection mainly contains correspondence of the  . . . . shapiro. . .
RG 294.6: DP Camps:  Posters
[view full description] . . . This collection of posters includes approximately 1,000 . . . . shapiro. . .
RG 1718: Progress Lodge #38 Brith Abraham (Progressive Welfare Society)
[view full description] . . . Box 1:  Constitution and merger between the Progressive . . . . shapiro. . .
RG 1789: First Jefferson Benevolent Society
[view full description] . . . Box 1: Minute books, 1917-1933, 1972-1979 (minutes recorded . . . . shapiro. . .
RG 1967: Rochelle G. Saidel
[view full description] . . . The collection pertains to Dr. Rochelle G. Saidel's . . . . shapiro. . .

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