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Guide to the Papers of Chaim Zhitlowsky (1865-1943) RG 208

Processed by Felicia Figa and Marek Web as part of the Finding Aids Project supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Additional processing by Rachel S. Harrison as part of the Leon Levy Archival Processing Initiative, made possible by the Leon Levy Foundation.

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011
Email: archives@yivo.cjh.org
URL: http://www.yivo.org

©2010 YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. All rights reserved.

Electronic finding aid was encoded in EAD 2002 by Rachel S. Harrison in December 2010. Description is in English.

Collection Overview

Title: Guide to the Papers of Chaim Zhitlowsky (1865-1943) RG 208

Predominant Dates:bulk 1900-1943

ID: RG 208 FA

Extent: 21.88 Linear Feet


The first attempt to arrange the Zhitlowsky papers was made in 1941 by B. Dworkin. He found the papers in a garage in Zhitlowsky's house at Croton-on-Hudson bound in small bundles and packed in crates. He identified with Zhitlowsky's help some of the correspondence and left a listing of it (folder 3).

Another early listing of the papers was made by Eva Zhitlowsky (Ch. Zhitlowsky's daughter) and Mendel Elkin, the YIVO Librarian, on accession of the papers, in January and February 1945. At that time, the papers were in 347 folders or packets, but not arranged in a meaningful manner (with exception of the correspondence processed previously by B. Dworkin).

Khayim Gininger partially processed the collection in the 1950s by adding more names to the list of correspondents and identifying a number of the manuscripts but left about 50% of the collection untouched.

The unarranged part of the collection was in poor physical condition and was completely disorganized. The processor's major task was therefore to piece together and identify thousands of items by correspondent or writer and title. Many items, especially among the manuscripts, have been only partially identified, but even these were included in the description of the papers, sometimes with a substitute title provided by the original processors. Only those fragments which could not be identified at all were placed in specially designated folders at the end of each series. The miscellaneous series includes materials which are too small in quantity to form a separate series, the photographs and certain historical documents.

The collection was arranged in a Yiddish alphabet mode and the description was originally written in Yiddish. An exception was made for the manuscripts and typescripts in languages other than Yiddish and for the correspondence of those institutions that did not use Yiddish. These materials are arranged in Latin alphabetical order, including Russian manuscripts and correspondence, the titles and names of which have been transliterated and translated, and German materials, which have been translated. The inventory lists for correspondence with individuals has been rearranged according to the Latin alphabet, although the folder organization has not been changed. Personal names have been transliterated, journal titles and organization names have been transliterated and translated, and the titles of speeches and writings have been transliterated and translated. Yiddish names have been transliterated according to YIVO standards except when the individual is known in English by another spelling. Additionally, if the name appeared in Latin letters anywhere within the folder, that spelling was used rather than a standard transliteration. The languages of correspondence that is not in Yiddish are in parentheses following the listing of the material. All manuscripts and typescripts have been arranged alphabetically by title rather than by author. While there are only a few Yiddish manuscripts without a known author, among the non-Yiddish materials there is a large number of unidentified items. The collection has been microfilmed and so any misfiling has been maintained to correspond with the microfilm. Microfilm reel and frame numbers follow the folder titles. The dates are exact on the folders but the folder list has condensed the dates. The page numbers sometimes refer to the number of sheets and sometimes, for double-sided documents, to the number of sides.

The collection has been divided into 11 series, some of which have been further divided into subseries.

Languages: Yiddish, Russian, German, English, French, Latin, Hebrew, Dutch;Flemish


This collection contains correspondence between Chaim Zhitlowsky and many important political figures and organizations, as well as manuscripts and other writings, some written by Zhitlowsky and some written by others. There are also notes and other materials from speeches and lectures that Zhitlowsky gave, financial documents, articles written about Zhitlowsky, newspaper clippings of articles by Zhitlowsky, materials from celebrations held in Zhitlowsky’s honor, photographs, excerpts from his works, and various other assorted items. These materials serve to illustrate both Zhitlowsky’s importance in the Yiddish and Russian literary field and his deep involvement in the American and Russian-Jewish Socialist, Territorialist and Diaspora Nationalism movements.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Papers of Chaim Zhitlowsky consist of correspondence, manuscripts and typescripts, notes, newspaper clippings, some official documents such as residence cards, a passport, and diplomas, photographs, and financial records. The materials have been divided according to type of records. The papers pertain almost exclusively to Zhitlowsky's political and scholarly activities and reflect to a great extent his creative versatility, particularly the materials found in the Manuscripts and Typescripts series. There are over 900 identified or partly identified items in these two series, and about 820 of these were written by Zhitlowsky. There are approximately 60 manuscripts written by others and 120 manuscripts of no known authorship. It is likely that a substantial number of these unattributed writings are also by Zhitlowsky. Prominent themes include: Yiddish language, Yiddish culture, the future of Yiddish, the Czernowitz Conference of August 1908 and modern Yiddish, Jewish autonomy, Territorialism, Eretz Israel, Biro-Bidjan, political radicalism, Marxism, Socialist thought, Communism and anti-Communism, a history of world philosophy, philosophical systems, Hegel, Kant, and ethics and religion. In addition to the essays and articles there is a multitude of notes which pertain to the above subjects, some biographical and autobiographical materials and clippings of Zhitlowsky's articles published in the Yiddish press between 1916 and 1942, all of which help to augment and contextualize his writings.

Zhitlowsky’s manuscripts are quite relevant to the social and political history of his time. Notwithstanding his scholarly works on philosophy, Zhitlowsky was first and foremost interested in contemporary social and political developments. Therefore many of his writings were created in response to actual events and are stamped with the urgency of a political commentary, a program of action or a resolution. A predominant theme is the gap between the national aspirations of the Jewish people and their actual situation. Another topic which greatly preoccupied Zhitlowsky was how to apply his populist ideas to socialist ideology and to the programs of Russian and Jewish Socialist parties. His changing attitudes towards the Communist movement can also be found in his writings.

Zhitlowsky’s extensive correspondence further augments the collection’s importance for the study of contemporary Jewish social, political and cultural history. Around 1040 individuals and 650 organizations are present, and the correspondents among them represent a broad spectrum of Jewish political and cultural affiliations in America and in Europe, from the turn of the century through the 1940’s.

There is a small group of miscellaneous materials other than writings and correspondence which topically complement the other series. These include photographs, leaflets, programs, minutes, and reports pertaining to the following subjects: The Socialist International, the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party, various Jewish Socialist parties, and Jewish emigration.

Historical Note

Chaim Zhitlowsky was a Jewish philosopher and writer, literary critic, a leading theoretician of the Socialist movement in Russia, a chief exponent of Yiddishism, Diaspora Nationalism and Territorialism, and a social and political thinker. He was a co-founder of the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party and was later connected with various Jewish Socialist organizations, including Poale Zion and the Bund. Zhitlowsky was also a vice-president of the conference on Yiddish language held in Chernivtsi, Romania in 1908.

According to several sources, including a police card and a British passport (folder 1), Chaim Zhitlowsky was born in 1861 in Horodok, Vitebsk province, Belarus. However, his autobiography (folder 2) says that he was born on April 19, 1865 in Ushachy, also in Vitebsk province, and this information has been reprinted in Encyclopedia Judaica and the Lexicon, among other sources. This second date has been generally accepted, as is evidenced by the fact that Zhitlowsky’s 60th and 70th birthday celebration celebrations were celebrated in 1925 and 1935, respectively.

When he was five years old, his parents moved to Vitebsk, the capital of the province. Zhitlowsky’s father, Joseph, was a wealthy merchant and quite learned, having studied to become a rabbi at the Yeshiva of Volozhin before he became a merchant. Joseph Zhitlowsky made sure to give his son a good education at cheder and with private tutors and then at the Vitebsk Gymnasium. While at the Gymnasium, Zhitlowsky met Shlomo-Zanvl Rappaport, who later became a prominent Yiddish playwright using the pseudonym S. Ansky. Their deep friendship lasted until Ansky’s death in 1920 and was to have a profound mutual effect on their political and intellectual attitudes. Zhitlowsky and Ansky both became involved with Russian revolutionary circles while still in Vitebsk before moving to Tula in Central Russia in 1881, where Zhitlowsky was part of the Narodnaya Volya (People’s Will), a Socialist-Revolutionary populist party.

Under the influence of the Russian revolutionary movement, Zhitlowsky began to move away from Jewish life and Jewish concerns. He began to think about the question of nationalism, particularly Jewish nationalism. He advocated Jewish assimilation in several articles before the anti-Jewish pogroms of 1881 made him reevaluate his position and his sympathy for the Jewish people and their national aspirations. These pogroms started in April 1881 in Elisavetgrad (Kirovgrad), Ukraine and swept through dozens of towns and villages in Ukraine and Russian Poland all the way to Warsaw.

Zhitlowsky ultimately rejected assimilation and demanded Jewish national equality and social and political rights, thereby combining Jewish national aspirations with Socialist ideology into what became known as Diaspora Nationalism. This theory was focused on Jewish nationalism in the Diaspora, in opposition to the ideology of Hovevei Zion (Lovers of Zion) and political Zionism, which advocated Jewish settlement in Israel. He disliked the religious character of political Zionism. Zhitlowsky first formulated this theory of Diaspora Nationalism in a book called Evrey k'Evreyam (A Jew Speaks to Jews), published under the pseudonym of I. Khisin in 1893 by the London Fund for the Free Russian Press. In this work, he maintained that the Jews should be afforded national equality because, “The Jews are not 4 percent of somebody but 100 per cent of themselves.” This work was later followed by a multitude of essays, articles and lectures. His most important publication on the subject of the Jewish national question was the introduction to the Russian edition of Otto Bauer’s The National Question and the Social Democracy, written in 1909 (folder 2124).

During his lifelong search for a practical political party that would fit his theory of Diaspora Nationalism, Zhitlowsky embraced many different ideologies and movements. As a young man, he was an ardent populist, working for the Narodnaya Volya in Tula (1882-1883), in Vitebsk (1883-1886) and in St. Petersburg (1886), where he went to study Jewish history. His first work, a treatise in Russian entitled “Thought of the Historical Fate of the Jewish People” was published in Moscow in 1887. The liberal Russian press enthusiastically greeted and responded warmly to his ideas, but the treatise met with scant favor among Jewish critics, because it contained no solution for the problems it discussed. In 1888 he left Russia for Berlin where he resumed his study of Jewish history, Marxism and philosophy. He was expelled from Germany under the anti-Socialist law and went to Zurich, and there he founded the Verein fuer Wissentschaft und Leben des Judischen Volkes (Association for Science and Life of the Jewish People), in order to spread Nationalism and Socialism among the Jewish masses. He then traveled to Bern, where he received his doctorate in 1892 from the University of Bern. His dissertation, which was in German, was on “Abraham ibn Daud and the Beginning of the Aristotelian Period in Jewish Religious Philosophy.”

In late 1893 in Bern, Zhitlowsky, aided by Shlomo Rappaport (Ansky), M. Rosenbaum and several other Russian radicals, co-founded the Union of Russian Socialist Revolutionaries Abroad, which was reconfigured as the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party in 1901, which Zhitlowsky later represented in the Socialist International in Stuttgart in 1907. Zhitlowsky contributed articles on Marxism and philosophy to several well-known Russian magazines, such as Russkoye Bogastvo, the Jewish—Russian Voskhod, Sozialistische Monatshefte, and Deutsche Worte, among others. When the first Yiddish daily in Russia, the St. Petersburg Frajnd, was founded, Dr. Zhitlowsky, under the pen name N. Gaydaroff, contributed a series of articles entitled “The Jewish People and the Yiddish Language,” a theme which he often treated in later years. In 1896 he organized the Group of Jewish Socialists Abroad. Their purpose was to prepare revolutionary propaganda literature in Yiddish, beginning with the Communist Manifesto. Zhitlowsky wrote an introduction entitled “Yiddish—Why?” in which he expressed the belief that the rebirth of the Yiddish language and literature would lead to the national and social awakening of the Jewish people.

Zhitlowsky was present at the First Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897, although he did not support political Zionism and even wrote an article in the New York Jewish Daily Forward against it. He believed in the necessity of a League for Jewish Colonization, a league that would appeal to all those opposed to Herzl’s political Zionism. A day after the Congress, Dr. Zhitlowsky addressed the delegates and guests on Yiddish and the purposes of the Yiddish publishing house Zeit Geist, which had been founded by a group of Jewish intellectuals and revolutionaries. In this speech were first laid the foundations of Yiddishism, which subsequently became deeply rooted in Eastern Europe and America. He became a member of the Jewish Socialist Bund. His essay “Zionism or Socialism,” published in 1898 in Yiddish in the Bund organ Der Yidisher Arbeter laid the groundwork for the party's program of Jewish national and cultural autonomy.

In 1903, partially in response to the Kishinev pogrom, Zhitlowsky revised his Jewish program and became a Territorialist, which was a movement to establish an autonomous settlement of Jews in a sufficiently large territory, of which Palestine was considered as just one of the possibilities. In the following years he made many efforts to reconcile theoretically the principles of Territorialism and Socialism. He was also instrumental in founding several political organizations that would incorporate the ideas of Territorialism and Socialism in their political platform.

In 1904 Zhitlowsky left Europe for North America, having been sent there by the Socialist-Revolutionary Party as its emissary and fund-raiser. Together with Ekaterina Breshkovskaya (known as the “Grandmother of the Russian Revolution”) he toured the U.S. spreading propaganda on behalf of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, and at the same time speaking and writing on Jewish national culture, autonomy and territorialism. His articles appeared in the Forverts, Zeitgeist, Zukunft, Warheit, and Dos Folk. Zhitlowsky returned to Europe in 1906. Unable to enter Russia for fear of being arrested, he stayed in Lwow (Lemberg). There he participated in the formation of a new Jewish Socialist group, the SERP (Sotsyalisticheskaya Yevreyskaya Rabotchaya Partya - Socialist Jewish Workers Party), popularly called the "Sejmists" because it advocated a Jewish autonomous governing body (‘Sejm’ refers to the Polish parliament) within the Russian Empire. He was nominated by the Socialist-Revolutionary Party to run for a seat in the second Duma (folder 1524) and was elected in the Vitebsk district. However, the police authorities annulled his election.

Zhitlowsky spent 1907 spreading Socialist-Revolutionary propaganda in Finland with Gregory Gershuni. Also in 1907, the Socialist-Revolutionary Party and the Sejmists sent him as their delegate to the International Socialist Congress at Stuttgart. In 1908 Zhitlowsky left Europe again for the U.S. as the Socialist-Revolutionary Party's envoy, this time with the intention of settling in America. In New York, Zhitlowsky founded a publishing house which issued the monthly, Dos Naye Lebn. Under the editorship of Zhitlowsky, this journal exercised great influence on Yiddish culture, literature and the development of free Socialist thought. After a brief stay in America, Zhitlowsky returned to Europe, where he participated in the conference for the Yiddish language which was held in Chernivtsi ( Czernowitz), Bukovina, August 30-September 4, 1908. This conference, of which Zhitlowsky was both the initiator and chairman, along with I.L. Peretz and Nathan Birnbaum, and which hosted leading Yiddish authors of the day, proclaimed Yiddish as a national language of the Jews. After the conference, Zhitlowsky returned to the U.S.

In the United States, Zhitlowsky distinguished himself in work to promote and strengthen the Yiddish language and culture. He became the standard-bearer of Yiddish, which he considered a prerequisite for the survival of the Jewish people. While many thought that his attitude towards Yiddish was dogmatic and irrational, he persevered nevertheless in lending his unqualified support to any and all efforts on behalf of Yiddish. In Dos Naye Lebn in 1909, Zhitlowsky raised the question of founding Yiddish secular schools in America and in 1910, at the Convention of the Poale Zion Party in Montreal, Canada, he helped to usher in the inauguration of this type of school. The first Folkshul in New York City was opened at 143 Madison St., and Dr. Zhitlowsky took an active part in the growth of this school. His influence was also considerable in the creation of the Jewish secular schools of the Workmen’s Circle, the Jewish National Workers Alliance and the radical International Workers Order.

Zhitlowsky’s political affiliation in the U.S. remained with the Socialist movement, and especially with the Jewish Socialist groups. At first he joined the Socialist Territorialists. Then, in 1909 he initiated the merger of the Socialist Territorialists, the Sejmists and Labor Zionists, but the unified group did not last long. In subsequent years he moved closer to the Labor Zionists. He supported the movement for an American Jewish Congress, which held its first session in 1918. He returned to America from Europe at the outbreak of World War I. Until then, he had been a contributor to the Warheit, edited by L. A. Miller. He now joined the staff of the newly-organized Tog. At the same time, he continued his tracts on philosophy and sociology in the Yiddish magazine Zukunft and, from 1920-1921, Die Zeit, a Poale-Zion daily. In 1922, Dr. Zhitlowsky and Shmuel Niger renewed the publication of Dos Naye Lebn, which lasted until 1923. In 1923, when the magazine was discontinued, Dr. Zhitlowsky returned to Europe in order to complete his work, “The Spiritual Struggle of the Jewish People for Freedom.”

On November 28, 1925, Zhitlowsky’s sixtieth birthday was celebrated at the Manhattan Opera House in New York. Similar celebrations were held in other American and European cities visited by Dr. Zhitlowsky. A Zhitlowsky Memorial Volume was published in Berlin. It contained articles and reminiscences of his intimate friends and disciples. At Zhitlowsky’s suggestion, the proceeds from the book were turned over to the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) of Vilna, where he was a member of its Honorary Board of Directors, along with Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, among others. Through the initiative of Dr. Zhitlowsky, and his lifelong friend, Dr. S. Ellsberg, the Yiddish Culture Society was founded in September 1929. The purpose of the organization was to unite all adherents of Yiddish to enable them to work in common for the development of Yiddish, Yiddish schools and Yiddish culture in general. He was also one of the editors of the weekly Yiddish, issued by the Yiddish Culture Society.

Zhitlowsky was a bitter foe of dogmatic Marxism. He began the dispute back in 1888 in Zurich where his lecture on Plekhanov stirred a debate lasting 72 evenings (it was called afterwards the "72 Zurich Nights"). He later pursued his arguments against Communist ideology and against the Bolshevik regime in post-1917 Russia. He broke with the pro-Soviet camp over the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, but later returned in the wake of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. From 1936 until his death he moved closer to the radical, pro-Soviet groups active in the Jewish community in the U.S. such as IWO (International Workers Order), IKUF (Yiddisher Kultur Farband -Yiddish Culture Society), ICOR (Association for Jewish Colonization in Soviet Union), and others. During this last period of his life he came to the conclusion that Communist ideology incorporated many of the ideals for which he had always fought. He was convinced that the creation of the Jewish autonomous province in Biro-Bidjan was a true realization of his Territorialist dream. He believed that the Communist claim about promoting cultures which are "Socialist in content and national in form" spelled a brighter future for Yiddish as well.

Zhitlowsky was more of a theoretician than an organizer. He exerted great authority and influence among the Socialist groups and in the Jewish community, chiefly through writings, debates and lectures. He contributed to and was editor of many publications, including the organ of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party Russky Rabochy (The Russian Worker), 1893, the organ of the Jewish Socialist Territorialists in the U.S. Dos Folk (The People), 1904-1906, the periodical Dos Naye Lebn (New Life), 1908-1913, and the Yiddish daily Der Tog (The Day) in which he wrote from its inception in 1916 until his last days. He wrote the first serious history of philosophy in Yiddish, 1910, translated Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra, 1919, and wrote scholarly essays on Kant, Einstein, Job, and Faust. His collected works were published twice during his lifetime (in New York, 1912-1919, 10 volumes; in Warsaw, 1929-32, 15 volumes).

"As the outstanding ideologist of Diaspora Nationalism and Yiddishism, Zhitlowsky influenced the programs of all Jewish national parties, but only in his struggle against assimilationism was his influence profound and enduring… More important than his theoretical justification for the existence of Yiddish was his practical application of Yiddish in a journalistic and scholarly style which delineated ideas and philosophical systems. (Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 16).

Zhitlowsky lived and worked in the times which saw the formation of modern Socialist ideologies and the creation of radical mass movements. He himself was very much an inspirational force in this process, attaining a position of leadership in international, Russian and Jewish Socialist groups. He witnessed and often subscribed to the birth of the many factions of populist, Socialist, Territorialist and Communist persuasions and at various times he was involved as theoretician and political activist with such major political parties as the Narodnaya Volya, the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party, the Jewish Labor Bund, and the Poale Zion, among others. He was the founder of the theory of Jewish national self-determination in the Diaspora, to which he remained rigidly faithful until the end of his life and which in fact prompted him to wander from movement to movement, in his search for a political solution to the theory.

Zhitlowsky was a forceful orator, a formidable polemicist, a prolific writer and talented popularizer of knowledge. A philosopher by training, he had to his credit as many theoretical works as popular essays, articles and lectures on philosophy, psychology, religion, ethics, literature, and history. Zhitlowsky’s role in the Jewish community in the U.S. and abroad was that of a spiritual leader for the major segment of the Jewish community. Many considered themselves his disciples and stood by him when his popularity and influence began to wane in the 1930's in the wake of his pro-Soviet stance.

Chaim Zhitlowsky was married twice. His first wife was Vera Lokhova whom he met in Vitebsk and married in 1888 in Berlin. Vera Lokhova was a populist (they both worked in the Narodnaya Volya organization in Vitebsk) and an author in her own right. They separated in 1903 but were formally divorced until 1929. In 1930 Zhitlowsky married Nora Van Leuven. Chaim Zhitlowsky died in Calgary, Canada, May 6, 1943, while on a lecture tour for the IWO.

Subject/Index Terms

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions: Permission to use the collection must be obtained from the YIVO Archivist.

Use Restrictions: Permission to publish part or parts of the collection must be obtained from the YIVO Archives. For more information, contact:YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011 email: archives@yivo.cjh.org

Acquisition Method: Zhitlowsky willed his papers to YIVO in his testament of February 6, 1941, but the donation was contested in court by his widow following his death in 1943. Eventually YIVO received half of his archives and library. The official transfer of the papers took place in December 1944-January 1945.

Separated Materials: There is no information about materials that are associated by provenance to the described materials that have been physically separated or removed.

Original/Copies Note: The collection is on thirty-six reels of microfilm (MK 505)

Related Materials: The YIVO Archives contains collections of several of Zhitlowsky’s most prominent correspondents, including Mordechai Barlas, Abe Cahan, J.A. Cherniak, Simon Dubnow, William Edlin, Jacob Lestschinsky, Kalman Marmor, and many others. There are also materials by and about Zhitlowsky in the collections of various organizations he was involved with, including the Association for Jewish Farm Settlements, of which Zhitlowsky was honorary chairman, the I.L. Peretz Yiddish Writers Union, and the periodicals Dos Naye Lebn and Der Tog, which he edited. The YIVO Library has several books by and about Zhitlowsky, including a book by James Globus, two books by Chaim Lieberman, copies of Zhitlowsky’s translation of Thus Spake Zarathustra, Zhitlowsky’s collected works, his memoirs, photographs, and books and publications in honor of various celebrations for Zhitlowsky.

Preferred Citation: Published citations should take the following form:Identification of item, date (if known); Papers of Chaim Zhitlowsky; RG 208; folder number; YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

Finding Aid Revision History: In 1941 B. Dworkin identified, with Zhitlowsky’s help, some of the correspondents. In 1945, on accession of the collection to YIVO, Eva Zhitlowsky, Chaim Zhitlowsky’s daughter, and Mendel Elkin, the YIVO Librarian, made another early list of correspondents. Khayim Gininger partially processed the collection in the 1950s by adding more names to the list of correspondents and identifying a number of the manuscripts but left about 50% of the collection untouched. Felicia Figa completed the processing of the collection in March 1981 as part of the Finding Aids Project supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and wrote a full Yiddish finding aid. Marek Web prepared an English finding aid in November 1981 with an expanded introduction and abridged contents list. The full Yiddish finding aid was translated into English in 2010.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

Series 1: Series I: Personal Documents, 1887-1944,
Series 2: Series II: Family Correspondence, 1886-1943,
Series 3: Series III: General Correspondence: Individuals, 1882-1955,
Series 4: Series IV: General Correspondence: Organizations, 1892-1943,
Series 5: Series V: Manuscripts, 1881-1942,
Series 6: Series VI: Typescripts and Printed Materials, 1885-1938,
Series 7: Series VII: Miscellaneous Speeches, 1910, 1937-1943,
Series 8: Series VIII: Financial Records, 1897-1942,
Series 9: Series IX: Newspaper Clippings, 1916-1942,
Series 10: Series X: Records of Celebrations for Zhitlowsky, 1912-1942,
Series 11: Series XI: Miscellaneous, 1883-1958

Series I: Personal Documents
One of the earliest documents in this series is a certificate dated 1887 attesting that Chaim Zhitlowsky belonged to the Second Merchant's Guild in Gorodok. There are a number of document pertaining to his stay in Switzerland, 1889-1901, including an affidavit by the Swiss police, 1900, with regard to Zhitlowsky's application for Swiss citizenship. Documents relating to his family affairs include a certificate of marriage (Ketuba) with his first wife Vera Lokhova, 1889, and documents on the divorce proceedings, 1925-l929. There are also a great number of membership cards and other documents from the many organizations to which Zhitlowsky belonged. Folder 2 includes Zhitlowsky's autobiographical notes. A fragment of minutes of the proceedings before the Surrogate in Westchester County in the matter of the estate of Chaim Zhitlowsky, November 21, 1944, as well as a copy of his will are included in folder 3.
Folders: 3
Folder 1: Personal Materials

- materials relating to Zhitlowsky’s residence in Switzerland, university education, marriage and divorce, travel documents, and membership cards, including testimonials about Zhitlowsky’s membership in the Second Merchants’ Guild, given from the State Assembley in Gorodek, Russia, (Haradok, Belarus) 1887-1891

- Zhitlowsky’s ketuba from Geneva, Switzerland, 1889

- certificate of membership from the Central Committee of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party for Chaim Zhitlowsky from St. Petersburg, 1907

- documents about Zhitlowsky’s divorce from his first wife, Vera Zhitlowsky-Lokhova, 1925-1929

reel 1, frame 1

Folder 2: Autobiographical Sketches
1940, undated
reel 1, frame 135
Folder 3: Zhitlowsky's Estate, Meeting Minutes, List of Zhitlowsky's Library and Archive
reel 1, frame 283
Series II: Family Correspondence
Included is Zhitlowsky's correspondence with his parents, 1886-1901, his first wife Vera Lokhova, 1888-1927, his second wife Nora, his seven children from both marriages, his six-brothers and two sisters, and other members of his family.
Folders: 26
Folder 4: Parents, with other family members
reel 1, frame 488
Folder 5: Parents
reel 1, frame 615
Folder 6: Parents
reel 1, frame 750
Folder 7: Parents
1895-1904, undated
reel 1, frame 946
Folder 8: Vera Zhitlowsky-Lokhova
1888-1935, undated

first wife

reel 2, frame 1

Folder 9: Gregor Zhitlowsky
1906-1937, undated

son from the first wife

reel 2, frame 174

Folder 10: Mischa Zhitlowsky
1904-1930, undated

son from the first wife

reel 2, frame 402

Folder 11: Santa Zhitlowsky
1904-1912, undated

son from the first wife

reel 2, frame 446

Folder 12: Elisabeth Zhitlowsky
1906-1940, undated

daughter from the first wife

reel 2, frame 503

Folder 13: Marrusia Zhitlowsky

daughter from the first wife

reel 2, frame 580

Folder 14: Nora Zhitlowsky-Van Leuven

second wife

reel 2, frame 598

Folder 15: Daniel Zhitlowsky
1928-1941, undated

son from the second wife

reel 2, frame 609

Folder 16: Eva Zhitlowsky
1928-1942, undated

daughter from the second wife; also a 1934 telegram from Sonya Zhitlowsky, daughter from the second wife

reel 2, frame 789

Folder 17: Boris Zhitlowsky
1886-1902, 1913, undated


reel 2, frame 880

Folder 18: Ben-Zion Zhitlowsky (Shidlow)
1933, undated


reel 2, frame 1035

Folder 19: Hillel Zhitlowsky


reel 2, frame 1038

Folder 20: Yakov Zhitlowsky
1891-1899, 1927, undated


reel 2, frame 1044

Folder 21: Menachem-Mendel (Mischa) Zhitlowsky
1888, 1924-1940, undated


reel 2, frame 1063

Folder 22: Samuel Zhitlowsky (Sitlowski)
1891, 1903-1943, undated


reel 2, frame 1130

Folder 23: Masha Zhitlowsky (Rishkin)
1936, undated


reel 3, frame 1

Folder 24: Rosa Zhitlowsky (Polikoff)
1893-1896, 1920-1940, undated


reel 3, frame 20

Folder 25: Boris Imerman


reel 3, frame 93

Folder 26: Bernard Weinstein


reel 3, frame 98

Folder 27: Zelda Pill


reel 3, frame 101

Folder 28: Mordechai Zhitlowsky (Sitlowsky)
reel 3, frame 106
Folder 29: General Family Letters
1886-1888, 1901-1941, undated
reel 3, frame 114
Series III: General Correspondence: Individuals
There are letters to Zhitlowsky from about 1040 correspondents. The series is arranged alphabetically by correspondent's name. The correspondents’ names have been transliterated and alphabetized according to the Latin alphabet, although the folders have not been physically rearranged. The correspondence is in Yiddish, Russian, German, and English. The correspondents predominantly represent the Yiddish-speaking milieu in the United States and abroad. This group includes David Einhorn, Joseph Opatoshu, S. Ansky, Shalom Asch, Joseph Barondess Martin Buber, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Nathan Birnbaum, Ben-Adir, Y.D. Berkowitz, Yizhak Grunbaum, Jacob Dinesohn, Lucien Wolf, Stephen Wise, Jonah B. Wise, Morris Winchevsky, Baruch Vladeck, Moses Silberfarb, Zerubavel, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Josef Czernichow, Yehoash, Kasriel Chasanowich, H. Leivick, Abraham Liessin, Judah Magnes, Abraham Morewski, Vladimir Medem, Shmuel Niger, Aaron Singalovsky, Nachman Syrkin, Mordecai Spector, Baal-Makhshoves (Eliashev), David Pinsky, Noah Prylucki, Tsivyon (B. Hoffman), Nahum Zemach, Alter Kacyzne, Mark Ratner, Abraham Reisen, Zemach Shabad, and I.N. Steinberg, among others. A much smaller group of correspondents consists of individuals active in Russian and international radical movements at the turn of the century, among them such well-known leaders and theoreticians as Friedrich Adler, Eduard Bernstein, Georgii Plekhanov, Ekaterina Breshkovskaya, Nicolai Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Lavrov, Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, Wladyslaw Jodko-Narkiewitch, Boris Savinkov, and Alexander Ivanchin-Pisarev. Many letters are from Zhitlowsky's friends and followers, from editors and publishers of his works, from representatives of various political persuasions, and from scholars. The dates on the Ansky folders do not always match the contents. Sometimes, this seems to have been done when a date is determined for previously undated materials, which have then been moved to their proper folder. Some of these materials have been left in their original folder and are accompanied by a note giving the proper date. Researchers interested in the Ansky materials should look at all of the folders (69-74).
Folders: 1024
Folder 90: Aaronson, Elhanon
reel 4, frame 17
Folder 31: Abelson, Ann
reel 3, frame 183
Folder 48: Abelson, Itzke
reel 3, frame 252
Folder 32: Abeshaus, Aryeh Leib
reel 3, frame 185
Folder 38: Abraham
reel 3, frame 201
Folder 49: Abrahams, David
1915, 1917, 1934
reel 3, frame 254
Folder 35: Abramovitch, Moshe
reel 3, frame 192
Folder 36: Abramovitch, Raphael
reel 3, frame 195
Folder 34: Abramovitch, Teibele
reel 3, frame 189
Folder 37: Abramson, Abraham
reel 3, frame 198
Folder 42: Adelheim, Alexander
reel 3, frame 212
Folder 40: Adler, Friedrich
reel 3, frame 206
Folder 39: Adler, J.
reel 3, frame 204
Folder 41: Adler, Ruth
reel 3, frame 208
Folder 81: Akselrod, L.
1886, undated
reel 3, frame 1139
Folder 63: Aleksandrov, Mrs.
reel 3, frame 342
Folder 62: Almi, A.
1931-1936, 1946-1951

also a summary from Almi's letter to Max Weinreich and a letter to Mendl Elkin

reel 3, frame 326

Folder 66: Anderfuhren, W.
reel 3, frame 347
Folder 68: Aniensky, H.

folder is listed as being empty and was not microfilmed, but it does contain a letter

reel 3, frame 360

Folder 69: Ansky, S. (Shlomo-Zanvel Rappaport)
reel 3, frame 361
Folder 70: Ansky, S.
reel 3, frame 468
Folder 71: Ansky, S.
reel 3, frame 627
Folder 72: Ansky, S.
reel 3, frame 753
Folder 73: Ansky, S.
1911-1914, 1926-1932

also correspondence about Ansky's will

reel 3, frame 879

Folder 74: Ansky, S.
1919-1920, undated
reel 3, frame 967
Folder 67: Antonovsky, I.
reel 3, frame 356
Folder 91: Arkin, H.
1935, undated
reel 4, frame 24
Folder 86: Aron, M.
reel 4, frame 5
Folder 82: Aronov, Solomon
reel 3, frame 1144
Folder 83: Aronowitz, Ruth
reel 3, frame 1147
Folder 85: Arons, Leo
reel 4, frame 3
Folder 84: Aronson, Nahum
reel 4, frame 1
Folder 92: Asch, Shalom
reel 4, frame 29
Folder 54: Asen, Abraham
reel 3, frame 276
Folder 94: Ashkenaze, S
1931, undated
reel 4, frame 49
Folder 93: Ashkenazi, Gershon
reel 4, frame 46
Folder 30: Avida, Yehuda
reel 3, frame 178
Folder 100: Bach, A.
1905, undated
reel 4, frame 78
Folder 107: Backall, M.
reel 4, frame 108
Folder 164: Baker, Walter H.
reel 4, frame 549
Folder 104: Bank, S.
reel 4, frame 100
Folder 111: Baratz, L.
reel 4, frame 123
Folder 110: Barlas, M.
reel 4, frame 119
Folder 109: Barondess, Joseph
reel 4, frame 113
Folder 114: Bashin, Jacob

missing, but was microfilmed

reel 4, frame 134

Folder 113: Bashin, Joel
reel 4, frame 130
Folder 106: Basin, Chaim
reel 4, frame 105
Folder 105: Bass, Samuel
reel 4, frame 103
Folder 99: Batiushkov, Fedor Dmitrievich
reel 4, frame 76
Folder 133: Baym, Max I.
reel 4, frame 244
Folder 165: Becker, Jacob
reel 4, frame 551
Folder 132: Beilin, I.B.
reel 4, frame 241
Folder 131: Beilin, W.
reel 4, frame 233
Folder 159: Ben Ari, Y.
reel 4, frame 520
Folder 160: Ben Hadad, Y.
reel 4, frame 523
Folder 161: Ben Hofesh
reel 4, frame 537
Folder 162: Ben Horim, Nahum
reel 4, frame 544
Folder 163: Ben Tikvah, Ch.
reel 4, frame 547
Folder 158: Ben-Adir, A. (Rosin)
1909, 1921-1941, undated
reel 4, frame 490
Folder 157: Bennish, I.
reel 4, frame 488
Folder 170: Bercinsky, N.D.
reel 4, frame 613
Folder 166: Berg, Jacob
reel 4, frame 555
Folder 167: Bergelson, David
1941, undated

with a note on the bottom from Jacob Lestschinsky

reel 4, frame 558

Folder 168: Berger, Morris
reel 4, frame 565
Folder 183: Berkenblit, Sol
reel 4, frame 775
Folder 182: Berkman, Alexander
reel 4, frame 766
Folder 181: Berkovitch, S.
1928-1953, undated
reel 4, frame 661
Folder 180: Berkowitz, Y.D.
reel 4, frame 658
Folder 171: Berman, L.
1919, undated
reel 4, frame 615
Folder 172: Berman, M.
1910, undated
reel 4, frame 622
Folder 173: Bernard, Baruch
reel 4, frame 626
Folder 177: Bernstein, Eduard
reel 4, frame 636
Folder 175: Bernstein, John L.
reel 4, frame 631
Folder 176: Bernstein, Norman
reel 4, frame 633
Folder 174: Bernstein, Ossip
reel 4, frame 629
Folder 178: Bernstein, Simon
1924-1939, 1951

also a letter from Bernstein to YIVO

reel 4, frame646

Folder 179: Bers, Benedict
reel 4, frame 655
Folder 169: Berul, Zalman

also contracts about publishing a journal in Philadelphia called Oyflebung (Revival), for which Zhitlowsky was on the editorial staff

reel 4, frame 569

Folder 127: Bialer, S.
reel 4, frame 223
Folder 126: Bialik, Hayyim Nahman
reel 4, frame 217
Folder 125: Bialostotzky, Benjamin Jacob
1928-1939, undated
reel 4, frame 211
Folder 128: Bibichkoff, Oscar
reel 4, frame 225
Folder 139: Bick, Abraham
reel 4, frame 276
Folder 140: Bickel, Shlomo
reel 4, frame 287
Folder 129: Biderman, I.W.
reel 4, frame 227
Folder 138: Bienstock, Jacob
reel 4, frame 274
Folder 135: Billikopf, Jacob
reel 4, frame 249
Folder 136: Bilmes, Leon
1942, undated
reel 4, frame 252
Folder 137: Binder, M.
reel 4, frame 259
Folder 142: Biriokov, F.
reel 4, frame 290
Folder 143: Birnbaum, Jack Isaac
reel 4, frame 293
Folder 144: Birnbaum, Nathan
reel 4, frame 295
Folder 130: Biser, Irwin
reel 4, frame 229
Folder 148: Black, S.
reel 4, frame 460
Folder 147: Bland, S.
reel 4, frame 449
Folder 154: Blinkin, M.
reel 4, frame 477
Folder 155: Blitzer, Max
reel 4, frame 483
Folder 156: Blitzstein, R.
reel 4, frame 485
Folder 145: Bloch, Helene
reel 4, frame 340
Folder 146: Bloch, J.
reel 4, frame 342
Folder 153: Bloom, Solomon F.
reel 4, frame 473
Folder 152: Blum, Leah
reel 4, frame 470
Folder 151: Blumenfeld, A.
reel 4, frame 467
Folder 150: Blumentahl, Zalman
reel 4, frame 465
Folder 149: Blumgarden, Flora
reel 4, frame 462
Folder 95: Boas, Franz
reel 4, frame 54
Folder 118: Bodin, Louis
reel 4, frame 147
Folder 96: Bogdanovitch
reel 4, frame 59
Folder 98: Bogen
reel 4, frame 74
Folder 97: Bogin, Salomo

also his article "Der Toes fun Marksizm un zayn Batsiung tsu der Religiezer Problem" (The Mistake of Marxism and its Relation to the Religious Problem)

reel 4, frame 62

Folder 101: Bolotow, L.
reel 4, frame 88
Folder 103: Bonch-Rayevski, V.
1896, undated
reel 4, frame 92
Folder 102: Bonoff, Karl
reel 4, frame 90
Folder 112: Bornstein, P.
reel 4, frame 127
Folder 108: Borodolin, L.
reel 4, frame 111
Folder 196: Brainin, Reuben

also a letter from the Reuben Brainin Celebration Committee

reel 4, frame 813

Folder 190: Bramson, Leon
reel 4, frame 792
Folder 186: Braude, T.
reel 4, frame 783
Folder 187: Braverman, J.
reel 4, frame 785
Folder 202: Bregman, Joseph
reel 4, frame 855
Folder 203: Bremer, A.

also a list of money raised for the Zhitlowsky Fund

reel 4, frame 884

Folder 204: Brenner, Joseph Hayyim
reel 4, frame 892
Folder 205: Breshkovskaya, Ekaterina
1903-1905, 1917-1919, undated
reel 4, frame 898
Folder 195: Briantzev
reel 4, frame 809
Folder 201: Brickner, Barnett
reel 4, frame 852
Folder 198: Brill, David
reel 4, frame 818
Folder 199: Brinitzer, A.
reel 4, frame 821
Folder 184: Brodsky, L.
reel 4, frame 778
Folder 185: Brodsky, Mordechai
reel 4, frame 780
Folder 191: Bronstein, Benjamin
reel 4, frame 801
Folder 192: Bronstein, Yehezkel
reel 4, frame 803
Folder 188: Brown, Bernard
reel 4, frame 787
Folder 189: Brown, Sarah
reel 4, frame 789
Folder 193: Brownstone, M.
reel 4, frame 805
Folder 194: Brumkovsky, Meir
reel 4, frame 807
Folder 200: Brustlein, Roland
reel 4, frame 847
Folder 197: Bryant, Helen
reel 4, frame 816
Folder 124: Brzoza, Chaim

also a contract between Zhitlowsky and the Brzoza Publishing House

reel 4, frame 181

Folder 116: Buber, Martin
1903, 1915
reel 4, frame 140
Folder 117: Buber, Rafael
reel 4, frame 145
Folder 115: Buber, W.
reel 4, frame 137
Folder 119: Bucholtz, W.
1899, undated
reel 4, frame 149
Folder 120: Buloff, Joseph
reel 4, frame 155
Folder 134: Bulow and Co.

Bern, Switzerland

reel 4, frame 247

Folder 121: Burakoff, J.
reel 4, frame 157
Folder 122: Burtsev, Vladimir
reel 4, frame 160
Folder 123: Bush, Benny
1942, undated
reel 4, frame 174
Folder 803: Cahan, Abraham
1894, undated
reel 8, frame 1042
Folder 804: Cahan, Joseph
1933-1934, undated
reel 8, frame 1048
Folder 823: Cassius, S.
reel 8, frame 1164
Folder 795: Cefkin, M.
1922, undated
reel 8, frame 983
Folder 800: Cenker, A.
1912-1915, undated
reel 8, frame 1019
Folder 801: Ceshinsky, Moses
reel 8, frame 1035
Folder 966: Chabert, Leonel
1932-1939, undated
reel 10, frame 712
Folder 419: Chagy, Jeremiah (Ben Joseph)
reel 5, frame 1112
Folder 481: Chanin, Nathan (Nachum)
1930, undated

also a debate between Zhitlowsky and Baruch Vladeck

reel 6, frame 653

Folder 422: Charasch, Abraham
reel 5, frame 1118
Folder 442: Charney, Daniel
1914, undated
reel 6, frame 12
Folder 420: Chasak, S.
reel 5, frame 1114
Folder 478: Chasanowich, Kasriel (Leon)
1909-1927, undated
reel 6, frame 604
Folder 482: Chashin, A.
reel 6, frame 660
Folder 421: Chein, Abraham
reel 5, frame 1116
Folder 450: Cherniak, J.A.
1913-1943, 1953, undated
reel 6, frame 144
Folder 453: Chernyshev, I.
reel 6, frame 395
Folder 483: Chmielnik, M.
reel 6, frame 662
Folder 983: Chugerman, Samuel
reel 10, frame 878
Folder 797: Ciefer, A.
reel 8, frame 1000
Folder 809: Cohen, A.
reel 8, frame 1089
Folder 475: Cohen, Kadmi
reel 6, frame 583
Folder 847: Cooperman, Eliezer
reel 9, frame 307
Folder 836: Corona, M.
reel 9, frame 257
Folder 817: Coyne, N.J.
reel 8, frame 1139
Folder 846: Cuper, Abraham
reel 9, frame 300
Folder 849: Curti, Theodor
reel 9, frame 314
Folder 451: Czernichow, Josef
reel 6, frame 324
Folder 452: Czernichow, Rachel
reel 6, frame 392
Folder 297: Daixel, Sheen
reel 5, frame 320
Folder 281: Dalman, Vladimir
1904-1906, undated
reel 5, frame 194
Folder 282: Danziger
reel 5, frame 254
Folder 283: Danzis, M.
1941, undated
reel 5, frame 256
Folder 295: Davis, Nathan Samuel
reel 5, frame 313
Folder 296: Deitch, M.
reel 5, frame 317
Folder 302: Delitzsch, Franz
reel 5, frame 365
Folder 303: Denenberg, S.
1920, undated
reel 5, frame 367
Folder 304: Derecktor, Lina P.
reel 5, frame 372
Folder 294: Diamant, Max
reel 5, frame 307
Folder 298: Diamondstone, J.M.
reel 5, frame 327
Folder 300: Dinesohn, Jacob
reel 5, frame 344
Folder 299: Dingol, Solomon
1927, 1942
reel 5, frame 334
Folder 301: Dinkowitz, Phillip
reel 5, frame 349
Folder 279: Dobin, Shimon
1906, undated

SERP Publishing House, Kiev, St. Petersburg, Vilna

1906 date refers to the materials from Shimon Dobin which were accidentally put into folder 278, although folder 279 is empty

reel 5, frame 191

Folder 284: Dorin, L.
reel 5, frame 271
Folder 280: Dougherty, D.S.
reel 5, frame 192
Folder 308: Drexler, Bernard
reel 5, frame 384
Folder 305: Drogomanov, M.
reel 5, frame 375
Folder 306: Druck, D.
reel 5, frame 378
Folder 307: Dryer, Sam
reel 5, frame 381
Folder 287: Dubin, S.M.
reel 5, frame 287
Folder 286: Dubinsky, Pinchas
reel 5, frame 278
Folder 285: Dubower, Chaim
reel 5, frame 275
Folder 290: Dunayev-Tshuzhbinov, N.
reel 5, frame 297
Folder 288: Dworkin, B.
reel 5, frame 290
Folder 289: Dworkin, H.
reel 5, frame 295
Folder 685: Echtman, Joseph
1932-1940, undated
reel 7, frame 1073
Folder 682: Edlin, William
reel 7, frame 1023
Folder 702: Effren, Marcus
reel 8, frame 409
Folder 80: Efrati, E.
reel 3, frame 1136
Folder 700: Efroikin, Israel
1908-1910, 1922, 1934, 1951
reel 8, frame 322
Folder 79: Efron, David
reel 3, frame 1132
Folder 701: Efros, S.
reel 8, frame 404
Folder 683: Ehrenreich, H.
1934-1941, undated
reel 7, frame 1032
Folder 58: Eiker, S.
reel 3, frame 311
Folder 55: Einhorn, David
1913-1915, undated
reel 3, frame 281
Folder 57: Einspruch, Henry
reel 3, frame 309
Folder 56: Einstein, Albert
reel 3, frame 307
Folder 51: Eisenberg, A.
reel 3, frame 263
Folder 52: Eisenberg, Abraham
reel 3, frame 270
Folder 703: Ekerman, S.
reel 8, frame 411
Folder 693: Elefant, Zachary
reel 8, frame 147
Folder 687: Eliaschoff, M.B.
1897, 1913-1916
reel 7, frame 1087
Folder 686: Eliashev, Isidor (Baal Makhshoves)
reel 7, frame 1080
Folder 688: Elinka, Max
reel 7, frame 1094
Folder 694: Elkin, Mendl
1930-1953, undated

including a message from YIVO about a letter from Zhitlowsky

reel 8, frame 149

Folder 690: Ellsberg, Esther
reel 7, frame 1103
Folder 691: Ellsberg, S.

the same person as folder 692

reel 7, frame 1106

Folder 692: Ellsberg, S.
1928-1936, undated

the same person as folder 691

including an announcement about forming a Zhitlowsky Committee to publish his writings

reel 8, frame 1

Folder 689: Elman, Max
reel 7, frame 1096
Folder 696: Engelstam, Moses
reel 8, frame 299
Folder 697: Epstein, A.
1913, 1924-1934
reel 8, frame 302
Folder 698: Epstein, Beinish
reel 8, frame 314
Folder 699: Epstein, Melech
reel 8, frame 319
Folder 704: Erdberg, S.
reel 8, frame 418
Folder 705: Erem, M.
reel 8, frame 422
Folder 46: Ettingen, Lazar (Eliezer)
reel 3, frame 240
Folder 684: Evalenko, A.M.
1894, 1908-1913, undated
reel 7, frame 1057
Folder 50: Eydtkuhnen, B.
reel 3, frame 261
Folder 741: Fabrikant, W.
reel 8, frame 692
Folder 744: Faitlovitch, Jacques
reel 8, frame 706
Folder 749: Farber, N.
1940-1942, undated
reel 8, frame 727
Folder 748: Farber, Yerakhmiel (Robert)
reel 8, frame 718
Folder 750: Farbstein, David Zvi
1897, 1926, undated
reel 8, frame 739
Folder 762: Feder, Joseph
1938, undated
reel 8, frame 796
Folder 752: Feigenberg, Rachel
reel 8, frame 756
Folder 753: Feingold, M.
reel 8, frame 761
Folder 764: Felberg, Israel
reel 8, frame 803
Folder 765: Feldman, Maurice (Moshe)
reel 8, frame 816
Folder 773: Fenner Brockway, Archibald
reel 8, frame 860
Folder 763: Fett, Bendet
reel 8, frame 799
Folder 751: Fialkoff, Jacob
reel 8, frame 754
Folder 755: Fifemacher, A.
reel 8, frame 767
Folder 754: Fineman, Haim
reel 8, frame 764
Folder 757: Finkelstein, Eliezer Ari
reel 8, frame 772
Folder 756: Finkler, Shalom
reel 8, frame 770
Folder 758: Fishman, Aaron
reel 8, frame 775
Folder 759: Flantzreich, J.
reel 8, frame 784
Folder 760: Fleischer, Carl (Charles)
reel 8, frame 789
Folder 761: Fleshler, A.D.
reel 8, frame 793
Folder 742: Fogel, Adah
reel 8, frame 701
Folder 743: Fogelson, Alter
reel 8, frame 704
Folder 747: Folkoff, Robert
reel 8, frame 715
Folder 745: Follman, Noah
reel 8, frame 709
Folder 746: Follmann
reel 8, frame 713
Folder 787: Frank, B.
reel 8, frame 927
Folder 769: Frank, Herman
1920, 1936
reel 8, frame 833
Folder 788: Frankel, A.
1927, undated

also a 1927 postcard from F. Frenkel

reel 8, frame 930

Folder 768: Frantz, K.
reel 8, frame 830
Folder 774: Freed, Leibush
1922, 1939-1941, undated
reel 8, frame 868
Folder 780: Freedman, Louis
reel 8, frame 897
Folder 784: Freeman, Esther
reel 8, frame 920
Folder 785: Freeman, M.
reel 8, frame 923
Folder 782: Freilicoff, Moses

including a poem called "Protest" (Protest)

reel 8, frame 904

Folder 775: Friedlander, P.
reel 8, frame 880
Folder 776: Friedman, B.
reel 8, frame 882
Folder 778: Friedman, Israel

not the same person as folder 779

reel 8, frame 890

Folder 779: Friedman, Israel

not the same person as folder 778

reel 8, frame 892

Folder 777: Friedman, James
reel 8, frame 886
Folder 781: Friedman, Sarah
reel 8, frame 901
Folder 783: Friend, J.
reel 8, frame 918
Folder 786: Frishman, David
reel 8, frame 925
Folder 767: Fromer, J.
reel 8, frame 827
Folder 766: Frotkel, A.
reel 8, frame 825
Folder 770: Frucht, M.
1913, undated
reel 8, frame 851
Folder 771: Frumin, R.
reel 8, frame 855
Folder 772: Frumkin, A.
reel 8, frame 858
Folder 260: Gamza, Pesach
reel 5, frame 70
Folder 223: Garber, Ben-Zion
reel 4, frame 1023
Folder 231: Garfin, H.
reel 4, frame 1053
Folder 222: Gatz, Vera
reel 4, frame 1019
Folder 261: Gebirtig, Mordechai
reel 5, frame 74
Folder 262: Gelbard, W.
reel 5, frame 80
Folder 263: Gelbfisch, M.
reel 5, frame 82
Folder 264: Gelfand, Baruch
reel 5, frame 91
Folder 265: Gendelman, Haim
reel 5, frame 94
Folder 266: Gerbovoy, A.
reel 5, frame 97
Folder 250: Ginsburg, Jekuthiel
reel 4, frame 1191
Folder 249: Ginsburg, Saul
1904, 1936
reel 4, frame 1187
Folder 248: Ginzburg, B.
reel 4, frame 1182
Folder 247: Ginzburg, I.
1931, undated
reel 4, frame 1175
Folder 251: Girsdansky, M.
reel 4, frame 1193
Folder 245: Giter, David
reel 4, frame 1167
Folder 256: Glanz-Leieles, Aaron
1920, 1937-1938, undated
reel 5, frame 33
Folder 255: Glaser, Leon
reel 5, frame 30
Folder 254: Glassman, Baruch (Boris)
1921, 1937
reel 5, frame 26
Folder 257: Glauberman, Isadore
reel 5, frame 52
Folder 258: Glickfeld, Nechama (Emma)
reel 5, frame 56
Folder 253: Globerman, Sam
reel 5, frame 23
Folder 259: Glockner, Samu
reel 5, frame 60
Folder 207: Gochgelernt, H.
reel 4, frame 946
Folder 206: Godfrey, Morris
1922, 1932, undated
reel 4, frame 935
Folder 209: Gold, H.
1920, undated
reel 4, frame 952
Folder 210: Gold, Morris
reel 4, frame 956
Folder 212: Goldberg, Abraham
1932-1934, undated

also a letter from the Abraham Goldberg Celebration Committee

reel 4, frame 961

Folder 213: Goldberg, Alexander
reel 4, frame 972
Folder 214: Goldberg, Ben Zion
1951, undated
reel 4, frame 974
Folder 215: Goldberg, Menachem (Boraisha)
1928-1940, undated
reel 4, frame 980
Folder 211: Goldblatt, David
reel 4, frame 958
Folder 217: Goldman, Emma
1905, undated
reel 4, frame 1003
Folder 216: Goldman, J.D.
reel 4, frame 997
Folder 218: Goldsmith, Batsheva
reel 4, frame 1007
Folder 221: Gollin, I.S.
reel 4, frame 1017
Folder 208: Golomb, Abraham
1942, undated
reel 4, frame 949
Folder 219: Golub, A.
1929, undated
reel 4, frame 1010
Folder 220: Golub, J.J.

written by L. Gurwitsch, secretary

reel 4, frame 1013

Folder 232: Goodman, Al
reel 4, frame 1057
Folder 233: Goodman, J.J.
reel 4, frame 1061
Folder 234: Goodman, L.
reel 4, frame 1064
Folder 238: Goralski, S.
reel 4, frame 1083
Folder 225: Gordin, Abba
1936, undated
reel 4, frame 1036
Folder 227: Gordin, H.V.

publisher of The New Pedagogy in Smorgon near Vilna

reel 4, frame 1042

Folder 228: Gordin, Samuel
reel 4, frame 1044
Folder 226: Gordin, Z.
1913, undated
reel 4, frame 1039
Folder 229: Gordis, Robert
reel 4, frame 1049
Folder 224: Gordon, Joshua
1914-1915, undated
reel 4, frame 1027
Folder 230: Gorelik, G.
reel 4, frame 1051
Folder 239: Gourvitch, Alexander
1904, 1931-1939, undated
reel 4, frame 1086
Folder 241: Gourwich, E.A.
1905, undated
reel 4, frame 1139
Folder 268: Grachower, G.
reel 5, frame 104
Folder 269: Granitstein, M.
reel 5, frame 107
Folder 277: Green, Joseph
reel 5, frame 160
Folder 273: Greenberg, B.B.
reel 5, frame 141
Folder 274: Greenberg, Jack
reel 5, frame 144
Folder 275: Greenberg, S.
reel 5, frame 150
Folder 278: Grenadier, Benjamin

Grenadier refers to the writer's military rank, his surname is unknown; contains a letter from Grenadier Benjamin as well as all the correspondence from Shimon Dobin that is supposed to be in folder 279

reel 5, frame 164

Folder 267: Grodzenski, A.I.
reel 5, frame 100
Folder 270: Grossmann, Vladimir
reel 5, frame 111
Folder 272: Grunbaum, Yizhak
1900, 1925-1932, 1951, undated
reel 5, frame 119
Folder 276: Grunfeld, Jacob
reel 5, frame 156
Folder 271: Grusman, L.
reel 5, frame 115
Folder 237: Gumplowicz, Ludwig
1902, undated

part of a letter is missing

reel 4, frame 1076

Folder 240: Gurevich, Vera
reel 4, frame 1136
Folder 243: Gurevitch, B.
1889, 1928, undated
reel 4, frame 1148
Folder 242: Gurevitch, S.
reel 4, frame 1144
Folder 244: Gurewitsch, S.
reel 4, frame 1160
Folder 252: Gursman, Moses
reel 5, frame 1
Folder 236: Gutenbaum, K.
reel 4, frame 1074
Folder 235: Gutman, G.
reel 4, frame 1067
Folder 246: Gyer, H.
reel 4, frame 1173
Folder 323: Hackman, J.
reel 5, frame 486
Folder 309: Hager, S.
reel 5, frame 387
Folder 319: Hahn, A.
reel 5, frame 459
Folder 334: Haim, Salki
1936, 1955
reel 5, frame 530
Folder 311: Hallgarten, Charles
reel 5, frame 401
Folder 314: Halpern, H.
1916-1921, undated
reel 5, frame 411
Folder 317: Hamburger, Manya
1941, undated
reel 5, frame 448
Folder 344: Hanni-Wyss, Albertine
reel 5, frame 634
Folder 325: Hardin, Sarah (M. Blaustein)
reel 5, frame 493
Folder 349: Harris, J.
1932, 1941, undated

contains a letter from J.C. Harris, one from Jacob Harris and one from Julian Harris, who appear to be three different people

reel 5, frame 651

Folder 328: Harris, Julian
1917, undated
reel 5, frame 504
Folder 326: Hart, Francis
1936, undated
reel 5, frame 497
Folder 327: Hartman, Joseph
reel 5, frame 502
Folder 479: Hasanovitz, Elizabeth
reel 6, frame 645
Folder 342: Heller, L.
reel 5, frame 623
Folder 343: Hendin, L.
reel 5, frame 627
Folder 347: Herman, S.
reel 5, frame 646
Folder 346: Herrmann, H.
reel 5, frame 644
Folder 350: Hershman, H.
reel 5, frame 656
Folder 348: Hertz, Friedrich
reel 5, frame 648
Folder 345: Hestrin, J.
reel 5, frame 637
Folder 341: Hillels, Solomon
reel 5, frame 620
Folder 335: Hillman, A.
reel 5, frame 534
Folder 336: Himmel, M.
reel 5, frame 539
Folder 338: Hirsch, Emil G.
reel 5, frame 546
Folder 339: Hirschkan, Tzvi
1907-1909, 1923-1934, undated
reel 5, frame 548
Folder 337: Hirsh, Maurice
reel 5, frame 543
Folder 340: Hirshkan, Rachel
1939-1942, undated
reel 5, frame 599
Folder 310: Hochstein, Joshua
reel 5, frame 391
Folder 320: Hoffman, B.
reel 5, frame 465
Folder 321: Hoffman, Rosalie
reel 5, frame 478
Folder 322: Hoffman, Samuel
reel 5, frame 481
Folder 312: Hollitscher, I.
reel 5, frame 404
Folder 313: Holst, Henriette Roland
reel 5, frame 409
Folder 316: Holstein, David
reel 5, frame 444
Folder 315: Holzman, Max
1938-1942, 1953, undated
reel 5, frame 425
Folder 324: Horowitz, J.
reel 5, frame 490
Folder 330: Hourwich, Isaac A.
reel 5, frame 513
Folder 329: Hugli, G.E.
reel 5, frame 510
Folder 318: Hunter, Robert
reel 5, frame 454
Folder 331: Hurwitz, Rachel
reel 5, frame 515
Folder 332: Hurwitz, S.
reel 5, frame 520
Folder 333: Hurwitz, S. Ish (Saul Israel)
1898, 1908-1911
reel 5, frame 522
Folder 681: Ibry, B.
reel 7, frame 1009
Folder 47: Ignatoff, David
1919-1920, undated
reel 3, frame 245
Folder 53: Isenberg, Isadore
reel 3, frame 273
Folder 60: Ishlon, Luba (Mrs. Abraham J. Ishlon)
reel 3, frame 314
Folder 727: Ivanchin-Pisarev, Aleksandr Ivanovich
reel 8, frame 622
Folder 471: Ivanov, Piotr
reel 6, frame 556
Folder 417: Jabotinsky, Vladimir
reel 5, frame 1102
Folder 463: Jaszunski, Josef
reel 6, frame 506
Folder 293: Jenofsky, Abraham
reel 5, frame 304
Folder 473: Jeshurin, Ephim
reel 6, frame 567
Folder 454: Jodko-Narkiewitch, Wladyslaw
1897, 1907-1911
reel 6, frame 446
Folder 461: Joffe, Boris
reel 6, frame 486
Folder 472: Joffe, Jacob S.
reel 6, frame 559
Folder 292: Johnson, C.
reel 5, frame 301
Folder 458: Jonas, Paul
reel 6, frame 473
Folder 291: Joseph, Moses
reel 5, frame 299
Folder 470: Josephson
reel 6, frame 553
Folder 802: Kablonsky, B.
reel 8, frame 1039
Folder 833: Kacyzne, Alter
1920-1925, undated
reel 9, frame 248
Folder 805: Kahn, Alexander
1911, 1926-1936
reel 8, frame 1055
Folder 806: Kahn, Michael
1937, undated
reel 8, frame 1076
Folder 807: Kahn, Peter
1937-1941, undated
reel 8, frame 1079
Folder 480: Kalfen, Benjamin
reel 6, frame 650
Folder 818: Kalish, M. Emanuel
reel 8, frame 1143
Folder 819: Kalish, Shaindel
reel 8, frame 1147
Folder 824: Kapiloff, M.
reel 8, frame 1169
Folder 829: Kapilow, Paul S.
reel 8, frame 1188
Folder 826: Kaplan, A.A.
reel 8, frame 1176
Folder 828: Kaplan, J.
reel 8, frame 1186
Folder 827: Kapland, Abraham
reel 8, frame 1180
Folder 825: Kaplansky, S.
reel 8, frame 1171
Folder 840: Kareyev, N.
reel 9, frame 269
Folder 838: Karlinsky, Jacob

English correspondence says Karlin

reel 9, frame 264

Folder 822: Kastoff, Mayer (Meir)
reel 8, frame 1161
Folder 813: Katin, Daniel
reel 8, frame 1111
Folder 816: Katscher, Leopold
reel 8, frame 1130
Folder 814: Katz, Herman
reel 8, frame 1116
Folder 815: Katz, M.
1932-1939, undated

including correspondence from the M. Katz Celebration Committee

reel 8, frame 1118

Folder 476: Katz, Moses
1914-1918, undated
reel 6, frame 587
Folder 477: Katz, Pinye
reel 6, frame 602
Folder 835: Katz, Sheftel
reel 9, frame 253
Folder 834: Katz, V.
reel 9, frame 249
Folder 864: Katzin, Yehudit
reel 9, frame 388
Folder 843: Kauffmann, M.R.
reel 9, frame 284
Folder 811: Kavyor, Breindel
reel 8, frame 1098
Folder 861: Keller, Joseph Mizrachi
reel 9, frame 380
Folder 860: Keller, V.
reel 9, frame 372
Folder 859: Kelman, Samuel
1921, 1939
reel 9, frame 367
Folder 862: Kendzierski, R.
1901 (1911?)
reel 9, frame 383
Folder 863: Kessler, S.
reel 9, frame 385
Folder 852: Kirshnitz, Abraham D.
reel 9, frame 329
Folder 856: Kleiman, S.
reel 9, frame 348
Folder 858: Klein, Reuben
1927-1930, 1941-1942
reel 9, frame 362
Folder 855: Kleinovitsh, Zelig (Zalman)
1913, undated
reel 9, frame 340
Folder 857: Kline, Harry
reel 9, frame 360
Folder 853: Klotzman, S.
reel 9, frame 332
Folder 854: Klugman, H.
reel 9, frame 337
Folder 625: Knox, Israel
1936-1937, undated
reel 7, frame 517
Folder 474: Kohan-Bernstein, N.
1906-1907, undated
reel 6, frame 573
Folder 821: Kohn, Hans
reel 8, frame 1156
Folder 808: Kohs, Samuel
reel 8, frame 1086
Folder 820: Konikow, M.J.
reel 8, frame 1150
Folder 830: Kopeloff, I.
1890, 1907-1941, undated
reel 9, frame 1
Folder 831: Kopeloff, Mrs.
reel 9, frame 207
Folder 832: Kopstein, Chas.
reel 9, frame 246
Folder 839: Korman, Moses
reel 9, frame 267
Folder 810: Kovarskaya, L.
reel 8, frame 1093
Folder 812: Kovensky, D.
reel 8, frame 1106
Folder 867: Kraft, Hillel
reel 9, frame 429
Folder 866: Krall, Moses
1913, 1927-1936
reel 9, frame 394
Folder 865: Krauzer, Jacob
reel 9, frame 390
Folder 874: Krepel, Louis
reel 9, frame 453
Folder 873: Kreplak, Jacob
1917, undated
reel 9, frame 449
Folder 872: Kretschmar, A.
reel 9, frame 442
Folder 870: Krim, Abba I.
reel 9, frame 436
Folder 869: Krimont, A.
reel 9, frame 434
Folder 871: Kritz, H.
reel 9, frame 439
Folder 868: Kruk, Joseph and B. Berkman, Zalman Meisner

and others

reel 9, frame 432

Folder 844: Kulayev, Piotr
reel 9, frame 294
Folder 845: Kulikov, D.
reel 9, frame 297
Folder 848: Kuperstein, David
reel 9, frame 311
Folder 851: Kurman, Marim
1937-1939, undated
reel 9, frame 318
Folder 837: Kuropatwa, Benjamin
reel 9, frame 260
Folder 850: Kutzenabn, Joseph
reel 9, frame 316
Folder 842: Kuzmak, Aaron Jacob
reel 9, frame 282
Folder 514: Lach, Mitchell
reel 6, frame 951
Folder 488: Lamed, Louis
reel 6, frame 680
Folder 489: Lamm, Louis
reel 6, frame 682
Folder 492: Landau, Max
reel 6, frame 698
Folder 493: Landes, J.
reel 6, frame 700
Folder 491: Langenmass, Juda
reel 6, frame 696
Folder 490: Langleben, Avraham
reel 6, frame 687
Folder 494: Lanski, Jacob
reel 6, frame 704
Folder 495: Lapidus, R.
reel 6, frame 710
Folder 496: Lapin, Berl
1910-1919, 1934-1941, undated

also a translation of Lermontov's "Alone I Set Out on the Road"

reel 6, frame 713

Folder 484: Lavrov, Pyotr
reel 6, frame 665
Folder 497: Lavsky, Abraham
1940, 1951
reel 6, frame 756
Folder 522: Lebensbaum, R. (Anna Margolin)
reel 6, frame 1060
Folder 523: Lehman, Moses
reel 6, frame 1063
Folder 540: Lehrer, L.
1937, 1953
reel 6, frame 1159
Folder 524: Lehrer, Leibush
reel 6, frame 1067
Folder 515: Leivick, H.

also a letter from the H. Leivick Celebration Committee and a telegram to Zhitlowsky from Leivick, Opatoshu and Mukdoni about Zhitlowsky's position on the Molotov-Hitler Pact

reel 6, frame 954

Folder 541: Lerer, A.
reel 6, frame 1162
Folder 539: Lesowoder, Nechama (Naomi) and Ehiel
1938, 1953

microfilm sheet is labeled as 538, although the folder is labeled as 539, microfilm sheet for 539 says it was not used

reel 6, frame 1158

Folder 543: Lestschinsky, Jacob
reel 6, frame 1170
Folder 544: Lestschinsky, S.
reel 6, frame 1176
Folder 542: Lestshinsky, L.
reel 6, frame 1167
Folder 501: Leuchfeld, Paul
reel 6, frame 785
Folder 538: Levenson, Fanny

microfilm sheet is labeled 537, although the folder is labeled 538

reel 6, frame 1150

Folder 530: Levin, B.D.
reel 6, frame 1092
Folder 534: Levin, F.
reel 6, frame 1124
Folder 531: Levin, Jacob
reel 6, frame 1110
Folder 532: Levin, L.H.
reel 6, frame 1117
Folder 536: Levin, Samuel
1940, undated
reel 6, frame 1131
Folder 535: Levin-Shatskes, Yizhak
reel 6, frame 1126
Folder 528: Levinsohn, S.

the same person as folder 529

reel 6, frame 1084

Folder 529: Levinsohn, S.
1900, undated

the same person as folder 528

reel 6, frame 1087

Folder 526: Levitan, B.
reel 6, frame 1074
Folder 527: Levitas, Z.
reel 6, frame 1077
Folder 500: Levy, J. Leonard
reel 6, frame 783
Folder 525: Levy-Lee, Alexandre
reel 6, frame 1072
Folder 537: Lewentis, J.
1896, 1906

microfilm sheet is labeled 536, although the folder is labeled 537

reel 6, frame 1141

Folder 533: Lewin, Mendel
reel 6, frame 1122
Folder 508: Liber, Benzion
reel 6, frame 862
Folder 505: Liebman, J.
reel 6, frame 854
Folder 506: Liebmann, Clara
reel 6, frame 856
Folder 507: Liebmann, S.

the same person as folder 504

reel 6, frame 860

Folder 504: Liebmann, Solomon
1915, 1930-1933, undated

the same person as folder 507

reel 6, frame 809

Folder 518: Liessin, A.
1918, 1929-1939, undated
reel 6, frame 1023
Folder 520: Lifschitz
reel 6, frame 1053
Folder 521: Lifschitz, Joseph (Lief)
1913, 1924
reel 6, frame 1056
Folder 516: Lindheimer, Franz
1900-1903, undated
reel 6, frame 961
Folder 519: Lipner, Joseph
reel 6, frame 1050
Folder 517: Lisner, Morris
reel 6, frame 1018
Folder 513: Litschig, Adolf
reel 6, frame 941
Folder 510: Litvak, B.
reel 6, frame 927
Folder 512: Litvin, Baruch
1926-1935, undated
reel 6, frame 935
Folder 511: Litwin, A.
reel 6, frame 932
Folder 509: Liza
1884-1889, undated
reel 6, frame 865
Folder 487: Lomsky, Solomon
reel 6, frame 676
Folder 486: Lotmar, Philipp
reel 6, frame 671
Folder 485: Lozinski, Evgeni
reel 6, frame 668
Folder 502: Luleff, L.
reel 6, frame 788
Folder 503: Luria, Joseph
1914, undated
reel 6, frame 793
Folder 499: Lutsh, A.
reel 6, frame 774
Folder 498: Lvovitch, David
1934-1935, undated
reel 6, frame 766
Folder 567: Mack, Julian
reel 7, frame 1
Folder 545: Magnes, Judah
1905-1909, 1920
reel 6, frame 1178
Folder 587: Maimon, Malka
reel 7, frame 216
Folder 588: Mains, Max and Chaim
reel 7, frame 219
Folder 583: Maisel, Max N. (Meisel)
1913-1942, undated
reel 7, frame 185
Folder 586: Maisels, M.
reel 7, frame 214
Folder 558: Malkin, Rosa
reel 6, frame 1260
Folder 557: Malmberg, Aino
1913, undated
reel 6, frame 1256
Folder 556: Malus, Lou
reel 6, frame 1246
Folder 560: Mandelbaum, L.
reel 6, frame 1270
Folder 561: Mandelstam, O.
reel 6, frame 1273
Folder 559: Manger, Itzik
reel 6, frame 1264
Folder 562: Mani Leib
reel 6, frame 1279
Folder 563: Mansvetov, Fedor S.
reel 6, frame 1282
Folder 568: Marass, Mendel
reel 7, frame 3
Folder 569: Marburger
reel 7, frame 7
Folder 572: Mardel, Pinchas
reel 7, frame 36
Folder 616: Margalit, H.
reel 7, frame 410
Folder 570: Margoles, Bezalel
reel 7, frame 10
Folder 571: Margoshes, S.
1931-1941, undated
reel 7, frame 17
Folder 573: Marillac, Henry
reel 7, frame 38
Folder 577: Mark, Yudel
1930, undated
reel 7, frame 156
Folder 617: Marmor, Kalman
1928-1942, undated
reel 7, frame 415
Folder 579: Marshak, A.M.
reel 7, frame 163
Folder 578: Marshall, Louis
reel 7, frame 160
Folder 574: Maryson, J.A.
1908-1939, undated
reel 7, frame 53
Folder 564: Masliankovsky, Peretz
reel 6, frame 1286
Folder 549: Matis, M.
reel 6, frame 1206
Folder 550: May, F.
reel 6, frame 1213
Folder 603: Medalie, George Z,
reel 7, frame 355
Folder 604: Medem, Gina
reel 7, frame 359
Folder 605: Medem, Vladimir
reel 7, frame 364
Folder 606: Mehl, Israel N.
reel 7, frame 369
Folder 584: Meisel, Nachman
1924, 1939
reel 7, frame 205
Folder 585: Meissner, Zalman
reel 7, frame 210
Folder 601: Melamed, A.
reel 7, frame 333
Folder 602: Melamed, Z.
1913-1921, 1936-1937
reel 7, frame 335
Folder 608: Meltzer, Leon
reel 7, frame 376
Folder 609: Melup, Solomon
reel 7, frame 382
Folder 611: Mendelsohn, M.
reel 7, frame 389
Folder 610: Mendelson, M.
reel 7, frame 385
Folder 612: Mendelson, S.
reel 7, frame 392
Folder 613: Menkes, Yitshak
1930, undated
reel 7, frame 394
Folder 614: Mentstschikoff, L.
reel 7, frame 397
Folder 615: Merlin, M.
reel 7, frame 399
Folder 554: Meyer
reel 6, frame 1233
Folder 607: Meyer, I.
reel 7, frame 372
Folder 553: Meyerovitch, David
reel 6, frame 1226
Folder 589: Mikhailovsky, Nikolai K.
1888, undated
reel 7, frame 222
Folder 590: Milch, Jacob
reel 7, frame 234
Folder 591: Miller, A.
reel 7, frame 243
Folder 592: Miller, L.
reel 7, frame 245
Folder 593: Miller, S.
reel 7, frame 247
Folder 595: Mindlin, H.
1923-1925, undated
reel 7, frame 262
Folder 596: Mines, D.
1931-1933, undated
reel 7, frame 268
Folder 597: Mines, Meyer
reel 7, frame 299
Folder 594: Minor, J.S.
reel 7, frame 251
Folder 581: Miodeck, Chaim
reel 7, frame 179
Folder 598: Misha
reel 7, frame 302
Folder 600: Mishkin, Kasriel-Lipman
reel 7, frame 330
Folder 599: Mishkowsky, Noah
1912-1940, undated
reel 7, frame 308
Folder 582: Mitner, L.
reel 7, frame 182
Folder 551: Moisseiff, Leon S.
reel 6, frame 1215
Folder 555: Moldaw, Aaron
1953, undated
reel 6, frame 1239
Folder 576: Morewski, Abraham
1924-1925, undated
reel 7, frame 147
Folder 575: Morrison, M.
reel 7, frame 144
Folder 565: Moskowitz, J.
reel 6, frame 1289
Folder 566: Motzkin, Leah
reel 6, frame 1295
Folder 548: Movshowitz, Samuel Jacob, HaLevi
reel 6, frame 1204
Folder 546: Mowshowitch, David
reel 6, frame 1196
Folder 547: Mowshowitch, Simon
1924-1933, undated
reel 6, frame 1198
Folder 552: Moyevsky, J.
reel 6, frame 1220
Folder 580: Muravchik, Rachel B. and Chaim
1921, 1935
reel 7, frame 168
Folder 624: Nathan, P.
reel 7, frame 513
Folder 621: Nathanson, Clara
reel 7, frame 493
Folder 623: Nathanson, S.
reel 7, frame 499
Folder 622: Nathanson, Vera
reel 7, frame 495
Folder 620: Nathanson, William
1913-1935, undated
reel 7, frame 463
Folder 634: Nelson, Simon
reel 7, frame 695
Folder 627: Neuhof, Harold
reel 7, frame 537
Folder 630: Neuman(n), Wolf

also a pamphlet "Der Veg tsum Zig: Vi Azoy Fashyo-Natzizm kon Oysgevortst Vern" (The Road to Victory: How Fascist Nazism Can Be Uprooted)

reel 7, frame 654

Folder 633: Nevelstein
reel 7, frame 693
Folder 626: Newberg, M.J.
reel 7, frame 532
Folder 631: Newman, E.
reel 7, frame 688
Folder 628: Newman, Isaac
reel 7, frame 541
Folder 629: Niger, Shmuel
1908-1936, 1951, undated
reel 7, frame 543
Folder 632: Nikrusiat
reel 7, frame 690
Folder 618: Novack, H.
1922-1935, undated
reel 7, frame 440
Folder 619: Novakovsky, Yehuda
reel 7, frame 461
Folder 64: Olshaker, Fishl
reel 3, frame 344
Folder 61: Olyan, Harry
reel 3, frame 319
Folder 76: Opatoshu, Joseph
1921, 1937
reel 3, frame 1125
Folder 77: Oppenheimer, Franz
reel 3, frame 1128
Folder 89: Oretsky, Abraham
reel 4, frame 12
Folder 88: Orlin, R.
reel 4, frame 9
Folder 45: Otto
reel 3, frame 234
Folder 716: Panitch, A.
reel 8, frame 509
Folder 717: Pann, Abel
1919, undated
reel 8, frame 511
Folder 720: Parlin, Albert
reel 8, frame 522
Folder 740: Parnass, A.
reel 8, frame 687
Folder 721: Parzen, Herbert
reel 8, frame 525
Folder 718: Pastor Clausen

Pastor refers to the writer's job title

reel 8, frame 515

Folder 709: Pat, Jacob
reel 8, frame 434
Folder 710: Paul, E.
reel 8, frame 436
Folder 733: Pearlman, Isaac
reel 8, frame 647
Folder 734: Pearlman, L.
reel 8, frame 649
Folder 723: Peizer, D.I.
reel 8, frame 532
Folder 722: Peizner, Israel
reel 8, frame 527
Folder 735: Perlmutter
reel 8, frame 652
Folder 736: Pernerstorfer, Engelbert
reel 8, frame 654
Folder 737: Persky, Daniel
reel 8, frame 673
Folder 732: Peskin, S.
1900-1901, undated
reel 8, frame 640
Folder 731: Pevzner, M.
1922, undated
reel 8, frame 637
Folder 726: Pincus, J.W.
reel 8, frame 620
Folder 725: Pines, I.A.
reel 8, frame 618
Folder 724: Pinsky, David
1894-1901, 1912-1939, undated
reel 8, frame 534
Folder 728: Pistershan
reel 8, frame 626
Folder 730: Plekhanov, Georgii
reel 8, frame 633
Folder 729: Plotnick, Mark
reel 8, frame 631
Folder 707: Podhurst, Joseph
reel 8, frame 427
Folder 706: Pogorelsky, M.
reel 8, frame 424
Folder 713: Polishuck, Isidore S. (Yitzhak)
1937-1940, 1951
reel 8, frame 447
Folder 711: Pollock, Simon
reel 8, frame 438
Folder 712: Poluboia, Helena
reel 8, frame 440
Folder 714: Pomerantz, Israel Chaim
1935-1938, undated
reel 8, frame 471
Folder 715: Pomerantz, Jacob
reel 8, frame 504
Folder 719: Portnoy, Julio
reel 8, frame 518
Folder 708: Poznansky, Menahem
reel 8, frame 431
Folder 738: Prokopovich, A.
reel 8, frame 679
Folder 739: Prylucki, Noah
1921, undated
reel 8, frame 682
Folder 841: Quart, Meyer
reel 9, frame 280
Folder 929: Rabin, I.
reel 10, frame 462
Folder 876: Rabinovitch, David
reel 9, frame 465
Folder 878: Rabinovitch, S.
reel 9, frame 470
Folder 879: Rabinovitch, Samuel
reel 9, frame 483
Folder 880: Rabinowitch, Moses Joshua
reel 9, frame 491
Folder 877: Rabinowitz, Jacob S.
reel 9, frame 468
Folder 881: Rabinowitz, Saul Pincus
reel 9, frame 495
Folder 943: Rachel (a poet in Palestine)
reel 10, frame 516
Folder 962: Rae, S.E.
reel 10, frame 677
Folder 928: Rakower, Noah
reel 10, frame 457
Folder 952: Ranen, Ellis Ringelblum, Emanuel
1921, , 1925
reel 10, frame 628
Folder 927: Rappoport, Charles
1920-1927, 1941, undated
reel 10, frame 434
Folder 926: Rappoport, O.
1923-1932, undated
reel 10, frame 405
Folder 923: Ras, Gerard
reel 10, frame 383
Folder 916: Rath, M.
reel 10, frame 343
Folder 918: Ratner, M.
1910-1923, undated

see also folder 422

reel 10, frame 351

Folder 887: Ravitch, Melech
reel 9, frame 522
Folder 888: Ravitz, M.
reel 9, frame 527
Folder 921: Rayevsky
reel 10, frame 374
Folder 955: Rebejkow, A.
reel 10, frame 635
Folder 963: Recht, Charles
reel 10, frame 680
Folder 964: Rechtman, Abraham
reel 10, frame 684
Folder 956: Reger, Jeremiah
reel 10, frame 638
Folder 949: Reimer, Georg
reel 10, frame 570
Folder 950: Reinis, M.
1889-1891, 1920, 1936-1940, undated
reel 10, frame 574
Folder 951: Reinus, Boris (Bernard)
1913-1920, 1931-1940, undated
reel 10, frame 606
Folder 946: Reisen, Abraham
1911-1916, 1935-1936, undated
reel 10, frame 528
Folder 947: Reisen, Zalman
1921-1927, 1938, undated
reel 10, frame 539
Folder 958: Resnick, Abraham
reel 10, frame 648
Folder 960: Resnick, Salomon
1915-1931, undated
reel 10, frame 655
Folder 959: Resnik, Joseph
reel 10, frame 652
Folder 961: Resnik, Sarah (Sylvia)
1932, undated
reel 10, frame 672
Folder 920: Reubeni, A.
reel 10, frame 371
Folder 957: Revoutsky, A.
1923-1925, undated
reel 10, frame 642
Folder 954: Ris, S.
reel 10, frame 631
Folder 945: Rivkin, Boruch
reel 10, frame 525
Folder 948: Rivlin, H.
reel 10, frame 567
Folder 875: Roback, Abraham Aaron
1933-1940, undated
reel 9, frame 458
Folder 882: Robinson, I.
reel 9, frame 502
Folder 885: Rodinson
reel 9, frame 512
Folder 884: Rogoff, Hillel
reel 9, frame 510
Folder 883: Rogovin, M.
reel 9, frame 508
Folder 886: Roht, F.
reel 9, frame 517
Folder 914: Rollansky, Samuel
reel 10, frame 338
Folder 922: Rontch, I.E.
reel 10, frame 379
Folder 910: Rosen, B.
reel 10, frame 321
Folder 912: Rosen, Isaac
reel 10, frame 332
Folder 911: Rosen, Joseph A.
reel 10, frame 328
Folder 913: Rosen, K.N.
1922, 1935
reel 10, frame 334
Folder 898: Rosenbaum, Samuel
1922, undated
reel 10, frame 275
Folder 903: Rosenberg, Jacob S.
reel 10, frame 293
Folder 900: Rosenblatt, Frank
reel 10, frame 284
Folder 899: Rosenblatt, Joseph
reel 10, frame 280
Folder 939: Rosenblatt, Rebecca
reel 10, frame 501
Folder 901: Rosenblum, J.
reel 10, frame 286
Folder 902: Rosenblum, S.
1904, 1934

there may be correspondence from two different people in this folder

reel 10, frame 288

Folder 907: Rosenfeld, Hersh
reel 10, frame 308
Folder 908: Rosenfeld, S.
1911-1914, 1928
reel 10, frame 310
Folder 909: Rosenfeld, Samuel
1912-1913, undated
reel 10, frame 315
Folder 905: Rosental, Anna
reel 10, frame 298
Folder 906: Rosenthal, M.
1933, undated
reel 10, frame 300
Folder 904: Rosenwald, William
reel 10, frame 296
Folder 915: Roshinksy, Ben-Tsion
reel 10, frame 340
Folder 893: Rosmarin, A.
reel 9, frame 543
Folder 925: Rostovskaya, F.
reel 10, frame 395
Folder 924: Rostow, A.
1930, undated
reel 10, frame 390
Folder 917: Roth, Louis
reel 10, frame 346
Folder 919: Rothfarb, A.
reel 10, frame 366
Folder 889: Rovinsky, A.
reel 9, frame 533
Folder 891: Rozaniecki, Oscar (Joshua)
reel 9, frame 539
Folder 894: Rozenboim, Menahem Mendel
1907-1922, undated
reel 9, frame 545
Folder 895: Rozenboim, Menahem Mendel
reel 9, frame 774
Folder 896: Rozenboim, Menahem Mendel
reel 9, frame 962
Folder 897: Rozenboim, Menahem Mendel
1931-1942, 1951, undated
reel 10, frame 1
Folder 890: Rozovsky, J.
reel 9, frame 536
Folder 933: Rubin, M.
reel 10, frame 471
Folder 934: Rubin, Nathan
reel 10, frame 474
Folder 930: Rubinson, Jacob
reel 10, frame 464
Folder 931: Rubinstein, B.
reel 10, frame 466
Folder 932: Rubinstein, D.H.
reel 10, frame 469
Folder 944: Rublin, Jacob
reel 10, frame 521
Folder 935: Rubstein, Ben-Tsion
1910-1912, undated
reel 10, frame 479
Folder 937: Rudkovsky, N.G.
reel 10, frame 494
Folder 936: Rudnianski, S.
reel 10, frame 489
Folder 942: Ruppin, A.
reel 10, frame 513
Folder 940: Rusanov, Nikolai
reel 10, frame 504
Folder 941: Rusin, Joseph
reel 10, frame 510
Folder 938: Ruttenberg, P.
1916, undated
reel 10, frame 496
Folder 676: S.M., Moshe Hamechunah ("who is known as")
reel 7, frame 950
Folder 75: S.-N., A.
reel 3, frame 1122
Folder 636: Sabowsky, I.
reel 7, frame 737
Folder 646: Sacks, H.
reel 7, frame 772
Folder 642: Samoilov, M.
1890, undated
reel 7, frame 756
Folder 641: Samower, Chana
reel 7, frame 753
Folder 643: Sandler, G.
reel 7, frame 760
Folder 647: Sasha
reel 7, frame 779
Folder 639: Sattler, Benjamin
reel 7, frame 749
Folder 638: Savinkov, Boris (Alexander)
reel 7, frame 743
Folder 969: Schach, Fabius
reel 10, frame 727
Folder 968: Schach, I.
reel 10, frame 725
Folder 967: Schacht, Gustav
reel 10, frame 723
Folder 1024: Schaenen, Mendel
reel 11, frame 189
Folder 980: Schatz-Anin, M.
1922, undated

including a letter about Schatz-Anin

reel 10, frame 858

Folder 992: Schauss, Hayyim
1916, 1933
reel 10, frame 914
Folder 1021: Schaver, Morris L.
reel 11, frame 182
Folder 1038: Schechter, Arthur
reel 11, frame 269
Folder 1040: Schechter, Melech
reel 11, frame 276
Folder 1039: Schekhter, B.
reel 11, frame 271
Folder 1042: Schelenz, Adolf
reel 11, frame 290
Folder 1031: Schiff, Jacob H.

from Lillian Wald

reel 11, frame 218

Folder 1032: Schiff, Jacob H.
reel 11, frame 220
Folder 1029: Schiller, Marie
reel 11, frame 212
Folder 1035: Schlimovitch, A.
1911, undated
reel 11, frame 248
Folder 1034: Schlossberg, Joseph
1899, 1921, 1932-1937
reel 11, frame 237
Folder 972: Schoss, Solomon
reel 10, frame 748
Folder 1052: Schriro, Samuel
1926, undated
reel 11, frame 355
Folder 994: Schulman, Klein
reel 10, frame 924
Folder 993: Schulman, L.M.
reel 10, frame 919
Folder 995: Schumacher, S.
reel 10, frame 929
Folder 997: Schupack, Charles B.
reel 10, frame 933
Folder 984: Schwabedissen, H.
reel 10, frame 882
Folder 988: Schwartz, I.J.
reel 10, frame 906
Folder 987: Schwartz, J.
reel 10, frame 897
Folder 989: Schwartz, Max
reel 10, frame 908
Folder 990: Schwartz, Solomon S.
reel 10, frame 911
Folder 985: Schwartzberg, Zalman
reel 10, frame 886
Folder 986: Schwarz, Victor
reel 10, frame 892
Folder 659: Seedo, N.M.
reel 7, frame 864
Folder 648: Segal, Judah Asher

the same person as folder 677

reel 7, frame 782

Folder 677: Segal, Julius
1938-1942, undated

the same person as folder 648

reel 7, frame 953

Folder 678: Seltzer, Ida

including a report about books sold

reel 7, frame 976

Folder 415: Semel, Bernard
1913, 1932
reel 5, frame 1097
Folder 965: Shabad, Zemach
1920-1933, undated
reel 10, frame 687
Folder 1028: Shafer, Hersh Isaac
1932, undated
reel 11, frame 202
Folder 978: Shafranovitch, E.
1935, undated

including an open letter to Chaim Zhitlowsky (a collection of memoirs)

reel 10, frame 835

Folder 970: Shalit, Moshe
1908-1914, 1933
reel 10, frame 730
Folder 971: Shames, B.
reel 10, frame 742
Folder 1027: Shane, J.
1934, undated
reel 11, frame 195
Folder 973: Shapiro, Aaron
reel 10, frame 752
Folder 975: Shapiro, Chaim
1929-1941, undated
reel 10, frame 769
Folder 974: Shapiro, David
reel 10, frame 757
Folder 976: Shapiro, Jacob
reel 10, frame 790
Folder 977: Shapiro, Lamed
1908-1912, 1936, undated
reel 10, frame 795
Folder 981: Shargorodsky, F.
1924, undated
reel 10, frame 865
Folder 979: Shatzky, Jacob
1928-1944, undated

including a letter to the editor of "Der Tog" (The Day)

reel 10, frame 845

Folder 1045: Sheftish, A.
reel 11, frame 304
Folder 1025: Shein, Abraham
reel 11, frame 191
Folder 1026: Shein, Wolf
reel 11, frame 193
Folder 1022: Sheinberg, Abraham
reel 11, frame 184
Folder 1023: Sheinberg, S.
reel 11, frame 186
Folder 1041: Shelubsky, Moshe Yudl
1918, 1937-1939, undated
reel 11, frame 279
Folder 1043: Shenderovich, D.
reel 11, frame 293
Folder 1047: Sherman, D.
1918-1919, 1933-1934, undated
reel 11, frame 315
Folder 1046: Sherman, E.
1923-1926, undated
reel 11, frame 310
Folder 1048: Sherman, L.
reel 11, frame 333
Folder 1044: Sherstinsky, Abraham
reel 11, frame 298
Folder 1030: Shiffmanovitch, Z.
reel 11, frame 215
Folder 1033: Shishko, L.
1901-1902, undated
reel 11, frame 223
Folder 1036: Shlomo, Israel-Abraham
reel 11, frame 259
Folder 1037: Shneur, Zalman
reel 11, frame 262
Folder 982: Shobin, Jacob (Jack)
reel 10, frame 875
Folder 1049: Shpitalnik, Leybush
reel 11, frame 337
Folder 1013: Shtif, Nokhem
1908-1925, undated
reel 11, frame 10
Folder 996: Shuster, Azariah
reel 10, frame 931
Folder 660: Sidersky, Olga
reel 7, frame 869
Folder 401: Siebert, A.
reel 5, frame 945
Folder 402: Siegmeister, Walter
reel 5, frame 948
Folder 658: Sigal, F.
reel 7, frame 858
Folder 406: Silberfarb, Moses
1908, 1923-1933
reel 5, frame 958
Folder 405: Silbert, M.
reel 5, frame 956
Folder 661: Silver, L.
reel 7, frame 871
Folder 662: Silver, M.
reel 7, frame 874
Folder 664: Simkin, Morris
reel 7, frame 888
Folder 663: Simonoff, Haim

also a poem "Nokhn Pogrom" (After the Pogrom), in Yiddish and English

reel 7, frame 876

Folder 665: Sinany, B.
reel 7, frame 895
Folder 666: Singalovsky, Aaron
1923-1933, undated
reel 7, frame 899
Folder 408: Singer, I.J.
reel 5, frame 1057
Folder 409: Singer, S.D.
reel 5, frame 1058
Folder 1051: Skolnik, A.H.
reel 11, frame 352
Folder 668: Slobodsky, J.
reel 7, frame 920
Folder 669: Slonim, Mark
reel 7, frame 926
Folder 673: Sluptzin, A.
1936, undated
reel 7, frame 940
Folder 670: Slutzky, G.
reel 7, frame 929
Folder 671: Slutzky, H.
reel 7, frame 932
Folder 672: Slutzky, M.
reel 7, frame 934
Folder 674: Smith, A.M.
reel 7, frame 944
Folder 675: Smullin, Solomon
reel 7, frame 946
Folder 637: Sobin, H.
reel 7, frame 741
Folder 645: Sokal, Saul
reel 7, frame 768
Folder 644: Sokul, Abraham Judah
reel 7, frame 762
Folder 679: Spector, Yechiel
reel 7, frame 1003
Folder 680: Spectorsky, Isaac
reel 7, frame 1007
Folder 1050: Spitzer, Zvi
reel 11, frame 349
Folder 653: Staff, Aaron
1926-1940, 1951-1952, undated
reel 7, frame 805
Folder 999: Stamm, S.
1915, undated
reel 10, frame 937
Folder 1001: Starkman, Moshe
reel 10, frame 946
Folder 654: Starobin, Joseph (Yosl)
reel 7, frame 831
Folder 655: Stefan
1905, undated
reel 7, frame 833
Folder 1011: Stein, L.M.
1931-1943, undated

the same person as folder 1017

reel 11, frame 1

Folder 1017: Stein, L.M.

the same person as folder 1011

reel 11, frame 111

Folder 1010: Stein, Ludwig
1901-1902, 1912, undated
reel 10, frame 1219
Folder 1012: Stein, P.
reel 11, frame 8
Folder 1002: Steinberg, Aaron
reel 10, frame 951
Folder 1003: Steinberg, Ben
1931-1932, undated
reel 10, frame 963
Folder 1004: Steinberg, Isaac Nachman
reel 10, frame 971
Folder 1005: Steinberg, Noah
reel 10, frame 1182
Folder 1006: Steingold, M.
reel 10, frame 1195
Folder 1009: Steinkritzer, Max
1934, undated
reel 10, frame 1210
Folder 1008: Steinmetz, Leib
reel 10, frame 1207
Folder 1007: Steinsaltz, Jacob
reel 10, frame 1199
Folder 1015: Stendig, Zalman
reel 11, frame 103
Folder 1016: Stern, Ester
reel 11, frame 107
Folder 1018: Stern, M.
reel 11, frame 114
Folder 1019: Stern, S.
reel 11, frame 147
Folder 1014: Stikis, B.
reel 11, frame 89
Folder 998: Stobinsky, M.
reel 10, frame 935
Folder 652: Stoyn, A.
reel 7, frame 800
Folder 1020: Strasberg, Arthur
1931-1941, undated
reel 11, frame 151
Folder 656: Strugacz, M.
1940, 1949

also a letter to YIVO from M. Stern

reel 7, frame 839

Folder 657: Strunsky, Simeon
1920-1928, undated
reel 7, frame 848
Folder 651: Sudarski, Mendel
reel 7, frame 797
Folder 650: Sudarsky, Joseph
reel 7, frame 791
Folder 649: Sudarsky, Taube
reel 7, frame 787
Folder 667: Syrkin, Nachman
reel 7, frame 916
Folder 635: Szabo, Erwin
reel 7, frame 697
Folder 640: Szold, Adele
reel 7, frame 751
Folder 423: Tabak, David
reel 5, frame 1130
Folder 434: Tanenbaum, R.
reel 5, frame 1176
Folder 426: Tarkoff, Jacob
reel 5, frame 1139
Folder 425: Tartakower, Chaim
reel 5, frame 1137
Folder 428: Taubes, David
reel 5, frame 1150
Folder 431: Taylor, Margaretta
reel 5, frame 1159
Folder 441: Tchaikovsky, Nicolai
reel 6, frame 7
Folder 446: Tcherikower, Elias
reel 6, frame 20
Folder 448: Tchernova, A.
reel 6, frame 135
Folder 449: Tchernova, Ida
reel 6, frame 141
Folder 432: Tchornicki, Josef
reel 5, frame 1162
Folder 435: Tenenbaum, S.
reel 5, frame 1178
Folder 436: Teplitzky, Israel
reel 5, frame 1182
Folder 427: Toibb, Jacob
reel 5, frame 1146
Folder 424: Tomin, Philip
reel 5, frame 1134
Folder 433: Tonnies, Ferdinand
reel 5, frame 1164
Folder 438: Tralman, R.
reel 5, frame 1192
Folder 440: Trepman, A.E.
reel 6, frame 4
Folder 437: Trompianski, F.
reel 5, frame 1185
Folder 439: Troskunoff, B
reel 6, frame 1
Folder 447: Tschernoff, Victor
1927-1935, undated
reel 6, frame 31
Folder 444: Tshimerinsky-Slavsky
reel 6, frame 17
Folder 789: Tsivyon (Ben-Zion Hoffman)
1928, undated
reel 8, frame 938
Folder 429: Turak, Nathan
reel 5, frame 1152
Folder 430: Turetzky, Aaron
reel 5, frame 1157
Folder 43: Unger, Menashe
1942, 1951, undated
reel 3, frame 222
Folder 44: Untermyer, Samuel
reel 3, frame 231
Folder 87: Ury, Israel B.
reel 4, frame 7
Folder 351: Vadzilovsky, H.
reel 5, frame 658
Folder 388: Victor, B.A.
1938-1942, undated
reel 5, frame 852
Folder 393: Villa, Chaim Jacob (Eugenio)
reel 5, frame 898
Folder 384: Vinawer, M.
reel 5, frame 842
Folder 389: Vladeck, Baruch (Charney)
1917-1938, undated
reel 5, frame 856
Folder 1000: von Stockhausen
reel 10, frame 943
Folder 362: Vonchek, S.
reel 5, frame 690
Folder 354: Waldmann, Ephraim Joseph
reel 5, frame 663
Folder 695: Walling, (William) English

the same person as folder 356

reel 8, frame 295

Folder 356: Walling, William E.

the same person as folder 695

reel 5, frame 669

Folder 364: Warshow, Adolph
1923, 1937
reel 5, frame 695
Folder 390: Weber, Joseph M.
reel 5, frame 888
Folder 391A: Wechsler, I.S.
1918, 1923

labeled as folder 391 in the microfilm

reel 5, frame 891

Folder 370: Weinberg, Max
1935-1942, undated
reel 5, frame 720
Folder 369: Weinburg, A.
reel 5, frame 714
Folder 374: Weiner, Morris
1918, 1933-1935
reel 5, frame 763
Folder 372: Weinman, Isaac
reel 5, frame 758
Folder 375: Weinper, Zishe

also a letter from the Weinper Fiftieth Anniversary Committee

reel 5, frame 774

Folder 377: Weinreb, Jacob
reel 5, frame 805
Folder 376: Weinreich, Max
1931-1933, undated
reel 5, frame 778
Folder 378: Weinstein, D.B. (Berish)
reel 5, frame 809
Folder 379: Weinstein, Hersh
reel 5, frame 812
Folder 380: Weinstein, M.S.
reel 5, frame 819
Folder 371: Weintraub, Chas.
reel 5, frame 756
Folder 368: Weisengrun, Paul
reel 5, frame 711
Folder 391B: Werdyger, D.Z.

labeled as folder 391 in the microfilm

reel 5, frame 894

Folder 383: Wilbushewitch-Shochat, Mania
1922, 1940
reel 5, frame 830
Folder 386: Winchevsky, Morris
reel 5, frame 847
Folder 373: Winer, Gershon
reel 5, frame 761
Folder 387: Winikoff, S.
reel 5, frame 850
Folder 385: Winter, Benjamin
reel 5, frame 845
Folder 366: Wise, Jonah B.
reel 5, frame 701
Folder 367: Wise, Stephen S.
1912, 1932-1934

also a letter from the Stephen S. Wise Sixtieth Anniversary Committee

reel 5, frame 703

Folder 365: Wittlin, Jacob
reel 5, frame 699
Folder 382: Witz, S.
reel 5, frame 828
Folder 352: Wohlman, J.L.
reel 5, frame 660
Folder 359: Wolf, Irving
reel 5, frame 679
Folder 360: Wolf, Lucien
reel 5, frame 681
Folder 357: Wolfberg, Ephraim

the same person as folder 358

reel 5, frame 672

Folder 358: Wolfberg, Frank

the same person as folder 357

reel 5, frame 677

Folder 361: Wolkofsky, I.
reel 5, frame 688
Folder 363: Wortsmann, Ch.
reel 5, frame 692
Folder 381: Wyne, S. (and Louis Pearlman)
1943, undated
reel 5, frame 822
Folder 457: Yachnowitz, L.
reel 6, frame 467
Folder 455: Yaltushkower, Samson
reel 6, frame 454
Folder 456: Yampolsky, R. Miriam
reel 6, frame 463
Folder 459: Yanich, N.
reel 6, frame 476
Folder 464: Yehoash -Blumgarten
reel 6, frame 510
Folder 460: Yoffe, Anna H.
reel 6, frame 481
Folder 462: Yorkbay, David
reel 6, frame 501
Folder 465: Yud, Nachum
reel 6, frame 537
Folder 469: Yudelevsky, I.
reel 6, frame 550
Folder 468: Yudika
reel 6, frame 547
Folder 467: Yudin, Abe
reel 6, frame 545
Folder 466: Yudovin, Shloyme
1921, undated
reel 6, frame 541
Folder 396: Zalkind, J.M.
reel 5, frame 921
Folder 397: Zalkind, L.
reel 5, frame 924
Folder 395: Zaltzman, Rosen
1941-1943, undated

also a letter from Zhitlowsky to the New York State Conference of the Yiddish Cultural Congress

reel 5, frame 907

Folder 394: Zaltzman, Yehuda Leib
1917, undated
reel 5, frame 902
Folder 398: Zangwill, B.M.
reel 5, frame 930
Folder 403: Zeidenburg, Oscar
reel 5, frame 950
Folder 413: Zelchenko, H.
1913, undated
reel 5, frame 1088
Folder 414: Zeligman, R.
reel 5, frame 1095
Folder 412: Zelvin, L.
reel 5, frame 1076
Folder 798: Zemach, Nahum
1929, undated

including a legal agreement between Zhitlowsky and Zemach about selling the rights to Ansky's "Dybbuk"

reel 8, frame 1006

Folder 416: Zerubavel (Jacob Vitkin)
reel 5, frame 1100
Folder 799: Zetterbaum, Max
reel 8, frame 1014
Folder 418: Zhitlowsky, Miriam
reel 5, frame 1104
Folder 404: Zichman, Yeshai
reel 5, frame 953
Folder 407: Zimiles, S.
reel 5, frame 1053
Folder 410: Zipper, S.
1938, undated

contains correspondence with S. Zipper and J. Zipper, who may or may not be the same person

reel 5, frame 1060

Folder 796: Zippin, M.
reel 8, frame 993
Folder 411: Zlotnik, Yehuda Leib (Avida)
reel 5, frame 1070
Folder 399: Zon, Raphael

also a list of scientific papers and articles by Raphael Zon

reel 5, frame 933

Folder 790: Zucker, L.
reel 8, frame 941
Folder 791: Zuckerman, Borukh
reel 8, frame 944
Folder 793: Zuckerman, M.A.
reel 8, frame 978
Folder 794: Zuckerman, S.
reel 8, frame 980
Folder 792: Zukerman, William
1910-1918, undated
reel 8, frame 949
Folder 33: not used
reel 3, frame 188
Folder 59: not used
reel 3, frame 313
Folder 65: not used
reel 3, frame 346
Folder 78: not used
reel 3, frame 1131
Folder 141: not used
reel 4, frame 289
Folder 353: not used
reel 5, frame 662
Folder 355: not used
reel 5, frame 668
Folder 392: not used
reel 5, frame 897
Folder 400: not used
reel 5, frame 944
Folder 443: not used
reel 6, frame 16
Folder 445: not used
reel 6, frame 19
Folder 892: not used
reel 9, frame 542
Folder 991: not used
reel 10, frame 913
Series IV: General Correspondence: Organizations
This series has been divided into 2 subseries, according to the language of the letters. Although the inclusive dates in both subseries range from the 1890's to 1943, the bulk of the letters were written in the period of 1920's to 1940's. The unidentified correspondence and fragments of correspondence in folders 1209-1211 are in German, English, Russian, and Yiddish and from all different years. In some cases, this correspondence can be identified as being from or to specific individuals or organizations whose correspondence is found elsewhere in the collection. It is unclear why it has been placed in the unidentified correspondence folders but has been left so as to correspond with the microfilm.
Folders: 159
Subseries 1: Correspondence in Yiddish
Included in this subseries are those organizations that were active in the Yiddish-speaking community and consciously recognized Yiddish as the national language of the Jews. There are letters from some 350 organizations, mostly from the United States but also from Eastern Europe and Palestine. Progressive political, educational and cultural groups represent the majority of correspondents. Organization names and publication titles have been transliterated and translated. If the English name of an organization or publication was found within the folder, that name has been used even when it is not a direct translation from the Yiddish. Some of the correspondence is in Hebrew, German, English, and French.
Folders: 116
Folder 1053: Aleph א

- Abend Blatt and Arbeiter Zeitung (Evening Newspaper and Worker’s Newspaper), official organs of the Socialist Labor Party of North America, New York 1897-1899

- Agudat HaPoalim HaNagarim (Carpentry Workers Union), Jaffa, undated

- Oyfgang (Rise), weekly Yiddish literary journal of the Jewish community in Havana, Cuba, undated

- Afn Shvel (On the Threshold), periodical of the Territorialist Movement, New York, 1942

- Oifkum (Arise/Awaken), journal of literature and cultural ideas, New York, 1926

- Auf der Wach (On Guard for Peace and Democracy), monthly journal, New York, 1938

- Umparteyshe Folkshul-Gezelshaft (Non-Party Public School Society), Detroit, 1928

- Onophengike Yudishe Sotsialistishe Demokratishe Arbeter Partey Poalei Tsion (Independent Jewish Socialist Democratic Workers Party), Warsaw, 1921

- Umparteysher Kultur-Fareyn (Independent Cultural Union), Berlin, 1923

reel 11, frame 364

Folder 1054: Aleph א

- OZE (Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jews), including a report of the activities of OZE from 1912-1923 and blank medical cards for schools, Berlin, 1923-1931

reel 11, frame 378

Folder 1055: Aleph א

- Akhisefer, Jerusalem, 1939

- Yidish-Literarish-Muzikalisher Fareyn (Yiddish Literary Musical Union) HaZmir (The Song), Winnipeg, 1914

reel 11, frame 422

Folder 1056: Aleph א

- Yidish-Natsionaler Arbeiter Farband (Jewish National Workers Alliance), New York, also a resolution “About Jewish Economic Problems Undertaken at the 12th Convention of the Jewish National Workers Alliance in Montreal May 17-21, 1930,” 1913-1941, undated

reel 11, frame 427

Folder 1057: Aleph א

- Yidish-Natsionaler Fareyn (Jewish National Union), New Haven, 1913

- Yidish Natsional-Radikale Shul (Jewish National Radical School), Montreal, Port Arthur, New York, Rochester, NY, 1914-1918, undated

- Yidishe Akademishe Kursn (Jewish Academic Courses), New York, 1932

- Yidishe Aktyorn-Yunion (Hebrew Actors’ Union), New York, 1936

reel 11, frame 493

Folder 1058: Aleph א

- Yidishe Arbeter Partey Linke Poalei Tsion (Jewish Workers Party Left Poale Zion), Chicago, 1934

- Yidishe Biuro baym Tsentral-Komitet fun Komunistisher Partey fun di Fareynikte Shtatn (Jewish Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the United States), New York, 1938

- Yidishe Bikher-Agentur (Jewish Book Agency), New York, 1918-1919, undated

reel 11, frame 506

Folder 1059: Aleph א

- Yidishe Literarishe Biuro (Jewish Literary Bureau), New York, undated

- Yidishe Sotsialistishe Teritorialistishe Arbeiter-Partey fun Amerike (Jewish Socialist Territorialist Labor Party of America), New York, 1915

- Yidishe Sotsialistishe Arbeiter Organizatsion Poalei Tsion (Jewish Socialist Labor Organization Poale Zion), Toronto, 1917

- Yidishe Sotsialistishe Arbeiter Yugent (Young Jewish Socialist Workers Organization “Jugent”), New York, 1922

reel 11, frame 526

Folder 1060: Aleph א

- Yidishe Sotsialistishe Arbeter-Partey Poalei Tsion (Jewish Socialist Labor Party Poale Zion America and Canada), New York, including appeals from the Party, 1913-1927, undated

reel 11, frame 531

Folder 1061: Aleph א

- Yidishe Peretz Shuln (Jewish Peretz Schools), Montreal, 1928-1938, undated

reel 11, frame 593

Folder 1062: Aleph א

- Yidishe Folks-Bibliotek (Jewish Public Library), Winnipeg, Montreal, 1934-1936

- Yidishe Folk Shul (Jewish Public School), Toronto, 1935

reel 11, frame 614

Folder 1063: Aleph א

- Yidishe Folkshul-Gezelshaft (Yiddish Public School Society), Detroit, 1927

- Di Yidishe Zeitung (The Jewish Newspaper), Buenos Aires, 1935-1941, undated

reel 11, frame 620

Folder 1064: Aleph א

- Yidishe Kultur-Gezelshaft (Jewish Culture Society), Detroit, including a mailing and resolution undertaken by the Society November 1937, 1935-1937, undated

- Yidishe Kultur-Gezelshaft (Jewish Culture Society), Montreal, 1931

reel 11, frame 633

Folder 1065: Aleph א

- Yidishe Kultur-Gezelshaft (Jewish Culture Society), New York, including a mailing and other materials, 1928-1937, undated

reel 11, frame 645

Folder 1066: Aleph א

- Yidishe Kultur-Gezelshaft (Jewish Culture Society), Santos, Brazil, 1937

- Yidishe Kultur-Gezelshaft (Jewish Culture Society), Cleveland, 1939

- Yidishe Studirndike Yugent (Jewish Students Organization), New York, 1924

reel 11, frame 755

Folder 1067: Aleph א

- Yidisher Arbeter Komitet (Jewish Workers Committee), New York, 1942

- Yidisher Legion far Erets Yisroel (Jewish Palestine Legion Committee), including an armband, New York, 1918, undated

- Yidisher Lerer-Seminar (Jewish Teachers’ Seminary), New York, 1921-1935

reel 11, frame 766

Folder 1068: Aleph א

- Yidisher Muzik Farband (Jewish Music Alliance), New York, 1942-1943, undated

reel 11, frame 788

Folder 1069: Aleph א

- Yidisher Sotsialistisher Farband fun Amerike (Jewish Socialist Alliance), New York, 1930-1939, undated

reel 11, frame 796

Folder 1070: Aleph א

- Yidisher Emigratsie Farband “Emigdirekt” (United Jewish Emigration Committee), Berlin, 1924-1926

reel 11, frame 818

Folder 1071: Aleph א

- Yidisher Folks Institut Yidishe Folks Shul (Jewish Folks Institute Jewish Folks School), Milwaukee, 1928

- Yidisher Folks-Komitet (Jewish Peoples Committee), New York, 1938-1942

reel 11, frame 823

Folder 1072: Aleph א

- Yidisher Familien-Zhurnal (Jewish Family Journal), New York, 1941

- Yidisher Kultur-Klub (Jewish Culture Club), Rio de Janeiro, 1929

- Der Yidisher Kempfer (The Jewish Fighter), organ of the Jewish Socialist Workers Party Poale Zion, Philadelphia, 1906

- Der Yidisher Kempfer (The Jewish Fighter), New York, 1916-1919, 1933-1940, undated

reel 11, frame 833

Folder 1073: Aleph א

- Eins (One), Yiddish literary journal in Palestine, Tel Aviv, 1928

reel 11, frame 857

Folder 1074: Aleph א

- Internatsionaler Arbeiter Ordn (International Workers Order), various sections and committees, Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles, 1937-1943, undated

reel 11, frame 860

Folder 1075: Aleph א

- Initsiativ Komitet far Yidish in di Amerikaner Shuln (Committee for Yiddish in Public and High Schools in America), New York, 1933

reel 11, frame 915

Folder 1076: Aleph א

- Algemayne Entsiklopedie in Yidish (Yiddish Encyclopedia), published by the S. Dubnow Fund, including correspondence between the Dubnow Fund and YIVO, among other materials, Berlin, New York, Paris, 1931-1941

reel 11, frame 919

Folder 1077: Aleph א

- Alveltlekher Yudisher Sotsialistisher Arbeiter-Farband Poalei Tsion (World Jewish Socialist Workers Association Poale Zion), Vienna, 1910-1920, undated

reel 11, frame 983

Folder 1078: Aleph א

- Alveltlekher Yidisher Kultur-Farband “IKUF” (World Jewish Culture Association), Detroit, Toronto, Philadelphia, Winnipeg, Los Angeles, New York, 1934-1943, undated

reel 11, frame 1007

Folder 1079: Aleph א

- Alveltlekher Yidisher Kultur-Farband “IKUF” (World Jewish Culture Association), New York, Paris, Cleveland, San Francisco, Winnipeg, Los Angeles, Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, 1936-1943, undated

reel 11, frame 1104

Folder 1080: Aleph א

- Alef (the first letter of the alphabet), laboratory literature journal, monthly journal, New York, 1940

- Amerikaner Spinoza-Institut, Yidishe Opteylung (Spinoza Institute of America, Jewish Section), New York, undated

reel 12, frame 1

Folder 1081: Aleph א

- Ansky Farlag (Ansky Publishers), Vilna, Warsaw, New York, 1929-1933

reel 12, frame 7

Folder 1082: Aleph א

- Ost-Yudishe Klub in Prag (Eastern European Jewish Club of Prague), Prague, 1914

- Akademickie Kolo Spoleczno-Naukowe Studentow Universitetskich Stefana Batorego (Academic Circle of Social Science Students at Stephen Batory University, now Vilnius University), Vilna, 1935

reel 12, frame 16

Folder 1083: Aleph א

- Akademisher Fareyn far Yidishe Geshikhte un Literatur (Academic Union for Yiddish History and Literature), Dorpat (Tartu), Estonia, 1924, 1934

- Akademisher Fareyn “Yudishe Kultur” (Academic Union “Jewish Culture”), Czernowitz, 1913, undated

reel 12, frame 19

Folder 1084: Aleph א

- Arbeter Blok farn Amerikaner Yidishn Kongress (Labor Bloc for the American Jewish Congress), New York, 1935

- Arbeter-Lig farn Alveltlekhn Yidishn Kongres (The Workmen’s League for the Jewish World Congress), New York, 1934

- Arbeter Tsukunft Klub (Workers Future Club), New York, 1933

reel 12, frame 33

Folder 1085: Aleph א

- Arbeter-Ring (Workmen’s Circle), [some of the earlier documents are labeled Arbeiter Ring], New York, 1913-1943, undated

reel 12, frame 47

Folder 1086: Aleph א

- Arbeter-Ring Shuln (Workmen’s Circle Schools), [some of the earlier documents are labeled Arbeiter Ring], Madison, WI, Toronto, New York, Chicago, 1934-1941, undated

reel 12, frame 142

Folder 1087: Aleph א

- Organizatsie far Nit-Parteysher Yidisher Arbeter Kinder Dertsiung (Non-Partisan Yiddish Workers Children’s Education), New York, undated

- Organizir Komitet far a Fayerung in Farbindung mit der Sprakh Konferents in Biro-Bidjan (Organizing Committee for a Celebration in Connection with the Language Conference in Birobidjan), New York, 1937

reel 12, frame 158

Folder 1088: Aleph א

- ORT (The Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor), Central Committee Berlin, also some from Paris and New York, including meeting minutes, reports, mailings, and other materials in Yiddish, German, English, Russian, 1923-1932, undated

reel 12, frame 161

Folder 1089: Aleph א

- ORT (The Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor), American ORT Federation, New York, also some from Berlin and Marseille, 1922-1943

reel 12, frame 347

Folder 1090: Aleph א

- ORT (The Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor) in Bukowina, including a report, Czernowitz, 1926

- ORT (The Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor), Central Committee Warsaw, 1925

reel 12, frame 416

Folder 1091: Aleph א

- Arkhiv-Komisie fun di Parteyn S.S., I.S. un Fareynikte (Archive Commission of the Zionist Socialist Workers Party SSRP, Jewish Socialist Workers Party SERP and United Jewish Socialist Workers Party), Berlin, 1928

- Arkhiyon u’Muzeon shel T’nuat HaAvodah (Archive and Museum of the Jewish Labor Movement), Tel Aviv, 1937

reel 12, frame 421

Folder 1092: Beys ב

- Baginen (Dawn), Socialist monthly journal, Vilna, 1935

- Bodn (Soil), quarterly journal, New York, 1935

- Botvin Komitet (Friends of Botvin Battalion to Aid the Jewish Volunteers of Spain and Their Families in Poland), including an appeal to help the surviving combatants, New York, 1939-1940

reel 12, frame 429

Folder 1093: Beys ב

- Boro Parker Arbeter Klub (Boro Park Workers Club), New York 1934

- Bund Yubilay-Komitet (Bund Celebration Committee), 35 and 40 year celebrations, New York, 1932-1935

reel 12, frame 436

Folder 1094: Beys ב

- Beekher Corporation Capital Campaign, New York, 1929

- Bikher (books) Cooperative, including a list of books sold and various bills, Warsaw, 1927-1938, undated

reel 12, frame 445

Folder 1095: Beys-Gimel ב-ג

- Dr. Nathan Birnbaum Celebration Committee, Vienna, 1913

- Bet HaSefer HaReali HaIvri b’Haifa (Hebrew Reali School of Haifa), Haifa, 1914

- Bet HaSeferim shel HaUniversitah (Hebrew University Library), Jerusalem, 1925, 1935

- Bamaaleh (On the Ascent), newspaper of the Labor Youth Movement in Palestine, Tel Aviv, 1932

- Garden Cities Mutual Association, Brooklyn, 1931

- Bnai Brith Lodge Jerusalem Library, Jerusalem, 1931

- Berliner Komitet l’koved dem Yubilayum fun Baal-Makhshoves (Isidor Eliashev) (Berlin Committee in Honor of the celebration of Baal-Makhshoves (Isidor Eliashev)), Berlin, 1923-1925

reel 12, frame 469

Folder 1096: Gimel ג

- Der Galvestoner Emigrant (The Galveston Immigrant), newspaper of the Galveston Immigration Movement, Kiev, 1911

- Gezelshaft Oystsuforshn dos Yiddishe Kind (Society to Study the Jewish Child), an organization to bring culture to the workers population, Kovno, 1925

reel 12, frame 493

Folder 1097: Gimel ג

- Gezelshaft far Yidishe Landvirtshaftlekhe Yishuvim in Amerike (Association for Jewish Farm Settlements in the United States), including bulletins and mailings, New York, 1933-1934, undated

reel 12, frame 499

Folder 1098: Gimel ג

- Gezelshaft far Yidisher Kolonizatsie in Sovetn Farband “ICOR” (Association for Jewish Colonization in the Soviet Union), New York, 1928-1943

reel 12, frame 591

Folder 1099: Gimel ג

- Gezelshaft far Folkskunst-Bine (Association for a Yiddish Public Art Theatre), including the goals for the newly-established organization, New York, 1932-1933

reel 12, frame 665

Folder 1100: Gimel ג

- Gemaynzamer Hilfskomitet fun di Tsentrale Organizatsies (United Committee of Jewish Central Organizations) ORT, OZE, Emigdirekt, Berlin, 1926

reel 12, frame 694

Folder 1101: Daled ד

- Jewish Digest, monthly journal, New York, 1940

- Jewish Daily Forward (Forverts), New York, also, other branches, 1927-1940, undated

reel 12, frame 701

Folder 1102: Daled ד

- Jewish Times, London, 1913 (see Di Tsayt)

- The Jewish Morning Journal, New York, 1936

- Jewish People’s Relief Committee, New York, 1921-1922

reel 12, frame 733

Folder 1103: Daled ד

- Jewish Council for Russian War Relief, Inc., New York, 1942

reel 12, frame 738

Folder 1104: Hey ה

- Harlem Yidishe Folks Shul (Harlem Jewish Public School), New York, 1922

- HaHistadrut HaKlalit shel HaOvdim HaIvrim B’Eretz Yisrael (General Federation of Jewish Labour in Eretz-Israel (Palestine)), Tel Aviv, 1937-1939

reel 12, frame 743

Folder 1105: Hey ה

- Hebrew Literature Society, Philadelphia, 1922

- Di Heim Farlag (The Home Publishers), New York, 1920, undated

- Haint (Today), daily newspaper, Warsaw, 1914

reel 12, frame 747

Folder 1106: Hey ה

- Hilfs-Komitet far di Yidishe Shuln in Poyln (Relief Committee for Jewish Schools in Poland), including an appeal sent out by the Committee, New York, 1932-1938, undated

- Haolam (The World), Vilna, 1909

reel 12, frame 757

Folder 1107: Vov ו

- Vuhin (To Where), monthly immigration journal, Kiev, 1912

- Vokh (Week), weekly journal for literature, culture and organized society, New York, 1930

- Workers Cooperative Library, New York, 1942

reel 12, frame 777

Folder 1108: Vov ו

- Der Vayter Mizrach (The Far East), the first Yiddish newspaper in Siberia, Harbin, 1921

- Vilner Grupe Linke Sotsialistn-Revolutsionern (The Vilna Group of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries), Vilna, undated

- Vilner Tog (The Vilna Day), Vilna, 1929

- Di Vilner Trupe (The Vilna Troupe), American tour, New York, 1925

- Vilner Yidishe Bildungs-Gezelshaft (Vilna Jewish Educational Society) VILBIG, Vilna, 1933

reel 12, frame 785

Folder 1109: Vov ו

- Vilkomir Yidishe Real-Gimnazie (Wilkomir Jewish Reali Gymnasium), Wilkomir (Ukmerge), Lithuania, 1924-1930, undated

reel 12, frame 796

Folder 1110: Vov ו

- Virtshaft un Lebn (Economy and Life), bimonthly journal published by ORT, Berlin, 1930-1931

- Der Veg (The Way), daily newspaper, Mexico, 1932

- Velt-Farband fun Poylishe Yidn in Oysland (World Federation of Polish Jews Abroad), London, New York, Tel Aviv, Buenos Aires, 1939

reel 12, frame 808

Folder 1111: Vov ו

- Der Veker (The Alarm Clock), organ of the Jewish Socialist Union in America, biweekly journal, New York, 1933-1942

reel 12, frame 815

Folder 1112: Tes ט

- Der Tog (The Day), daily newspaper, New York, 1915-1932

reel 12, frame 820

Folder 1113: Tes ט

- Der Tog (The Day), daily newspaper, New York, 1933-1937

reel 12, frame 894

Folder 1114: Tes ט

- Der Tog (The Day), daily newspaper, New York, 1938-1943, undated

reel 12, frame 959

Folder 1115: Tes ט

- Der Tog (The Day), daily newspaper, Paris, 1932

- TOZ (Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jewish Community in Poland), connected with OZE, Vilna branch, 1934

- Teater un Kultur-Gezelshaft in America (Theater and Culture Association in America), New York, 1939

reel 12, frame 1063

Folder 1116: Tes ט

- Teater-Libhober-Gezelshaft (Theatre Lovers Society), “TEALIG”, New York, 1931

- Di Tribune (The Tribune), biweekly journal, Copenhagen, 1916

reel 12, frame 1068

Folder 1117: Yud י

- Yehoash Folk-Shul Organizatsie (Yehoash Public School Organization), Pittsburgh, 1928

- Yehoash Farlag Gezelshaft (Yehoash Publishers Association), including an appeal from the Yehoash Tanakh Popular Publication Commission, New York, 1936-1941

- Yehoash Komitet tsu Fayern dem Siyum fun Yehoash’s Tanakh Iberzetsung in Yidish (Committee to Celebrate the Conclusion of Yehoash’s Translation of the Tanakh into Yiddish), New York, 1935-1936, undated

reel 12, frame 1074

Folder 1118: Yud י

- Yudishe Literarishe Gezelshaft (Yiddish Literary Journal), St. Petersburg, Russia, 1911

- Yudishe Studentishe Assotsiatse (Jewish Students Association) “KHEROUTH”, Liege, Belgium, 1914

- Di Yudishe Tsukunft (The Jewish Future), monthly journal, London, 1904

- Yudisher Akademisher Kultur-Fareyn (Jewish Academic Cultural Union), Munich, 1914 (missing)

- Der Yudisher Emigrant (The Jewish Emigrant), biweekly journal, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1912

- Yunger Yudisher Kemfer (Young Jewish Fighter), organ of the Poale Zion youth clubs, monthly journal, New York, undated

reel 12, frame 1106

Folder 1119: Yud י

- Yidish (Yiddish), weekly journal of the Yiddish Culture Association, including an announcement for a banquet honoring the beginning of publication of the journal, New York, 1932-1933, undated

- Yidish Arbeter Kultur-Krayzn in Palestine (Jewish Workers Cultural Circle in Palestine), the letter is directed to Chanin, Jerusalem, 1923

- Yidishe Bildungs-Gezelshaft in Lite (Jewish Educational Society in Lithuania), Kovno, 1926, undated

reel 12, frame 1112

Folder 1120: Yud י

- Yidishe Historish-Etnografishe Gezelshaft (Jewish Historical Ethnographic Society), Vilna, 1926, undated

- Yidishe Sotsialistishe Arbeiter Partey (Jewish Socialist Workers Party), 1907

- Yidishe Sotsialistishe Folkspartey Tseiri-Tsion (Jewish Socialist Populist Party Zeire Zion), Central Committee for Belgium, Antwerp, 1926

reel 12, frame 1126

Folder 1121: Yud י

- Yidishes Tageblat, Yidishe Gazeten (The Jewish Daily News, The Jewish Gazette), daily newspaper, weekly newspaper, New York, 1905

- Yidishe Folks-Bildung-Lige (Jewish Public Education League), Warsaw, 1924

- Yidishe Farlags-Gezelshaft “Kultur” (Yiddish Publishing Association “Culture”), Czernowitz, 1924

- Yidishe Kooperative Heim Gezelshaft (Jewish Cooperative Home Association), New York, 1926, undated

- Yidishe Kultur Gezelshaft (Yiddish Culture Society), Midwest Region Committee, Chcago, also a bit from Detroit, 1935-1941, undated

reel 12, frame 1132

Folder 1122: Yud י

- Yidishe Kultur-Federatsie (Jewish Culture Federation), Central Committee, Czernowitz, 1923

- Yidishe Shul-Organizatsie Hoytptfarvaltung (Yiddish School Organization, Chief Administrative Office), including an appeal from the Yiddish public school system, Warsaw, 1927-1937

- Yidishe Shul-Organizatsie (Yiddish School Organization) Bialystok branch, also Vilna region, Bialystok, Vilna, 1927-1936

- Yidisher Akademisher Fareyn “Ivriyah” (Jewish Academic Union “Hebrew”), Friedberg, Germany, 1914

- Yidisher Akademisher Kultur-Fareyn (Jewish Academic Cultural Union), Heidelberg, Germany, 1913

reel 12, frame 1157

Folder 1123: Yud י

- Yidisher Visnshaftlekher Institut (Yiddish Scientific Institute) YIVO, American branch, includes correspondence from the Society of Friends of YIVO from 1931-1940, at which point there ceased to be YIVO in Vilna, New York, 1926-1943, undated

reel 12, frame 1171

Folder 1124: Yud י

- YIVO in Argentina, Central Library and Archives, Buenos Aires, 1940-1943, undated

reel 13, frame 1

Folder 1125: Yud י

- YIVO, Central Office for Foreign Affairs in Berlin, includes a letter to H. Shapiro, the publisher of Der Tog, also an enclosure detailing the various organizational sections of YIVO, Berlin, 1928-1930

reel 13, frame 8

Folder 1126: Yud י

- YIVO, Central Administration in Vilna, including a 1935 report about the situation in YIVO, 1928-1938, undated

reel 13, frame 21

Folder 1127: Yud י

- Yidisher Literatn un Zhurnalistn-Klub in Erets Yisroel (The Club of Jewish Authors and Journalists of Palestine), Tel Aviv, 1929

- Yidisher Lerer-Seminar baym Tsentraln Bildungs-Komitet in Vilne (Jewish Teachers Seminar at the Central Education Committee in Vilna), Vilna, 1924

- Yidisher PEN-Klub (Yiddish PEN Club), Warsaw, 1935

- Yidisher PEN-Klub (Yiddish PEN Club), New York, 1930-1941

reel 13, frame 69

Folder 1128: Yud י

- Yidisher Kultur-Front (Jewish Culture Center), Paris, 1936-1937, undated

- Yidisher Shul un Kultur Farband “Shul-Kult” (Jewish School and Culture Union “School Club”), Warsaw, 1932

- Yidisher Shul Fareyn far der Bukovine (Jewish School Union for Bukovina), Czernowitz, 1928

- Yidisher Kultur-Krayz in Vin (Jewish Culture Circle in Vienna), Vienna, undated

reel 13, frame 78

Folder 1129: Lamed ל

- Luis Lamed Fond far Undzer Literatur in Beyde Shprakhn (Louis Lamed Foundation for the Advancement of Hebrew and Yiddish Literature), Detroit, 1941

- League Against Fascism and Dictatorship, New York, 1939

- Lige far Rekht fun Yidish in Erets Yisroel (League for Rights of Yiddish in Palestine), New York, 1935-1937

reel 13, frame 91

Folder 1130: Lamed ל

- Literarish-Dramatisher Fareyn “H.N. Bialik” (Literary-Dramatic Union “H.N. Bialik”), Reval (Tallinn), Estonia, 1937

- Literarishe Bleter (Literary Pages), illustrated weekly journal for literature, theater and art, Warsaw, 1924-1928, undated

reel 13, frame 107

Folder 1131: Lamed ל

- Literarisher Farlag (Yiddish Literary Publishing Co., Inc.), New York, 1912-1915

- A. Liessin Bibliotek (A. Liessin Library), at the A. Liessin School, New York, undated

- Lebn un Visenshaft (Life and Knowledge), monthly journal, Vilna, undated

reel 13, frame 116

Folder 1132: Mem מ

- Moment (Moment), daily newspaper, Warsaw, 1924-1930, undated

- Morgnzaitung (Morning Newspaper), daily newspaper, Buenos Aires, 1936

reel 13, frame 121

Folder 1133: Mem מ

- Morgn Freiheit (Morning Freedom), daily newspaper, also a letter from 1923, New York, 1923, 1937-1942, undated

reel 13, frame 130

Folder 1134: Mem מ

- Mizrach-Yidisher Historisher Arkhiv (Eastern Jews Historical Archive), Berlin, 1924

- Merkaz Agudat HaMorim (Center for Teachers Union), Jaffa, Israel, 1914

- Misrad HaAvodah (Ministry of Labor), Jaffa, Israel, 1914-1915

reel 13, frame 154

Folder 1135: Nun נ

- Naturalization Aid League, New York, 1932

- Natsional Sotsialistisher Arbeiter Komitet (National Socialist Workmen’s Committee), New York, 1918

- National Jewish Press Association, New York, 1921

reel 13, frame 168

Folder 1136: Nun נ

- New York Branch of the “Bund”, New York, 1912

- The New York Group of the Russian Social Revolutionary Party, New York, 1918-1919

reel 13, frame 175

Folder 1137: Nun נ

- Dos Naye Vort (The New Word), daily newspaper, Warsaw, 1935

- Di Naye Velt (The New World), organ of the Jewish Socialist Federation of America, weekly journal, New York, undated

- Naye Lebn (New Life), published by ICOR, monthly journal, New York, 1941-1943

reel 13, frame 188

Folder 1138: Nun נ

- Dos Naye Lebn (The New Life), daily newspaper, Bialystok, 1924-1925

- Dos Naye Lebn (The New Life), monthly newspaper, New York, 1909-1914

reel 13, frame 195

Folder 1139: Nun-Samech נ-ס

- Naye Folkstsaytung (New Peoples Newspaper), daily newspaper, Warsaw, 1927

- Independent Socialist Labour Party of Poland, Warsaw, 1933

- Sunrise Cooperative Farm Community, Alicia, Michigan, undated

reel 13, frame 221

Folder 1140: Samech ס

- Sotsialistishe Arbeiter Partey in Erets Yisroel Poalei Tsion (Socialist Workers Party of Palestine Poale Zion), Haifa, 1920

- Social Literary Club, New York, 1915

- Second Avenue Cultural Center, New York, 1942

reel 13, frame 229

Folder 1141: Pey פ

- Di Post (The Jewish Post), oldest Jewish daily newspaper in Great Britain, London, 1929

- Poalei-Tseirei-Tsion (Marxist and non-Marxist Socialist Zionist party) Detroit, undated

- Pinski-Massel Press Publishers, New York, 1914-1915

- People’s Book Store, Winnipeg, 1913-1915

reel 13, frame 233

Folder 1142: Pey פ

- Progresiver Arbeter Ring Komitet (Progressive Workmen’s Circle Committee), New York, 1943

- Proletarisher Gedank (Proletarian Thought), organ of the Left Poale Zion Jewish Workers Party, monthly journal, New York, 1936

- “Proletpen” (Union of Proletarian Writers), New York, 1933

- Profesionaler Fareyn fun Yidisher Literatn un Zhurnalistn in Vilne (Union of Professional Yiddish Writers and Journalists in Vilna), Vilna, 1924, 1937

- Di Presse (The Press), daily newspaper, Buenos Aires, 1938-1942

reel 13, frame 246

Folder 1143: Pey פ

- I.L. Peretz Shul (I.L. Peretz School), Winnipeg, 1928-1939, undated

reel 13, frame 257

Folder 1144: Pey פ

- I.L. Peretz Shreiber Fareyn (Yiddish Writers Union), includes dues notices and receipts, New York, 1919-1943, undated

reel 13, frame 274

Folder 1145: Fey פֿ

- Folksblat (People’s Paper), daily newspaper, Kovno, 1933-1935, undated

- Fond far Yidishe Shrayber Flikhtlingen (Fund for Jewish Refugee Writers), New York, 1941-1942

reel 13, frame 361

Folder 1146: Fey פֿ

- Fareynikung fun Yidishe Shriftshteler (Union of Yiddish Writers), undated

- Fareynikte Yidishe Organizatsies (United Jewish Organizations), Affiliated Independent Jewish Landsmanshaften and Benevolent Societies, New York, 1936

- Fareynikte Yidishe Sotsialistishe Arbeter Partey Poalei Tsion Tseirei Tsion (United Jewish Socialist Labor Party Poale Zion Zeire Zion of America), including the program of the Party, New York, 1932-1936

reel 13, frame 367

Folder 1147: Fey פֿ

- Fareyn fun Yidishe Literatn un Zhurnalistn (Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists), Czernowitz, 1933

- Fareyn fun Mediker Yidn baym Vilner Universitet (Union of Jewish Medical Personnel at Vilna University), Vilna, 1928

- Farband fun Yidishe Studentn-Fareynen in Daytshland (Association of Jewish Student Unions in Germany), Berlin, 1923-1924

reel 13, frame 381

Folder 1148: Fey פֿ

- Farlag “Shul un Lebn” (“School and Life” Publishers), Warsaw, 1923

- Di Feder (The Pen), monthly literary journal, New York, 1936

- Federativer Komitet fun der Yidisher Sotsialistisher Arbeiter Partey Poalei Tsion (Federated Committee of the Jewish Socialist Workers Party Poale Zion), Philadelphia, 1921

- The Federation of Jewish Farmers of America, New York, 1916-1918

reel 13, frame 386

Folder 1149: Fey פֿ

- Federation of Polish Jews of America, New York, 1933-1939

reel 13, frame 395

Folder 1150: Fey פֿ

- Fareyn “Yidishe Yugend” (Young Jews National Club), Winnipeg, 1913

- Fareyn far Yudishe Folks-Muzik (Union for Jewish People’s Music), St. Petersburg, 1911

- Fareyn fun Yudishe Literatn un Zhurnalistn (Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists), Warsaw, 1928-1930

- “Freiland” Yidishe Teritorialistishe Lige (Yiddish Territorialist League “Free Land”), American branch, New York, 1938-1942

reel 13, frame 407

Folder 1151: Fey פֿ

- Fraynt fun Yidishn Kunst Teater (Friends of the Yiddish Art Theatre), New York, 1937

- Freie Arbeiter Group (Free Workers Group), New York, 1938

- Freie Arbeiter Stimme (Free Workers Voice), weekly journal, New York, 1931-1941, undated

- Dos Freie Vort (The Free Word), Yiddish radical weekly newspaper, London, 1933

- Di Fraye Yugnt (The Free Youth), published by the Philadelphia branch of the Poale Zion Youth Union, Philadelphia, 1933

reel 13, frame 418

Folder 1152: Tsadek צ

- Die Zukunft (The Future), monthly journal, New York, 1900-1905, 1918-1941, undated

reel 13, frame 455

Folder 1153: Tsadek צ

- Tsionistish-Sotsialistisher Partey Tseirei Tsion (Zionist Socialist Party Zeire Zion), Dvinsk, undated

- Centro Cultural de Estudiantes Israelitas (Jewish Student Cultural Center), Mexico, 1935

- “Central” Publishers, Warsaw, 1931

reel 13, frame 520

Folder 1154: Tsadek צ

- Tsentrale Yidishe Bibliotek un Prese Arkhiv (Central Jewish Library and Press Archives), New York, 1936-1941

- Tsentrale Yidishe Kultur-Organizatsie (Central Yiddish Cultural Organization) “CYCO”, New York, 1939-1940

- Tsentrale Yidishe Shul-Organizatsie in Letland (Central Jewish School Organization in Latvia), Riga, 1924-1931

reel 13, frame 525

Folder 1155: Tsadek צ

- Tsentrale Farvaltung fun Yidishe Folkshuln in Filadelfie (Central Management of Jewish Schools in Philadelphia), Philadelphia, 1928-1934

- Tsentral Komitet fun Yidishe Folk-Shuln (Central Committee of the Jewish Folk Schools), associated with the Jewish National Workers Union and Poale Zion Zeire Zion, New York, 1932-1939

- Tsentraler Bildungs Komitet (Central Education Committee) “Ts.B.K.”, Vilna, 1924-1933

reel 13, frame 542

Folder 1156: Kuf ק

- Kovner Yidishe Komerts-Gimnazie (Kovno Jewish Commerce High School), Kovno, 1930-1937

- The Call, monthly journal published by the Workmen’s Circle, New York, undated

- Committee of Sponsors for the Celebration of 15 Years Biro-Bidjan, New York, 1943

- Committee for the Society for the Promotion of Culture among the Jews of Russia, OPE, St. Petersburg, 1914

reel 13, frame 559

Folder 1157: Kuf ק

- Komitet oyf Aroystsugebn Eliezer Staynbargs Shriftn (Committee to Publish Eliezer Steinbarg’s Writings), Czernowitz, 1932

- Komitet fun Yidishe Shreiber, Kinstsler un Visnshaftler in Amerike (Committee of Jewish Writers and Artists in the United States), New York, 1941-1943, undated

reel 13, frame 567

Folder 1158: Kuf ק

- Komitet tsu Restavrirn I.B. Levinsons Hoyz un Shafn Dort a Muzeum un Leze-Zal in Kremenitz (Committee to Restore I.B. Levinson’s House and Create a Museum and Reading Room in Kremenets), Kremenets, Ukraine, 1939

- Kanader “ICOR” (Canadian ICOR, Association for Jewish Colonization in the Soviet Union), Toronto, undated

- World Jewish Congress, including a proposed appeal to American Jews, Paris, 1934-1936, undated

reel 13, frame 642

Folder 1159: Kuf ק

- Kongres far Hebreyisher Shprakh un Kultur (Congress for Hebrew Language and Culture), Berlin, undated

- Konferents far der Yudisher Shprakh (Conference for the Yiddish language), including minutes, Czernowitz, 1908

- Kibbutz Galuyot (Ingathering of the Exiles, Zionist movement), Tel Aviv, 1929

- Kultur (Culture), illustrated weekly newspaper for literary, artistic and cultural ideas, Chicago, undated

- Kultur-Lige (Culture League), cooperative publishers, Warsaw, 1922-1928, undated

- Kultur-Lige (Culture League), Kovno, 1930

reel 13, frame 657

Folder 1160: Kuf ק

- Kinder Zhurnal (Children’s Journal), published by the Farlag Matones, Publishers of the Shalom Aleichem Institute, monthly children’s magazine, New York, 1929-1943, undated

reel 13, frame 681

Folder 1161: Kuf ק

- Kinder Teater un Dramatishe Studio (Children’s Theater and Drama Studio), New York, 1930

- Kinder Sanatorie (Children’s Sanatorium), named after V. Medem in Miedzeszyn, Warsaw, 1930-1932

reel 13, frame 712

Folder 1162: Kuf ק

- Kemp Neivelt (Camp New World), New York, 1936

- Kanader Odler (The Jewish Daily Eagle), daily newspaper, Montreal, 1942-1943

- Kanader Yidisher Kongres (Canadian Jewish Congress), Montreal, 1919

- Di Krapotkin Literatur Gezelshaft (The Krapotkin Publication Union), published the Socialist classics as well as other social, political works in Yiddish, New York, 1915

- Kfat HaPoalim HaEretz-Yisrael (The Palestine Workers’ Fund), Tel Aviv, 1929

reel 13, frame 718

Folder 1163: Resh ר

- Russian War Relief, Inc., including an appeal to the first yearly conference of the Jewish Council for Russian War Relief, Albert Einstein’s speech from a public banquet in his honor in October 1942, and other materials, mainly in English, New York, 1941-1943, undated

- Rimon Farlag (Rimon Publishers), for Yiddish art and literature, Berlin, 1923

reel 13, frame 733

Folder 1164: Shin ש

- Shul Almanakh (School Almanac), modern Yiddish schools throughout the world, including a question page for the School Almanac, Philadelphia, 1934-1935

- Shikago (Chicago), monthly literary journal, Chicago, 1934

- Shechunat Ovdim –Nevey Hayim (Workers Estates), cooperative, Hadera, Israel, 1937

reel 13, frame 791"

Folder 1165: Shin ש

- Shalom Aleichem Yugnt Gezelshaft (Shalom Aleichem Youth Society), including a report from the second conference of the Society, February 1937, New York, 1937-1941, undated

reel 13, frame 802

Folder 1166: Shin ש

- Shalom Aleichem Folk Institute, branch of the Jewish Cultural Society, Detroit, New York, Chicago, 1921-1943, undated

reel 13, frame 815

Folder 1167: Shin ש

- Shalom Aleichem Folkshul 2, 6, 7, New York, Perth Amboy, NJ, 1936-1941, undated

reel 13, frame 920

Folder 1168: Shin ש

- Shriftn (Writings), published every three months by the “America” Publishers, New York, 1919, 1931, undated

reel 13, frame 933

Subseries 2: Correspondence in Other Languages
This subseries includes about 300 organizations, predominantly American Jewish political groups, publishers and educational institutions. There is also significant correspondence with Socialist publications in Europe, notably in Germany. This correspondence is arranged alphabetically according to the Latin alphabet. The language of each letter or set of letters in written in parentheses following the name of the organization.
Folders: 43
Folder 1169: A

- Akademischer Verlag fuer Sociale Wissenschaften (Academic Publishers for Social Sciences), Berlin, Bern, 1900-1902, undated (German)

reel 13, frame 943

Folder 1170: A

- The Amalgamated Bank of New York, New York, 1926-1931, undated (English)

- American Committee Appeal for the Jews in Poland, New York, 1937 (English)

- American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, New York, 1940 (English)

- American Friends Service Committee, New York, 1939 (English)

reel 13, frame 1135

Folder 1171: A

- American Jewish Congress, New York, 1932-1937, undated (English)

reel 13, frame 1150

Folder 1172: A

- The American Jewish Chronicle, a national weekly, New York, 1916-1917 (English)

- The American Jewish Committee, New York, 1916, 1932-1942 (English)

- American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, including the American Jewish Joint Agricultural Corporation (Agro-Joint), New York, 1920-1928, 1942-1943 (English)

reel 14, frame 1

Folder 1173: A

- The American League Against War and Fascism, New York, undated (English)

- American League to Combat Anti-Semitism, Inc., New York, 1939 (English)

- American Rescue Ship Mission, New York, 1940-1941 (English)

- The American Socialist Quarterly, the theoretical organ of the Socialist Party, New York, 1935 (English)

- American Workers Party, New York, 1934 (English)

reel 14, frame 23

Folder 1174: B

- “Back to Herzl” Committee, New York, 1927 (English)

- Bankers Trust Company, New York, 1925 (English)

- Basler Zeitung und Handelsblatt (Basel Newspaper and Trade Journal), including a postcard from Engelbert Pernerstorfer in Bern, Basel, 1895, 1903 (German)

- Bennington College, Bennington, VT, 1934 (English)

reel 14, frame 39

Folder 1175: B

- Bibliographical Encyclopedia of American Jews, New York, 1934 (English)

- Bielorusskoe Press Bureau (Belarussian Press Bureau), Riga, 1920 (Russian)

- Boni and Liverright, Inc. Publishers, New York, 1917 (English)

- Bratskoe Obstchestwo (Brotherhood Aid Society for Russian Immigrants), Pittsburgh, 1905 (Russian)

- Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, 1936 (English)

- The Brooklyn Jewish Center, Brooklyn, 1928 (English)

reel 14, frame 47

Folder 1176: C

- Campaign for Jewish War Sufferers, New York, 1916 (English)

- The Central Commission for Jewish Colonization, New York, 1933-1934, undated (English)

reel 14, frame 60

Folder 1177: C

- College of the City of New York, New York, 1930-1936 (English)

- Committee for the Defense of Dr. Israel Zinberg, New York, undated (English)

- Committee for the Publication of The Great Russian Revolution by Victor M. Chernov, New York, 1932 (English)

- Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., 1928, undated (English)

- Conference on Jewish Relations, Inc., New York, 1937 (English)

- Congress of American National Groups, New York, 1938 (English)

- Cope and Harrison Smith, New York, 1932 (English)

Council for Democracy, New York, 1942 (English)

reel 14, frame 94

Folder 1178: D

- Darkest Russia, London, 1913 (English)

- Deutsche Worte (German Word), monthly journal, Vienna, 1899-1905 (German)

reel 14, frame 115

Folder 1179: E

- The Educational Alliance, New York, 1905, 1935 (English)

- Educational Department, Amalgamated Cooperative Apartments, New York, 1933 (English)

- Emergency Committee to Stop Deportations to the Sahara Desert, New York, 1941 (English)

reel 14, frame 119

Folder 1180: E

- English Zionist Federation, London, 1917 (English)

- The Encyclopedia Britannica, New York, 1917 (English)

- Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, New York, 1930 (English)

- The Equitable Life Assurance Society, New York, 1939-1941 (English)

reel 14, frame 125

Folder 1181: F

- Federal Works Agency Work Projects Administration, New York, 1939 (English)

- Der Fraind (The Friend), daily Jewish newspaper, St. Petersburg, 1906 (Russian)

- The Free Age Press, London, 1900 (Russian)

- Free Synagogue, New York, 1937 (English)

reel 14, frame 136

Folder 1182: F, G

- Freeson Magazine, an American Jewish Monthly, New York, 1933 (English)

- Die Freistatt (The Sanctuary), national Jewish monthly magazine, Berlin, 1913 (German)

- Fund for the Relief of Men of Letters and Scientists of Russia, New York, 1932 (English)

- The Graduate School for Jewish Social Work, New York, 1932-1937 (English)

reel 14, frame 142

Folder 1183: H-J

- Het Volk (The People), daily newspaper of the Workers Party, Amsterdam, 1903-1904 (Dutch)

- Internationaler Arbeiter Bund (International Workers Federation), Elizabeth, NJ, 1905 (German)

- The Jewish Agricultural Society, Inc., New York, 1931 (English)

- The Israelite Daily Press, 100th Anniversary Souvenir, Winnipeg, 1932 (English)

reel 14, frame 154

Folder 1184: J

- Jewish Antifascist Committee, Moscow, 1942 (English)

reel 14, frame 160

Folder 1185: J

- Jewish Biographical Bureau, Who’s Who in American Jewry, New York, 1926-1943 (English)

- The Jewish Chronicle, The Jewish World, two weekly newspapers, London, 1921 (English)

- Jewish Daily Bulletin, New York, 1934 (English)

- Jewish Educational Club, Jewish Community Building, Buffalo, NY, 1922 (English)

reel 14, frame 175

Folder 1186: J

- The Jewish Forum, monthly magazine, New York, 1922 (English)

- The Jewish Publication Society of America, New York, 1913 (English)

- The Jewish Reconstruction Fund, Ltd., founded by ORT, London, Berlin, Paris, New York, 1925-1935 (English, French, German, Yiddish)

reel 14, frame 188

Folder 1187: J

- The Jewish Settlement, Cincinnati, 1921 (English)

- The Jewish Spectator, national Jewish Monthly, New York, 1936 (English)

- Jewish Statistical Bureau, New York, 1933 (English)

- The Jewish Survey, New York, 1941-1942 (English)

reel 14, frame 206

Folder 1188: J

- Jewish Telegraphic Agency, including a copy of Central Verein Zeitung (Central Association of Newspapers), New York, Berlin, 1932-1935 (English, German)

- Jewish Territorial Organization, New York, 1939 (English)

- Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York, 1936-1939 (English, Yiddish)

reel 14, frame 212

Folder 1189: J

- Joodsch Correspondentie-Bureau (Jewish Correspondence Bureau), The Hague, Zurich, 1913 (English)

- Der Jude, Revue der Juedischen Moderne (The Jew, Journal of Jewish modernity), Berlin, 1903 (German)

- The Judge, New York, 1938 (English)

- Der Judishe Encyclopedia (The Jewish Encyclopedia), St. Petersburg, 1904 (Russian)

- Judische Lesehalle und Kulturverein (Jewish Reading Room and Culture Association), Chemnitz, Germany, 1923 (German)

reel 14, frame 250

Folder 1190: J

- Juedische Monatshefte (Jewish Monthly Magazine), Munich, 1909, undated (German)

- Judischer Verlag (Jewish Publishers), Berlin, 1923 (German)

reel 14, frame 257

Folder 1191: L-M

- Library of Congress, Division of Semitic Literature, Division of Accessions, Washington, D.C., 1933-1936 (English)

- Abraham Manievich Art Committee, New York, 1943 (English)

- The Menorah Journal, New York, 1937 (English)

- Ministere du Commerce de l’Industrie (Ministry of Commerce of Industry), Paris, 1900 (French)

- Minsker Sotsialisten Revolutsioneren Hilfs Ferain (Minsk Socialist-Revolutionary Aid Association), New York, 1905 (Russian)

- Die Mission der Bjelarussischer Volksrepublik (The Mission of the People’s Republic of Belarus), Berlin, 1921 (German, Russian)

- Munk and Roth Verlags-und Sortiments Buchhandlung (Publishers and Bookstores), Lemberg (L’viv), 1902 (German)

reel 14, frame 265

Folder 1192: N

- Nai Juda (New Judea), New York, 1938-1939 (English)

- National Committee for Relief of Sufferers by Russian Massacres, New York, 1906 (English)

- National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, Inc., New York, 1943 (English)

- The National Farm School, Newark, NJ, 1940 (English)

reel 14, frame 303

Folder 1193: N

- National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, New York, 1943 (English)

- National Jewish Monthly, Washington, D.C., 1942 (English)

- National Refugee Service, Inc., New York, 1940 (English)

- Neuer Frankfurter Verlag (New Frankfurt Publishers), Frankfurt am Main, 1902 (German)

reel 14, frame 313

Folder 1194: N

- New Masses, New York, 1941 (English)

- Newspaper Guild of New York, New York, 1940-1941 (English, Yiddish)

- New York Conference for Inalienable Rights, New York, 1941 (English)

- New York Evening Journal, New York, 1905 (English)

- The New York Evening Post, New York, 1915-1917 (English)

reel 14, frame 321

Folder 1195: N

- The New York Public Library, New York, 1916-1918 (English, Russian)

- The New York Society of the Friends of Russian Freedom, New York, 1905 (English)

- The New York State Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics, Ithaca, NY, 1937 (English)

- The New York Times, New York, 1926 (English)

reel 14, frame 332

Folder 1196: N

- Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights, Inc., New York, 1938-1939 (English)

- Novoe Slovo (The New World), Marxist magazine, St. Petersburg?, 1897 (Russian)

reel 14, frame 341

Folder 1197: P

- The Palestine Economic Corporation, New York, 1932-1939 (English)

- The Palestine Electric Corporation, London, 1929-1933 (English)

reel 14, frame 348

Folder 1198: P

- The People’s Alliance for Agricultural Colonization in America, Philadelphia, 1932 (English)

- The People’s Art Guild, New York, 1917 (English)

- People’s Delegation to Biro-Bidjan, New York, 1936 (English)

- People’s Tool Campaign, New York, 1932 (English)

reel 14, frame 357

Folder 1199: P-R

- La Plume (The Pen), Paris, 1902 (French)

- Pooti Magazine, New York, 1933, undated (Russian)

- The Rand Bookstore, New York, undated (English)

- Reliable Pictures Corporation, New York, 1936, undated (English)

- Renouveau, Association pour les Interets Agricoles des Israelites (Renewal, Association for the Agricultural Interests of the Israelites), Paris, undated (English)

- Revolutionary Workers League, New York, 1936 (English)

- Van Riemsdyck Book Service, New York, 1932 (English)

- Der Ruf (The Call), Amsterdam, 1937 (German)

reel 14, frame 365

Folder 1200: R

- Russian Free Press Fund, London, 1892-1897 (Russian)

- Russian Information Bureau, New York, 1917-1918 (English, Russian)

- Russian Library, Russian Books, New York, 1895 (Russian)

- Russkaya Revolyutayonnaya Liga (Russian Revolutionary League), New York, 1905 (Russian)

- Russkoye Bogatstvo (Russian Wealth), St. Petersburg, 1903 (Russian)

reel 14, frame 392

Folder 1201: S

- The School for the Jewish Woman, New York, 1933 (English)

- Schweizerischen Blatter (Swiss Pages), Basel, 1898 (German)

- Schappes Defense Committee, New York, 1942-1943 (English)

- Shalom Schwarzbard Farewell Committee, New York, 1934 (English)

reel 14, frame 483

Folder 1202: S

- Socialist Party, New York, 1906, undated (English)

- Societe d’Emigration et Colonization Juive (Society for Jewish Emigration and Colonization), “EMCOL” Paris, 1936 (German)

- Societe Generale (General Society), to develop commerce and industry in France, Paris, 1936 (French)

- Societe Nouvelle de la Petite Republique (New Society of the Republic), Paris, 1895 (French)

reel 14, frame 495

Folder 1203: S

- Sozialistische Arbeiter Internationale (Socialist Workers International), Zurich, 1930 (German)

- The Swiss Publication Company, New York, 1901 (German)

- A.G. Syrkin Lehrmittel Verlag (Educational Materials Publishers), Berlin, 1922 (German)

reel 14, frame 504

Folder 1204: T-U

- Treasury Department, Albany, Detroit, Washington, D.C., 1932-1942 (English)

- La Tribune Russe (The Russian Tribune), Paris, 1904 (Russian)

- J. Walter Thompson Company Advertising, Chicago, 1918 (English)

- The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Inc., London, 1942-1943 (English)

- U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C., undated (English)

reel 14, frame 509

Folder 1205: V

- Verein fuer Juedische Statistik (Association for Jewish Statistics), Berlin, 1902 (German)

- Vereins Juedischer Hochshueler Bar Kochba in Prag (Federation of Jewish Bar Kochba High Schools in Prague), Berlin, undated (German)

- Verein Russischer Juden in Hamburg (Association of Russian Jews in Hamburg), Hamburg, 1923 (Russian)

- Verlag der Sozialistischen Monatshefte (Publisher of the Socialist Monthly Bulletin), Berlin, 1897-1902, 1923-1932, undated (German)

reel 14, frame 521

Folder 1206: V

- Das Volkswirtschaftsdepartement des Kantons St. Gallen (The Economics Department of the Canton of St. Gallen), St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1899 (German)

- Vorstand der Israeliten-Gemeinde, Trebitsch (Board of the Jewish Community of Trebitsch), Trebitsch, Germany, 1901 (German)

- Vorwaerts Berliner Volksblatt (Forward Berlin Peoples Journal), central organ of the German Social Democratic Party, also some undated clippings from the Pariser Tageblatt, Berlin, 1902 (German)

reel 14, frame 570

Folder 1207: W

- Web Holding Corporation, New York, 1928-1929 (English)

- Der Weg (The Way), Vienna, 1905 (German)

- Women Organization for Pioneer Women in Palestine, Philadelphia, 1933 (Russian)

- World Organization of Jewish War Invalids, Widows and Orphans, Berlin, 1928 (German)

reel 14, frame 579

Folder 1208: Y-Z

- Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1936-1937 (English)

- Die Zeit (The Time), weekly journal, Vienna, 1897-1898 (German)

- The Zionist Lunch Club, New York, 1918 (English)

- The Zionist Organization of America, New York, 1921 (English)

- Zionist Society of Engineers and Agriculturists, New York, 1921 (English)

- Die Zukunft (The Future), Berlin, 1899 (German)

reel 14, frame 586

Folder 1209: Unidentified Letters
reel 14, frame 598
Folder 1210: Unidentified Letters
reel 14, frame 926
Folder 1211: Fragments of Letters
reel 15, frame 1
Series V: Manuscripts
This series consists of manuscripts by Zhitlowsky and by others. The series includes monographs, essays, articles, notes, drafts, and transcripts of speeches. The manuscripts are arranged in four subseries by language. Within each subseries the manuscripts are listed alphabetically by title. The Yiddish manuscripts are arranged according to the Yiddish alphabet sequence. The other series are in Latin alphabet sequence. The titles of the Yiddish and Russian manuscripts have been transliterated and translated and the titles of the German manuscripts have been translated. The majority of manuscripts are Zhitlowsky' s own writings, particularly the Yiddish manuscripts. Among the Russian manuscripts are a number of literary works by Zhitlowsky's first wife Vera Lokhova. The authorship of many Russian and German manuscripts could not be determined, especially where the front pages were missing. The manuscript series seems to be much more complete than the correspondence. However, due to the lack of a bibliography of Zhitlowsky's writings, the publication history of each item cannot be established, nor can it be determined which items have not been published yet. The unidentified fragments are placed at the end of each subseries.
Folders: 820
Subseries 1: Yiddish
Folders: 566
Folder 1212: Oys di Zikhroynes fun a Yidishn Sotsialist (From the Memoirs of a Jewish Socialist)

162 pgs., New York

reel 15, frame 44

Folder 1213: Oys di Zikhroynes fun a Yidishn Sotsialist (From the Memoirs of a Jewish Socialist)

145 pgs., received from S. Weiner, NY, October 23, 1968

reel 15, frame 208

Folder 1214: Oys dem Gaystiken Lebn fun der Tsayt (From the Spiritual Life of the Time)

3 pgs.

reel 15, frame 367

Folder 1215: Oys der Visnshaftlekher Kronik (From the Scholarly Chronicle)

13 pgs.

reel 15, frame 371

Folder 1216: Di Oysgeshtekte Hant (The Outstretched Hand)

11 pgs.

reel 15, frame 385

Folder 1217: Di Oyszikhten oder di Oyfgaben fun der Yidisher Arbetershaft (The Outlook or the Problem of Jewish Labor)

4 pgs.

reel 15, frame 397

Folder 1218: Di Oyszikhten oyf Erets-Yisroel (The Outlook for Palestine)

16 pgs., New York

reel 15, frame 402

Folder 1219: Di Oyszikhten fun der Kultur in Yidish (The Prospects for Culture in Yiddish)

30 pgs.

reel 15, frame 421

Folder 1220: Di Oyfgabe der Logik (The Problem of Logic)

2 pgs., outlines

reel 15, frame 453

Folder 1221: Di Oyfgaben fun der Yidisher Inteligents in Amerike (The Tasks of the Jewish Intelligentsia in America)

8 pgs., outlines

reel 15, frame 456

Folder 1222: Di Oyfgaben fun der Yidisher Yugent (The Tasks of Jewish Youth)

5 pgs.

reel 15, frame 467

Folder 1223: Afn Shvel funem Sotsializm (On the Threshold of Socialism)

26 pgs.

reel 15, frame 494

Folder 1224: Der Oyfkum fun di Ershte Moderne Shules in Amerike (A Kurtser Iberblik) [The Appearance of the First Modern Schools in America (A Brief Overview)]

15 pgs., YIVO received this manuscript from Isaac Fine

reel 15, frame 522

Folder 1225: Oyfruf tsu Ale Yidn fun Progresivn Lager (Appeal to All Jews in the Progressive Camp)

36 pgs.

reel 15, frame 538

Folder 1226: Umziste Hofenungen (Futile Hope)

4 pgs.

reel 15, frame 575

Folder 1227: Di Umfarmaydlekhe Revolutsie in Undzer Partey (The Inevitable Revolution in Our Party)

10 pgs.

reel 15, frame 580

Folder 1228: Undzer Derklerung tsu der Velt (Our Declaration to the World)

10 pgs.

reel 15, frame 591

Folder 1229: Undzer Historisher Veg (Our Historical Way)

4 pgs.

reel 15, frame 603

Folder 1230: Undzer Vendung tsu dem Felkerbund (Our Message to the League of Nations)

10 pgs.

reel 15, frame 608

Folder 1231: Undzer Vendung tsu dem Fridns-Kongres (Our Message to the Peace Conference)

10 pgs.

reel 15, frame 619

Folder 1232: Undzer Yoysher-Rekht oyf Erets-Yisroel (Our Just Right to Palestine)

10 pgs., New York

reel 15, frame 631

Folder 1233: Undzer Tsukunft do in Land (Our Future in this Country)

5 pgs., Washington

reel 15, frame 642

Folder 1234: Undzer Tsukunft in Poyln (Our Future in Poland)

10 pgs., first article

reel 15, frame 650

Folder 1235: Undzer Shtelung tsum Folk (Our Attitude Towards the People)

5 pgs.

reel 15, frame 661

Folder 1236: An Atentat oyf Leninen (loyt Fabrikants zikhroynes) [An Assassination Attempt on Lenin (according to Fabrikant’s memoirs)]

20 pgs., 2 articles

reel 15, frame 667

Folder 1237: Iberblik: Marks (Survey: Marx)

11 pgs.

reel 15, frame 688

Folder 1238: Yid un Mentsh (Jew and Individual)

12 pgs.

reel 15, frame 700

Folder 1239: Yidish un Tanakh (Yiddish and Bible)

11 pgs.

reel 15, frame 712

Folder 1240: Yidishizm-Hebreizm (Yiddishism-Hebraism)

16 pgs.

reel 15, frame 726

Folder 1241: Yidishistisher Tsionizm (Yiddishist Zionism)

16 pgs.

reel 15, frame 735

Folder 1242: Yidishe Abnormalitetn in Farglaykh mit Andere Felker (Jewish Abnormalities in Comparison with Other Peoples)

3 pgs.

reel 15, frame 754

Folder 1243: Yidishe Groyse Neviim (Great Jewish Prophets)

2 pgs.

reel 15, frame 758

Folder 1244: Yidishe Dertsiung (Jewish Education)

7 pgs., incomplete

reel 15, frame 761

Folder 1245: Di Yidishe Lage (The Jewish Position)

4 pgs., outlines

reel 15, frame 769

Folder 1246: Di Yidishe Natur (The Jewish Character)

12 pgs.

reel 15, frame 774

Folder 1247: Yidishe Sotsialistishe Arbayter Partey (Jewish Socialist Worker’s Party (SERP))

3 pgs.

reel 15, frame 787

Folder 1248: Yidishe Problemen (Jewish Problems)

10 pgs.

reel 15, frame 791

Folder 1249: Yidishe Progresive Politik (Jewish Progressive Politics)

20 pgs.

reel 15, frame 803

Folder 1250: Yidishe Fragen (Jewish Questions)

12 pgs., Berlin

reel 15, frame 824

Folder 1251: Yidishe Tsaytfragen (Jewish Questions of the Present Time)

6 pgs.

reel 15, frame 845

Folder 1252: Yidishe Kultur-Arbet un "Yidishizm" (Jewish Cultural Work and “Yiddishism”)

12 pgs., also a 3-page typescript

reel 15, frame 852

Folder 1253: Di Yidishe Kongres-Bavegung in di Shtatn (The Jewish Congress Movement in the United States)

2 pgs.

reel 15, frame 867

Folder 1254: Yidisher Alveltlekher Kongres, "Teritories" un Tsionizm (World Jewish Congress, “Territories” and Zionism)

2 pgs.

reel 15, frame 870

Folder 1255: Der Yidisher Sots(ializm) un Farsheydene Organizatsies (Jewish Soc(ialism) and Various Organizations)

5 pgs.

reel 15, frame 884

Folder 1256: Der Yidisher Kulturklub (The Jewish Culture Club)

13 pgs.

reel 15, frame 890

Folder 1257: Ideal un Virklekhkeyt (Ideal and Reality)

16 pgs.

reel 15, frame 904

Folder 1258: Der Ideal un zayn Vert (The Ideal and its Worth)

3 pgs.

reel 15, frame 926

Folder 1259: Yidentum un Kristentum (Judaism and Christianity)

18 pgs., not in order, incomplete, also quotes and excerpts

reel 15, frame 931

Folder 1260: Yidns Rede, Vikhtik far der Hayntiker Tsayt (Jews’ Speech, Important for Today’s Time)

6 pgs.

reel 15, frame 996

Folder 1261: Yidn un di Sotsiale Revolutsie (Jews and Social Revolution)

11 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1003

Folder 1262: Di Yidn-Frage un di Revolutsion in Rusland (The Jewish Question and the Russian Revolution)

26 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1018

Folder 1263: Yidn Radikaln in Finland (Jewish Radicals in Finland)

20 pgs., a speech given at a symposium of a branch of the National Worker’s Union, “The Quiet Corner”

reel 15, frame 1050

Folder 1264: Iev un Faust (Job and Faust)

10 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1072

Folder 1265: Iz a Nayer Veltkrig Umfarmaydlekh? (Is a New World War Inevitable?)

14 pgs., notes

reel 15, frame 1084

Folder 1266: Iz di Antviklung fun der Kultur un der Yidisher Shrakh Meglekh in Amerike? (Is the Development of Yiddish Culture and the Yiddish Language Possible in America?)

6 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1111

Folder 1267: Farsheydene Fragmentn (Various Fragments)

24 pgs., includes some Russian

reel 15, frame 1118

Folder 1268: Iz der Yidisher Gayst Sheferish? (Is the Jewish Intellect Creative?)

5 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1143

Folder 1269: Iz der Veltkrig tsu Ende? (Is the World War Going to End?)

8 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1149

Folder 1270: Der Eybiker Sikhsukh Tsvishn "Gut" un "Beser" (The Everlasting Conflict Between ‘Good’ and ‘Better’)

7 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1158

Folder 1271: "Eygene" Kultur un "Fremde" Kultur (“Own” Culture and “Alien” Culture)

3 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1166

Folder 1272: Eynike Kritishe Bamerkungen (Gathered Critical Remarks)

10 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1170

Folder 1273: Aynteylung in di "Gaystike Kultur" (Division in the “Intellectual Culture”)

11 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1181

Folder 1274: Aynshteyns Religieze Filosofie (Einstein’s Religious Philosophy)

10 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1194

Folder 1275: Aynshteyn (Einstein)

29 pgs., not in order

reel 15, frame 1206

Folder 1276: Dos "Ikh" in Natur un Kultur (The “I” in Nature and Culture)

9 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1239

Folder 1277: Ikh Gloyb in di Koykhes un Lebns-Energie fun mayn Folk (I Believe in the Powers and Life Energy of my People)

4 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1259

Folder 1278: An Industriele Armey far dem Oyfboy fun Erets-Yisroel (An Industrial Army for the Construction of Palestine)

10 pgs.

reel 15, frame 1266

Folder 1279: Individuele Moral un Sotsiale Etik (Individual Morality and Social Ethics)

16 pgs., notes

reel 16, frame 1

Folder 1280: Di Ineveynikste Vidershprukhn bay di Golus-Bovl Neviim (The Internal Inconsistencies of the Prophets of the Babylonian Exile)

11 pgs.

reel 16, frame 29

Folder 1281: "Integrale Teyl" (“Integral Part”)

25 pgs.

reel 16, frame 42

Folder 1282: Inteligentsie un Folk in Eyn Shprakh-Sfere - Yidish (Intelligentsia and People within the Yiddish Language Sphere)

6 pgs., incomplete, also “In America”

reel 16, frame 71

Folder 1283: Unter di Reder fun der Geshikhte (Under the Wheels of History)

6 pgs.

reel 16, frame 82

Folder 1284: Internatsionalizm (Internationalism)

29 pgs.

reel 16, frame 89

Folder 1285: Di Untershte Shure (The Bottom Line)

9 pgs.

reel 16, frame 122

Folder 1286: In di Kraln fun Tsar (fun Anskys Lebn) [In the Claws of the Tsar (from Ansky’s Life)]

11 pgs.

reel 16, frame 133

Folder 1287: Di Isoyishe Elelmentn in Kristntum (The Essenian Elements in Christianity)

6 pgs.

reel 16, frame 145

Folder 1288: Di Isyim (The Essenes)

23 pgs., also a manuscript “The Essenes,” Bern, 1889, not by Zhitlowsky, 13 pgs.

reel 16, frame 151

Folder 1289: Di Isyim oder Esener (The Essenes or Essenes), (a question of how one would translate the word 'Essenes')

6 pgs.

reel 16, frame 186

Folder 1290: Isyim un Neviim (Essenes and Prophets)

4 pgs.

reel 16, frame 193

Folder 1291: Di Itstike Lage un di Tsukunft funem Yidishn Folk (The Present Situation and the Future of the Jewish People)

27 pgs.

reel 16, frame 198

Folder 1292: Di "Alte" un di "Yunge" in Undzer Partey (The ‘Old’ and the ‘Young’ in Our Party)

10 pgs.

reel 16, frame 230

Folder 1293: Di Alte Frage, der Alter Sikhsukh (The Old Question, the Old Conflict)

6 pgs.

reel 16, frame 241

Folder 1294: Emes, Yoysher un Sheynkeyt (Truth, Justice and Beauty)

169 pgs., 18 articles

reel 16, frame 248

Folder 1295: Der Emeser Marksizm (The True Marxism)

13 pgs., outlines

reel 16, frame 448

Folder 1296: Analizn fun Historishe Ideen-Farbindungen, Gloybn in Got un Moral (Analyses of Historically Connected Ideas, Belief in G-d and Morality)

5 pgs.

reel 16, frame 466

Folder 1297: Anarkhizm un Natsionalizm (Anarchism and Nationalism)

18 pgs., remarks and outlines

reel 16, frame 472

Folder 1298: Eyn Ander Lebns-Plan, Vos Ken Men Ton Fars Yidishe Folk in Amerike (Another Life Plan, What Can One Do for the Jewish People in America)

3 pgs.

reel 16, frame 496

Folder 1299: Di Antviklung fun Yidishn Religyezn Gedank (The Development of Jewish Religious Thought)

31 pgs.

reel 16, frame 500

Folder 1300: Di Anti-Marksistishe Propaganda in Shvaytsarie biz tsum "Soyuz" (1893-1894) [The Anti-Marxist Propaganda in Switzerland until the “Soyuz” Bor’by (League of Struggle)]

10 pgs.

reel 16, frame 532

Folder 1301: Antisemitizm un Natsionalizm (Antisemitism and Nationalism)

15 pgs.

reel 16, frame 543

Folder 1302: Antsheydndiker Shrit in Farvirklekhn Kongres Ideen, Historisher Blik (Decisive Steps in Fulfilling Congressional Ideas, a Historical Look)

6 pgs., incomplete

reel 16, frame 552

Folder 1303: Anskys "Dibuk" un der Hasidizm (Ansky’s "Dybbuk" and Hasidism)

4 pgs.

reel 16, frame 559

Folder 1304: Asimilatorishe Shtrebungen un zeyer Bakemfung (Assimilationist Strivings and the Fight Against Them)

16 pgs.

reel 16, frame 564

Folder 1305: Opklangen un Batrakhtungen (Di Agrar-Frage in Rusland, Herrises Artikl in Karent Histori) [Repercussions and Considerations (The Agrarian Question in Russia, Harris’ article in the journal, Current History)]

10 pgs., New York

reel 16, frame 587

Folder 1306: An Ofener Brif tsu Fraynd un Faynd (An Open Letter to Friends and Foes)

3 pgs., Ecuador

reel 16, frame 598

Folder 1307: An Ofener Brif tsu di Yidishe Arbayter un di Yidishe Sotsialistn (An Open Letter to the Jewish Workers and the Jewish Socialists)

4 pgs.

reel 16, frame 602

Folder 1308: An Ofener Brif tsu Dr. Filipson, Rabiner in Sinsinati (An Open Letter to Dr. David Philipson, Rabbi in Cincinnati, OH)

17 pgs.

reel 16, frame 607

Folder 1309: not used
reel 16, frame 623
Folder 1310: Di Arbayter-Politik un Natsionale Inyonim (Labor Politics and National Affairs)

44 pgs.

reel 16, frame 624

Folder 1311: Di Arbayter Frage (The Labor Question)

8 pgs., incomplete

reel 16, frame 673

Folder 1312: Der Arbayter-Klas un zayn Folk (The Working Class and its People)

27 pgs.

reel 16, frame 683

Folder 1313: Arbet un Kapital (Work and Capital)

4 pgs.

reel 16, frame 712

Folder 1314: ORT (The Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor)

38 pgs., notes and remarks

reel 16, frame 717

Folder 1315: Arten fun Sheynkeyt in Natur un Mentshlekhn Lebn (Types of Beauty in Nature and Human Life)

10 pgs.

reel 16, frame 758

Folder 1316: Di Orientatsie in der Sotsialer Frage (The Direction in the Social Question)

4 pgs.

reel 16, frame 770

Folder 1317: Erets-Yisroel un di Amerikaner Yidishe Arbetershaft (Palestine and American Jewish Labor)

4 pgs.

reel 16, frame 775

Folder 1318: Erets-Yisroel un zayn Natsional-Kulturele Funktsie (Palestine and its National Cultural Function)

4 pgs., notes, also a 3-page article “Palestine Question”

reel 16, frame 780

Folder 1319: Erets-Yisroel un Rusland (Palestine and Russia)

12 pgs.

reel 16, frame 788

Folder 1320: Babeuf

14 pgs., notes

reel 16, frame 802

Folder 1321: Bazukh in Vilne un Varshe (Visit to Vilna and Warsaw)

6 pgs., incomplete

reel 16, frame 825

Folder 1322: Der Bankrot fun di Yidishe Parteyen un Naye Rikhtungen (The Bankruptcy of the Jewish Parties and New Directions)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 16, frame 832

Folder 1323: Der Bankrot fun der Asimilatsie (The Bankruptcy of Assimilation)

4 pgs., outlines

reel 16, frame 838

Folder 1324: Der Bankrot fun dem Hertslianizm far der Itstiker Historisher Konstelatsie (The Bankruptcy of Herzlianism for the Current Historical Constellation)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 16, frame 845

Folder 1325: Boryas Kholem (Borya’s Dream)

21 pgs., author unknown

reel 16, frame 850

Folder 1326: Burtsev

7 pgs.

reel 16, frame 872

Folder 1327: H.N. Bialik un di Yidishe Shprakh (H.N. Bialik and the Yiddish Language)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 16, frame 880

Folder 1328: Bibel Kritik (Biblical Criticism)

3 pgs.

reel 16, frame 885

Folder 1329: Bimkom Tsionizmen (In Place of Zionisms)

36 pgs.

reel 16, frame 890

Folder 1330: Di Blinde Talmidey-Khakhomim (The Blind Scholars)

10 pgs.

reel 16, frame 928

Folder 1331: Biro-Bidjan

3 pgs.

reel 16, frame 940

Folder 1332: Beys-Shamay un Beys-Hilel (The House of Shammai and the House of Hillel)

142 pgs., also excerpts from the Talmud

reel 16, frame 944

Folder 1333: Blik-Shtandpunkt: Es-Er "Soyuz" (Point of View: Socialist-Revolutionary “Soyuz”), by Gershuni

11 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1111

Folder 1334: Di Badaytung fun dem Yidishn Folk far der Antviklung fun Mensheyt (The Significance of the Jewish People for of the Development of Humanity)

7 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1125

Folder 1335: Edvard Bernshteyn un der Revisionizm (Eduard Bernstein and Revisionism)

6 pgs., includes quotations

reel 16, frame 1133

Folder 1336: Brider Arbayter, a Vendung Erev di Valn tsum Yidishn Kongres (Brother Workers, An Appeal on the Eve of the Elections to the Jewish Congress)

5 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1142

Folder 1337: A Briv in der Redaktsie Der Veker (A Letter to the Editor of The Alarm Clock)

4 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1148

Folder 1338: A Briv tsu a Fraynd (A Letter to a Friend)

6 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1153

Folder 1339: Briv fun a Yidishn Sotsialistn (Letter from a Jewish Socialist)

3 pgs., first letter

reel 16, frame 1160

Folder 1340: Briv tsu di Antlofene (Letter to the Fugitives)

4 pgs., missing the second page, second letter: To the recanters

reel 16, frame 1164

Folder 1341: A Briv tsu Medemen un der Inyen Manya Shokhat (A Letter to Medem and the Matter of Manya Shochat)

4 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1169

Folder 1342: Der Got-Gedank bay Yidn (The Idea of G-d among the Jews)

3 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1174

Folder 1343: Gold un Zilber (Gold and Silver)

5 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1178

Folder 1344: Der Gasn Marksizm (Street Marxism)

3 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1185

Folder 1345: Gayst un Materie (Spirit and Matter)

11 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1189

Folder 1346: Di Gaystike Geshikhte fun Undzer Folk Do in Land (The Spiritual History of Our People in This Country)

10 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1201

Folder 1347: Gaystike Kultur (Spiritual Culture)

5 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1212

Folder 1348: Der Gaystiker Matsev fun di Mizrakh-Eyropeishe Yidn (The Spiritual State of Eastern European Jews)

7 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1218

Folder 1349: Der Gaystiker Kamf (The Spiritual Fight)

9 pgs., outlines and notes

reel 16, frame 1226

Folder 1350: Gloybn oder Folk? (Beliefs or People?)

6 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1252

Folder 1351: Der Gloybn in Meshiekh (The Belief in the Messiah)

10 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1259

Folder 1352: Der Gebot fun der Tsayt (A Vendung tsu Ale Yidishe-Kinder Do in Land) [The Commandment of Our Times (An Appeal to All Jewish Descendants in this Country)]

12 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1270

Folder 1353: Gegner fun Diktatur (Opponents of Dictatorship)

3 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1283

Folder 1354: Gedanken vegn Got (Thoughts about G-d)

6 pgs., in a notebook

reel 16, frame 1287

Folder 1355: Gevoynheytn (Habits)

7 pgs., incomplete

reel 16, frame 1296

Folder 1356: Gemeynshaftlekhe Momentn (Common Moments)

3 pgs.

reel 16, frame 1304

Folder 1357: Geshikhte fun di Alte Mitsrim (The History of Ancient Egyptians)

17 pgs., Berlin, the title is in German

reel 17, frame 1

Folder 1358: Geshray funem Gerkhtikeyt (Cry for Justice)

10 pgs.

reel 17, frame 20

Folder 1359: Di Groyse Utopistn (The Great Utopians)

10 pgs., incomplete

reel 17, frame 32

Folder 1360: Di Grundlagen fun den Progresivn Natsionalizm (The Basic Principles of Progressive Nationalism)

22 pgs., outlines, observations and thoughts

reel 17, frame 43

Folder 1361: Der Grunt-Shtrikh fun Undzer Tsayt (The Basic Features of Our Time)

4 pgs.

reel 17, frame 75

Folder 1362: Di Grunt-Problemen fun der Religiezer Filosofie (The Basic Problems of Religious Philosophy)

25 pgs., outlines and notes

reel 17, frame 80

Folder 1363: Dos iz di Geshikhte fun Yankevs Mishpokhe (This is the History of Jacob’s Family)

7 pgs.

reel 17, frame 123

Folder 1364: Darfn Yidn Shafn a Bazunderen Relif-Komitet far Sovet Rusland? (Should Jews Create a Separate Relief Committee for Soviet Russia?)

15 pgs.

reel 17, frame 131

Folder 1365: Dubnovs Oytonomizm (a Por Tezisn tsu zayn 75stn Yoyvl) [Dubnow’s Autonomism (two outlines on his 75th birthday)]

7 pgs.

reel 17, frame 147

Folder 1366: David

6 pgs.

reel 17, frame 155

Folder 1367: Der Dor Hamidber (The Desert Generation)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 17, frame 162

Folder 1368: Daytshland un di Yidnfrage (Germany and the Jewish Question)

4 pgs.

reel 17, frame 167

Folder 1369: Diktatur (Dictatorship)

15 pgs. (numbered 5-20)

reel 17, frame 175

Folder 1370: Diktatur fun a Minoritet oder Arbayterishe Diktatur? (Dictator of a Minority or the Dictatorship of the Workers?)

7 pgs., a debate

reel 17, frame 192

Folder 1371: Debate mit Olginen (Debate with Olgin)

30 pgs., not in order

reel 17, frame 200

Folder 1372: Debate Tsvishn Dr. Ch. Zhitlowsky un A. Revutsky (Debate Between Dr. Chaim Zhitlowsky and A. Revutsky)

5 pgs., from the Morning Journal

reel 17, frame 234

Folder 1373: Demokratie un Sotsiale Zikherkeyt (di Tsiln fun dem Ershtn un dem Tsveytn Velt-Krig) [Democracy and Social Security (The Goals of the First and Second World Wars)]

18 pgs.

reel 17, frame 240

Folder 1374: Denken iz Bavustzayn (Thinking is Awareness)

4 pgs.

reel 17, frame 259

Folder 1375: Der Dialektisher Materializm un der Visnshaftlekher Sotsializm (Tsu dem 50-Yorikn Yahrtsayt fun Karl Marksn ) [Dialectical Materialism and Scholarly Socialism (on the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Karl Marx)]

50 pgs.

reel 17, frame 264

Folder 1376: Der Driter Tsad, tsveyter artikl, Der Sovetish-Daytsher Opmakh (The Third Side, second article, the Soviet-German Pact)

13 pgs.

reel 17, frame 315

Folder 1377: Der Driter Tsad, driter artikl, Di Tseshterung fun der Poylisher Melukhe (The Third Side, third article, the Destruction of the Polish State)

11 pgs.

reel 17, frame 330

Folder 1378: Dray Ofene Briv tsu Mayne Fraynd (Three Open Letters to my Friends)

23 pgs., contains only the second and third letter

reel 17, frame 343

Folder 1379: Dray Artiklen funem Reaktsionern Natsionalizm (Three Articles on Reactionary Nationalism)

42 pgs., not in order, notes

reel 17, frame 369

Folder 1380: A Natsional Yidisher Teater (A National Yiddish Theater)

3 pgs.

reel 17, frame 420

Folder 1381: Humanizm un Yidntum (Humanism and Judaism)

30 pgs., notes

reel 17, frame 424

Folder 1382: Hoysofes (Appendices)

7 pgs., not in order

reel 17, frame 527

Folder 1383: Hitler un Lehavdl Ruzvelt (Hitler and, not in the same breath, Roosevelt)

4 pgs.

reel 17, frame 538

Folder 1384: Di Hay-Yorike Yubileyen, an Entfer L.A. Dubim fun Nyu-Yorker Khronik (This Year’s Anniversaries, an Answer to L.A. Dubim of the New York Chronicle)

6 pgs.

reel 17, frame 544

Folder 1385: Heylike Kriger (Holy Warriors)

10 pgs.

reel 17, frame 551

Folder 1386: Der Hayntiker Rezhim in Rusland (The Current Regime in Russia)

5 pgs., incomplete

reel 17, frame 563

Folder 1387: Der Historisher Goyrl funem Yidishn Folk (The Historic Destiny of the Jewish People)

5 pgs., incomplete

reel 17, frame 569

Folder 1388: Hebreyizm un Yidishizm (Hebraism and Yiddishism)

19 pgs., the first page is missing, outlines and notes

reel 17, frame 575

Folder 1389: Hebreyish un Hebreyizm (Hebrew and Hebraism)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 17, frame 599

Folder 1390: Di Hekhste Noyt fun Undzer Tsayt (The Greatest Need of Our Time)

13 pgs.

reel 17, frame 605

Folder 1391: Der Haskole Period (The Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment) Period)

2 pgs.

reel 17, frame 619

Folder 1392: Hakdome tsu: In Kamf far Undzer Shprakh un Folk (Preface to “In the Struggle for our Language and People”)

2 pgs.

reel 17, frame 623

Folder 1393: Hakdome tsu: Di Neviim (Preface to “The Prophets”)

13 pgs.

reel 17, frame 626

Folder 1394: Hakdome tsu S. Nigers: Lezer, Dikhter, Kritiker (Preface to S. Niger’s “Reader, Poet, Critic”)

10 pgs., missing the first page

reel 17, frame 645

Folder 1395: Hakdome tsu I. Polishuks Bukh: Di Antviklung fun Bavustzayn un der Protses fun Visn (Preface to I. Polishuk’s “The Development of Consciousness and the Process of Knowing”)

14 pgs.

reel 17, frame 656

Folder 1396: Vu iz der Yidisher Tsenter? (Notitsn fun a Yidishn Publitsist) [Where is the Jewish Center? (notes from a Jewish publicist)]

10 pgs.

reel 17, frame 670

Folder 1397: Vu Halt Dos mit Rusland? (Where Does It Stand with Russia?)

10 pgs.

reel 17, frame 681

Folder 1398: Vu Haltn Mir in der Velt? (Where Do We Stand in the World?)

5 pgs.

reel 17, frame 692

Folder 1399: Vos Undz Felt (What Do We Lack?)

8 pgs.

reel 17, frame 698

Folder 1400: Vos iz Oyfklerung? (What is Enlightenment?)

2 pgs.

reel 17, frame 708

Folder 1401: Vos iz im Nebekh Azoyns? (What is Wrong with Him?)

3 pgs.

reel 17, frame 712

Folder 1402: Vos iz a Folk? (What is a People?)

22 pgs.

reel 17, frame 716

Folder 1403: Vos iz Geshikhte? (What is History?)

25 pgs.

reel 17, frame 739

Folder 1404: Vos iz Sotsializm? (What is Socialism?)

15 pgs.

reel 17, frame 766

Folder 1405: Vos iz Poezye? (What is Poetry?)

23 pgs.

reel 17, frame 783

Folder 1406: Vos iz Piramidal un vos iz Kolosal? (What is Pyramidal and What is Colossal?)

6 pgs., in German

reel 17, frame 811

Folder 1407: Vos hot Marks Ibergebitn in dem Sotsializm? (What Did Marx Change in Socialism?)

2 pgs., outlines, remarks

reel 17, frame 817

Folder 1408: Vos Viln di Revizionistn? (What Do the Revisionists Want?)

10 pgs.

reel 17, frame 820

Folder 1409: Vos Zol Zayn Undzer Shprakh? (What Should Be Our Language?)

2 pgs., outlines

reel 17, frame 831

Folder 1410: Vos Ton Itster? (What Should Be Done Now?)

8 pgs.

reel 17, frame 834

Folder 1411: Vafn Oysgeshmidt in Yidish (Der YIVO un Zayne Oyftuen) [Weapons Forged in Yiddish (YIVO and its Accomplishments)]

24 pgs.

reel 17, frame 849

Folder 1412: V'im Tomar: Mah Nochal?, der Nomen "Yidish" (And If You Say ‘What Will We Eat?’, the Name “Yiddish”)

8 pgs.

reel 17, frame 875

Folder 1413: Vi Azoy Ikh bin Gevorn a Yidishist (How I Became a Yiddishist)

2 pgs., outlines

reel 17, frame 883

Folder 1414: Der "Vayser Papir" un der Ahad HaAmizm (The White Paper and Ahad HaAmism)

10 pgs.

reel 17, frame 886

Folder 1415: A Vikhtiker Shtrikh fun dem Nokh-Krig-Sotsializm (An Important Feature of Postwar Socialism)

7 pgs.

reel 17, frame 897

Folder 1416: Di Visnshaft, di Unendlekhkeyt fun S. Filips (The Scholarship, the Infinity of S. Phillips)

25 pgs., in a notebook

reel 17, frame 904

Folder 1417: Di Visnshaft, Filosofie, Religie (Scholarship, Philosophy and Religion)

73 pgs., first lecture, in note form and a printed booklet, also copyright information

reel 17, frame 919

Folder 1418: Visn iz Makht (Knowledge is Power)

5 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1026

Folder 1419: Der Veg tsu der Geule (The Road to Salvation)

14 pgs., Warsaw

reel 17, frame 1032

Folder 1420: Vegn a Yidishe Proletarishe Fartretershaft in Sotsialistishn Internatsional (On the Jewish Proletarian Representation in the Socialist International)

9 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1048

Folder 1421: Vegn der Kinstlerisher Vert fun "Dibuk" (On the Artistic Worth of “The Dybbuk”)

3 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1058

Folder 1422: Vegn Dr. N. Sirkins Tsvey Artiklen in "Dos Naye Lebn" (On N. Syrkin’s Two Articles in The New Life)

3 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1062

Folder 1423: Vegn Fareyniktn Front fun di Komunistn mit di Sotsialistn (On the United Front of the Communists and the Socialists)

4 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1066

Folder 1424: Vegn fun der Yidisher Politik (The Ways of Yiddish Politics)

11 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1071

Folder 1425: Vegn Karl Kautsky (On Karl Kautsky)

6 pgs., incomplete

reel 17, frame 1083

Folder 1426: Vegn a Yidishistisher Agrar-Bavegung Do in Land (On a Yiddishist Agrarian Movement in this Country)

12 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1089

Folder 1427: Vegn Undzer Yugent (On Our Youth)

10 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1106

Folder 1428: Vegn Yidish in Amerike (On Yiddish in America)

17 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1117

Folder 1429: Vegn Yidishe Problemen Do in Land fun a Sotsialistishn Shtandpunkt (On Jewish Problems in this Country from a Socialist Standpoint)

22 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1138

Folder 1430: Vegn an Alveltlekhn Arbayter-Kongress in dem Arbeiter-Ring (On a Worldwide Workers Congress in the Workmen's Circle)

5 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1161

Folder 1431: Vegn Erets-Yisroel (On Palestine)

10 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1170

Folder 1432: Vegn Albert Bushes Bukh (On Albert Bush’s Book)

8 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1181

Folder 1433: Vegn Got (On G-d)

11 pgs., first part, definitions

reel 17, frame 1190

Folder 1434: Vegn "Dem Farloyrenem Dor" (On “The Lost Generation”)

10 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1203

Folder 1435: Vegn der Tsukunft fun Yidishn Folk un Funem Yidishn Sotsializm in Amerike (On the Future of the Jewish People and on Jewish Socialism in America)

4 pgs.

reel 17, frame 1215

Folder 1436: Vegn Fareynikung mit "Tmeyim" (On the Association with the “Untouchables”)

3 pgs., incomplete, author unknown

reel 18, frame 1

Folder 1437: Dos Vezen fun der Revolutsion in Rusland (About the Revolution in Russia)

21 pgs., author unknown

reel 18, frame 5

Folder 1438: Velt-Politik (World Politics)

27 pgs.

reel 18, frame 27

Folder 1439: Ven Men hot Gehoft oyf Sotsialistishe Demokratie (When One Wished for Socialist Democracy)

10 pgs.

reel 18, frame 62

Folder 1440: Ver iz Shuldik? (Who is Guilty?)

11 pgs.

reel 18, frame 73

Folder 1441: Ver hot Ibergefirt Aristotelesn? (Who Spoiled Aristotle?)

28 pgs., volume 2

reel 18, frame 85

Folder 1442: Ver Profesor Zambard iz? (Who is Professor Zambard?)

9 pgs.

reel 18, frame 114

Folder 1443: Veren Mir a Poyerim Folk? (Are We Becoming a Peasant People?)

11 pgs.

reel 18, frame 124

Folder 1443A: Der Vikuekh fun S. Ansky (The Argument of S. Ansky)

16 pgs., unfinished account

reel 18, frame 136

Folder 1444: Der Vikuekh (The Argument)

2 pgs.

reel 18, frame 146

Folder 1445: Zol der End Tsil fun der Sotsialer Revolutsie Zayn Sotsializm oder Komunizm? Iz Do a Velkher es iz Untersheyd Tsvishn Zey? (Should the Final Goal of the Socialist Revolution Be Socialism or Communism? Is There Any Difference Between Them?)

35 pgs., incomplete

reel 18, frame 149

Folder 1446: Dos Zukhn dem Emes iz an Absoluter Vert far dem Denkendikn Mentshn (The Search for Truth is of Absolute Urgency for the Thinking Man)

6 pgs., incomplete

reel 18, frame 179

Folder 1447: Dr. M. Zilberfarb, Olev-Hasholem (A Por Bletlekh oyf Zayn Kever) [Dr. M. Zilberfarb, of Blessed Memory (A Few Words at his Grave)]

31 pgs.

reel 18, frame 186

Folder 1448: Der Zin fun Mentshlikhn Lebn (The Meaning of Human Life)

46 pgs., notes and outlines

reel 18, frame 218

Folder 1449: Der Zin fun Mentshlikhn Lebn (The Meaning of Human Life)

274 pgs., 22 chapters

reel 18, frame 298

Folder 1450: Zikhroynes fun a Yidishn Revolutsioner (Memoirs of a Jewish Revolutionary)

9 pgs.

reel 18, frame 589

Folder 1451: Zhan Valzhan oder Di Farshtoysene fun Viktor Hugo (Jean Valjean, or “Les Miserables” by Victor Hugo)

4 pgs., a translation

reel 18, frame 599

Folder 1452: not used
reel 18, frame 604
Folder 1453: Der Khoyv fun Internatsionaler Solidaritet in Emigratsions-Lender (The Duty of International Solidarity in Countries of Emigration and Countries of Colonization)

8 pgs., Tel Aviv

reel 18, frame 605

Folder 1454: Khaye, Mentsh, Ibermentsh (Oys dem Togbukh fun a Lezer) [Animal, Man and Superman (from the journal of a reader)

3 pgs., incomplete

reel 18, frame 614

Folder 1455: Der Khasidizm (An Araynfir in S. Anskys "Dibuk") [Hasidism (An Introduction to S. Ansky’s “Dybbuk”)]

23 pgs.

reel 18, frame 618

Folder 1456: Tog-Oys Tog-Ein (Day In, Day Out)

3 pgs., outlines

reel 18, frame 642

Folder 1457: Tog-Bukh fun a Publitsist (Di Khisroynes un Mayles fun Biro-Bidzhan, Darf Men a Biro-Bidzhan Bevegung?) [Diary of a Publicist (The Disadvantages and Advantages of Biro-Bidjan, Is a Biro-Bidjan Movement Needed?)]

10 pgs.

reel 18, frame 646

Folder 1458: Tolstoy

23 pgs., notes

reel 18, frame 657

Folder 1459: Tendentsn in Yidishn Lebn (Tendencies in Jewish Life)

11 pgs.

reel 18, frame 699

Folder 1460: Der Teror un di Revolutsionere Moral in Bafrayungs-Kamf (Terror and Revolutionary Morality in the Fight for Liberation)

13 pgs., pg. 5 is missing

reel 18, frame 711

Folder 1461: Teritorializm (Territorialism)

8 pgs., outlines and notes

reel 18, frame 726

Folder 1462: Teritorializm un Seymizm (Territorialism and Sejmism)

4 pgs., outlines

reel 18, frame 742

Folder 1463: Di Tragedie fun dem Yidishn Folk (The Tragedy of the Jewish People)

17 pgs., excerpts and notes

reel 18, frame 747

Folder 1464: Transtsendentale un Empirishe Realitet (Transcendental and Empirical Reality)

5 pgs.

reel 18, frame 779

Folder 1465: Tshekhoslovakay un der Versayer Opmakh (Czechoslovakia and the Versailles Treaty)

8 pgs.

reel 18, frame 785

Folder 1466: Tshernovits un Bazel ( Czernowitz and Basel)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 18, frame 794

Folder 1467: Tshernovits un Parizsh, Shprakh-Konferents un Kultur-Kongres ( Czernowitz and Paris, Language Conference and Culture Congress)

33 pgs., a greeting

reel 18, frame 799

Folder 1468: 20 Yor Bolshevizm (Twenty Years of Bolshevism)

11 pgs.

reel 18, frame 836

Folder 1469: Yehuda Halevi

16 pgs., author unknown, two different copies

reel 18, frame 848

Folder 1470: Yubiley-Rede (Anniversary Speech)

32 pgs.

reel 18, frame 866

Folder 1471: Yudentum un Farfolgungen, Ein Veg (Judaism and Persecution, One Way)

15 pgs.

reel 18, frame 904

Folder 1472: Der Yunger Lord Meltshet (Zayn Teoretisher Blik oyf di Urzakhn fun dem Antisemitizm) [The Younger Lord Melchett (His Theoretical Look at the Reasons for Antisemitism)]

3 pgs., incomplete

reel 18, frame 920

Folder 1473: Di Yidishe Arbetershaft un der Algemeyn Yidisher Demokratisher Kongres (Jewish Labor and the General Jewish Democratic Congress)

7 pgs.

reel 18, frame 924

Folder 1474: Di Yidishe Arbetershaft un der Tsionizm (Jewish Labor and Zionism)

4 pgs.

reel 18, frame 934

Folder 1475: Yidishe Sotsialistishe un Arbeter-Bavegung (Jewish Socialist and Labor Movement)

127 pgs., not in order, different essays

reel 18, frame 939

Folder 1476: Fragmentn fun Ksavyadn (Fragments of manuscripts, “Large and Small,” “The Conversion Movement and My Stance”)

5 pgs., notes

reel 18, frame 1085

Folder 1477: Yidishe Emigratsie (Jewish Immigration)

5 pgs.

reel 18, frame 1092

Folder 1478: Di Yidishe Shul (The Jewish School)

5 pgs., incomplete

reel 18, frame 1098

Folder 1479: Yidn un der Fashizm (Jews and Fascism)

5 pgs.

reel 18, frame 1105

Folder 1480: Der 25-Yeriker Yubileyum fun Gershuni-Brentsh un di Dershaynung fun dem Gershuni-Bukh (The 25th Anniversary [of the death] of Gershuni-Brantch and the Publication of the Gershuni Book)

3 pgs.

reel 18, frame 1111

Folder 1481: Di Logik fun der Lage (The Logic of the Situation)

11 pgs.

reel 18, frame 1115

Folder 1482: Logish un Historish (Logical and Historical)

27 pgs.

reel 18, frame 1127

Folder 1483: Di Lage fun di Yidn nokh dem Groysn Velt Krizis (The State of the Jews after the Great World Crisis)

8 pgs., outlines

reel 18, frame 1155

Folder 1484: Di Lage fun dem Kongres (The State of the Congress)

8 pgs., outlines

reel 18, frame 1164

Folder 1485: P. Lavrov

2 pgs., author unknown

reel 18, frame 1175

Folder 1486: Der Lozung in Krig (The Slogan in War)

10 pgs.

reel 18, frame 1178

Folder 1487: Lider (Poems), by A. Block

5 pgs., translated into Yiddish

reel 18, frame 1190

Folder 1488: Lider (Poems) by Heinrich Heine

9 pgs., translated into Yiddish, from "Atta Troll"

reel 18, frame 1196

Folder 1489: Lider (Poems), by M.M. Moavnezer (M.M. Rozenboim)
1929-1930, undated

21 pgs.

reel 18, frame 1208

Folder 1490: A Lid "Slushay" (A Poem “Slushay”), by S. Ansky

6 pgs., notes, translated from Russian

reel 18, frame 1232

Folder 1490A: Lider (Poems), by Emil Schorin

4 pgs.

reel 18, frame 1237

Folder 1491: Lider (Poems)
1882-1892, 1923-1925, undated

129 pgs., including several Russian poems

reel 18, frame 1244

Folder 1492: A. Litvak der Bundist (A. Litvak the Bundist)

23 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1

Folder 1493: Lenins Tsavoe (Tsu der Kharakteristik fun der "Naye Opozitsie" in Rusland) [Lenin’s Legacy (On the Characteristics of the “New Opposition” in Russia)]

10 pgs.

reel 19, frame 25

Folder 1494: Leb Dayn Eygen Lebn (Live Your Own Life)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 19, frame 36

Folder 1495: Di Leren fun dem Velt-Krig (The Lessons of the World War)

18 pgs., outlines

reel 19, frame 41

Folder 1496: Di Lezung fun der Yidenfrage in Ratenland (Vi Azoy di Sovetishe Regirung hot Farentfert di Natsionale Frage Bkhlal un di Yidenfrage Bfrat) [The Solution to the Jewish Question in the Soviet Union (How the Soviet Government has Solved the National Question in General and the Jewish Question in Particular)]

8 pgs.

reel 19, frame 62

Folder 1497: Di Leninisher Metod (The Leninist Method)

5 pgs.

reel 19, frame 72

Folder 1498: Lenin un Poynkare in Genoa (Oys di Notitsn fun a Lezer) [Lenin and Poincare in Genoa (From the Notes of a Reader)]

10 pgs.

reel 19, frame 81

Folder 1499: Letste Teg in Peterburg un di Tsugreytungen fun Mayn Bukh, "Gedanken" (Last Days in St. Petersburg and the Arrangements for My Book, "Thoughts")

8 pgs., also a copy of the article printed in the Day

reel 19, frame 92

Folder 1500: Moderne Yidishe Problemen, Ershter Problem: Religie oder Natsie (Modern Jewish Problems, First Problem: Religion or Nation)

37 pgs.

reel 19, frame 103

Folder 1501: Moderne Yidishe Problemen, Tsveyte Problem: A Religieze Natsie oder a Veltlekhe (Modern Jewish Problems, Second Problem: A Religious or Secular Nation)

53 pgs.

reel 19, frame 142

Folder 1502: Moderne Yidishe Problemen, Driter Problem: A, Eygn Land, Goles Natsionalizm oder a Kulturtsenter (Modern Jewish Problems, Third Problem: One’s Own Land, Diaspora Nationalism or a Culture Center)

56 pgs.

reel 19, frame 197

Folder 1503: Moderne Yidishe Problemen, Tsveyter Teyl, Driter Problem: Di Problemen fun dem Goles-Natsionalizm (Modern Jewish Problems, Second Part, Third Problem: The Problems of Diaspora Nationalism)

46 pgs., preface

reel 19, frame 256

Folder 1504: Moderne Yidishe Problemen, Driter Problem: An Eygn Land, Teritorializm (Modern Jewish Problems, Third Problem: One’s Own Land, Territorialism)

20 pgs.

reel 19, frame 304

Folder 1505: Moderne Yidishe Problemen, Ferter Problem: A Land oder dos Land? (Modern Jewish Problems, Fourth Problem: A Land or This Land?)

30 pgs., first chapter

reel 19, frame 325

Folder 1506: Moderne Yidishe Problemen, Ferter Problem: A Land oder Dos Land? Tsveyter Kapital: Tsionizm un Teritorializm biz tsum Veltkrig (Modern Jewish Problems, Fourth Problem: A Land or This Land?, Second Chapter: Zionism and Territorialism Until the World War)

27 pgs.

reel 19, frame 357

Folder 1507: Moderne Yidishe Problemen: Der Goles-Natsionalizm in Yorn 1904-1905 (Modern Jewish Problems: Diaspora Nationalism in the Years 1904-1905)

22 pgs.

reel 19, frame 385

Folder 1508: Moderne Yidishe Problemen (Modern Jewish Problems)

38 pgs., lecture given in Boston, not in order, notes

reel 19, frame 409

Folder 1509: Moderne Visnshaft, Filosofie un Religie (Modern Science, Philosophy and Religion)

78 pgs.

reel 19, frame 499

Folder 1510: Moderne Filosofie (Modern Philosophy)

13 pgs., incomplete

reel 19, frame 578

Folder 1511: Moderne Revolutsies in dem Lebn fun dem Yidishn Folk (Modern Revolutions in the Life of the Jewish People)

5 pgs., incomplete

reel 19, frame 592

Folder 1512: Materializm un Atayizm (Materialism and Atheism)

9 pgs.

reel 19, frame 598

Folder 1513: Materializtishe un Idealistishe Filosofie (Materialistic and Idealized Philosophy)

4 pgs.

reel 19, frame 607

Folder 1514: Materiele un Gaystike Ashires (Material and Spiritual Wealth)

10 pgs.

reel 19, frame 612

Folder 1515: Makht un Rekht (Power and Right)

7 pgs., pgs. 2 and 3 are missing

reel 19, frame 623

Folder 1516: Di Makht fun der Groyser Perzenlekhkeyt (The Power of the Great Personality)

8 pgs.

reel 19, frame 629

Folder 1517: Moralishe Grunt-Printsipn vi di Heylikeyt fun Mentshlekhn Lebn (Moralistic Underlying Principles Such as the Sacredness of Human Life)

12 pgs.

reel 19, frame 638

Folder 1518: Marks un Engels vegn dem Arbayter Filosof Yozef Ditsgen (Marx and Engels on the Worker Philosopher Joseph Dietzgen)

5 pgs.

reel 19, frame 654

Folder 1519: Karl Makrses Arbayt - Der Shlisel tsu der Kultur-Filosofie (Karl Marx’s Work – The Key to Cultural Philosophy)

7 pgs., incomplete

reel 19, frame 660

Folder 1520: Der Marksizm in der Yidisher Gas (Marxism in the Jewish Street)

13 pgs., outlines

reel 19, frame 668

Folder 1521: Mit Funandergeshpreyte Fliglen (a briv in redaktsie) [With Outstretched Wings (a letter to the editor)]

17 pgs.

reel 19, frame 687

Folder 1522: Mayne Ani-Maymin (Tsvelfter Ani-Maymins: Der Frayheytlekher Sotsializm; Dreytsenter Ani-Maymin: Der Gloybn in Internatsionalizm; Fertsenter Ani-Maymin: Religie iz a Private Zakh; Finftsenter Ani-Maymin: Mayn Gloybn in der Tsukunft fun Undzer Folk) [My Credos (Twelfth Credo: Free Socialism; Thirteenth Credo: The Belief in Internationalism; Fourteenth Credo: Religion is a Private Matter; Fifteenth Credo: My Belief in the Future of Our People)]

41 pgs.

reel 19, frame 705

Folder 1523: Mayn Blik oyf 20 Yor Bolshevizm (My Viewpoint on Twenty Years of Bolshevism)

70 pgs.

reel 19, frame 748

Folder 1524: Mayn Kandidatur in der Dume (My Candidacy in the Duma)

7 pgs., includes a list of candidates from the Province of Vitebsk

reel 19, frame 819

Folder 1525: Mayn Konflikt mit di Hebrayistn in Yafo (My Conflict with the Hebraists in Jaffa)

10 pgs., includes a copy of Dos Lebn (The Life) from 1914 with an article “How the Jaffa Gymnasium ‘Fights,’ A Scandal with Dr. Chaim Zhitlowsky”

reel 19, frame 829

Folder 1526: Mayman un Marks (Maimon and Marx)

6 pgs., Winnipeg

reel 19, frame 843

Folder 1527: Milkhome, Got un Yoysher (togbukh bletlekh fun a publitsist) [War, G-d and Justice (diary of a publicist)]

10 pgs.

reel 19, frame 852

Folder 1528: A Meglikher Oysblik (togbukh bletlekh fun a publitsist) [A Possible Outlook (diary of a publicist)]

10 pgs.

reel 19, frame 863

Folder 1529: Meterlink als Denker (Maeterlinck as a Thinker)

18 pgs., notes

reel 19, frame 874

Folder 1530: Mentsh, Folk, Shprakh (Man, People, Language)

15 pgs.

reel 19, frame 976

Folder 1531: Der Merder (The Murderer), by Moses Weinshenker

15 pgs., includes a letter from the author

reel 19, frame 992

Folder 1532: A Mayse mit a Sheytl Holts (A Story with a Small Piece of Wood)

3 pgs., author unknown

reel 19, frame 1004

Folder 1533: Meshugene Hint oder Kdoyshim (Tsu der Moskver Tragedie) [Crazy Dogs or Martyrs (On the Moscow Tragedy)]

10 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1008

Folder 1534: Mishpotim in Revolutsionere Tsaytn (Trials in Revolutionary Times)

18 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1019

Folder 1535: Notitsn fun der Redaktsie (Notes from the Editor)

3 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1040

Folder 1536: Di Natsional-Yidishe Bavegung un der Amerikanizm (The Jewish National Movement and Americanism)

3 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1044

Folder 1537: Natsionalizm (Nationalism)

5 pgs., outlines and remarks

reel 19, frame 1048

Folder 1538: Natsionalizm un Anarkhizm (Nationalism and Anarchism)

2 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1064

Folder 1539: Natsionale un Ekonomishe Interesn fun dem Yidishn Folk (National and Economic Concerns for the Jewish People)

3 pgs., notes

reel 19, frame 1068

Folder 1540: Di Natsionale Arbayt un Goles (National Work and the Diaspora)

6 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1081

Folder 1541: Natsionale Gleykhbarekhtikung (National Equal Rights)

5 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1089

Folder 1542: Natsionale Minderheyt-Rekht far Yidn in Daytshland (National Minority Rights and Jews in Germany)

4 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1096

Folder 1543: Dos Natsionale Element in dem Program S.R. (The National Element in the Socialist-Revolutionary Program)

3 pgs., outlines

reel 19, frame 1101

Folder 1544: Natsionale Kultur un Proletarishe Kultur (National Culture and Proletarian Culture)

7 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1109

Folder 1545: Natsionale Shprakh, Kultur (National Language, Culture)

9 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1117

Folder 1546: Di Natsional-Poetishe Badeytung fun der Yidisher Literatur (The National Poetic Significance of Yiddish Literature)

3 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1129

Folder 1547: Di Neviim (The Prophets)

17 pgs., includes a copy

reel 19, frame 1133

Folder 1548: Di Neviim un di Mentshayt (The Prophets and Humanity)

12 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1156

Folder 1549: A Noytike Oyfklerung (A Necessary Clarification)

17 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1169

Folder 1550: Di Naye Oyfgaben far dem Yidishn Sotsializm (Sotsialistishe Dertsiung far di Yidishe Masen) [The New Tasks for Jewish Socialism (Socialist Education for the Jewish Masses)]

13 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1187

Folder 1551: Di Naye Yidishe Kultur (The New Jewish Culture)

7 pgs., outlines

reel 19, frame 1202

Folder 1552: "D.N.L." [Dos Naye Lebn], Nit Kayn Nayes, 1908-1914, An Iberays fun 8 Yor (“The New Life," No News, 1908-1914, A Hiatus of Eight Years)

11 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1210

Folder 1553: A Naye Mayse Me Dalet Akhim oder, Vemen Kumt der Dank? (A New Story of Four Brothers or, To Whom do we Owe Thanks?)

41 pgs.

reel 19, frame 1222

Folder 1554: Naye Tsaytn, Naye Oyfgabn, Vos Ton mit der Frayer Tsayt? (New Times New Tasks, What to Do with Free Time?)

4 pgs.

reel 20, frame 1

Folder 1555: Di Naye Konstitutsie in Ratenland (The New Constitution in Soviet Russia)

85 pgs.

reel 20, frame 6

Folder 1556: Nayer un Alter Bolshevizm (Nokh 20 Yor Antviklung) [New and Old Bolshevism (After Twenty Years of Development)]

11 pgs.

reel 20, frame 93

Folder 1557: Der Nayer Gedanken-Gang (The New Philosophy)

7 pgs., synopsis and notes

reel 20, frame 106

Folder 1558: Der Nayer "NEP" un der Teror (The New NEP (New Economic Policy) and Terror)

6 pgs.

reel 20, frame 120

Folder 1559: "Neshomeizm" - Di Letste Rikhtung (“Soulism” - The Last Direction)

4 pgs.

reel 20, frame 127

Folder 1560: Sovetishe Yidenshaft (Soviet Jewishness)

4 pgs., outlines

reel 20, frame 132

Folder 1561: Sovietnland Fraynd un Faynd (Soviet Russia’s Friends and Foes)

13 pgs.

reel 20, frame 137

Folder 1562: Der Sotsializmus un di Yidn in Rusland (Socialism and the Jew in Russia)

2 pgs., author unknown

reel 20, frame 151

Folder 1563: Sotsializm un Anarkhizm (Socialism and Anarchism)

2 pgs.

reel 20, frame 155

Folder 1564: Sotsializm un Arbayter-Frage (Socialism and the Labor Question)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 20, frame 159

Folder 1565: Sotsializm un Demokratie (Socialism and Democracy)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 20, frame 164

Folder 1566: Sotsializm un der Krig (Socialism and the War)

11 pgs., notes

reel 20, frame 170

Folder 1567: Sotsializm un Moral (Socialism and Morality)

72 pgs.

reel 20, frame 184

Folder 1568: Der Sotsializm un di Moral, Naynter Kapital, Di "Abyonim" un "Yohanans Antplekung" (Socialism and Morality, Ninth Chapter, the “Needy” and “Yohanan’s Revelation”)

10 pgs.

reel 20, frame 252

Folder 1569: Sotsializm un Moral (Socialism and Morality)

210 pgs., outlines, not in order

reel 20, frame 264

Folder 1570: Sotsializm un Etik (Socialism and Ethics)

3 pgs., outlines

reel 21, frame 2

Folder 1571: Sotsializm un Progresiver Natsionalizm (Socialism and Progressive Nationalism), by Paul S. Kaplan

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 6

Folder 1572: Sotsializm un Kooperatsie (Socialism and Cooperation)

3 pgs.

reel 21, frame 17

Folder 1573: Sotsializm un Ruzveltizm (Socialism and Rooseveltism)

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 21

Folder 1574: Sotsializm un Religie (Socialism and Religion)

11 pgs., includes a printed copy

reel 21, frame 32

Folder 1575: Sotsialistish Natsionaler Komitet tsu Gevinen di Yidishe Arbeter farn Natsionaln Yidishn Kongres (Socialist National Committee to Win Jewish Workers for the National Jewish Congress)

6 pgs.

reel 21, frame 62

Folder 1576: Sotsialistishe un Bolshevistishe Moral (Socialism and Bolshevist Morality)

11 pgs.

reel 21, frame 69

Folder 1577: Sotsialistishe Fareynikung (Socialist Unity)

29 pgs.

reel 21, frame 83

Folder 1578: Sotsialistishe Kultur-Oytsres (Socialist Cultural Treasures)

12 pgs.

reel 21, frame 115

Folder 1579: Dos Sotsiale Problem in Mayrev Eyrope (Sotsial-Demokratn un Komunistn) [The Social Problem in Western Europe (Social Democrats and Communists)]

7 pgs.

reel 21, frame 132

Folder 1580: Der Sotsial-Ekonomisher Rezhim in Sovetn-Rusland (The Social Economic Regime in Soviet Russia)

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 140

Folder 1581: Der Sof fun dem Dray-Tsdodim Gerangl (The End of the Three-Sided Struggle)

26 pgs.

reel 21, frame 151

Folder 1582: Stalinizm (Gevidmet Mayne Kritiker) [Stalinism (Dedicated to my Critics)]

20 pgs.

reel 21, frame 178

Folder 1583: Stalinizm un Trotskizm (A togbukh-bletl fun a publitsist: Di Moral fun "Mides-Hadin" - Troyanovskys Shlisl tsu dem Moskver Protses) (Stalinism and Trotskyism [A page from the diary of a publicist: The Morality of the “Full Severity of the Law” – Troianovsky’s Key to the Moscow trial)]

11 pgs., includes “From Stalin’s Report on Trotskyism”

reel 21, frame 200

Folder 1584: Silogizmen (Syllogisms)

6 pgs.

reel 21, frame 214

Folder 1585: Der Simbolizm un di Sotsiale Momentn bay Henrik Ibsen (The Symbolism and the Social Points of Henrik Ibsen), by Israel Rogovin

11 pgs.

reel 21, frame 221

Folder 1586: Di Sinkler Frage (The Sinclair Question)

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 233

Folder 1587: Der Sakhakl (Tsu dem Kamf fun Opozitsie in Regirung in Rusland) [The Conclusion (On the Struggle of the Opposition in the Russian Government)]

11 pgs.

reel 21, frame 244

Folder 1588: Spinoza

17 pgs.

reel 21, frame 256

Folder 1589: Sfeykes fun an Alten Orem-Bokher (Doubts of a Poor Student)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 21, frame 274

Folder 1590: Egoizm un Altruizm (Egoism and Altruism)

3 pgs., incomplete

reel 21, frame 279

Folder 1591: Etishe Analizn, di Bibel (Ethical Analyses, the Bible)

2 pgs.

reel 21, frame 283

Folder 1592: Der Iker fun Sotsializm (The Basic Principles of Socialism)

35 pgs.

reel 21, frame 286

Folder 1593: Omes (Amos)

4 pgs., outlines

reel 21, frame 323

Folder 1594: Di Antviklung fun der Yidisher Literatur (The Development of Yiddish Literature)

10 gs., outlines

reel 21, frame 328

Folder 1595: An Entfer Baal-Makhshovesn (An Answer to Baal Makhshoves)

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 342

Folder 1596: An Entfer Bergelsonen (An Answer to Bergelson)

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 353

Folder 1597: An Entfer Khaim Grinbergn (An Answer to Hayim Greenberg)

13 pgs.

reel 21, frame 364

Folder 1598: An Entfer Zhabotinskin Mikoyekh dem Kiyum fun Yidish (An Answer to Jabotinsky Concerning the Survival of Yiddish)

3 pgs.

reel 21, frame 378

Folder 1599: Di Antshteyung fun Talmud (The Origin of the Talmud)

6 pgs., outlines

reel 21, frame 382

Folder 1600: Estraykhs "Anshlus" oder Gerekhtikeyt tsu dem Soyne (Austria’s “Anschluss” or Justifying Enemies)

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 391

Folder 1601: Di Ekonomishe Lage in di Mizrach-Eyropeyishe Lender un di Tetikeytn fun dem ORT (The Economic Situation in the Eastern European Countries and the Activities of ORT)

16 pgs., synopsis

reel 21, frame 402

Folder 1602: Ekonomishe Problemen (Economic Problems)

10 pgs., author unknown

reel 21, frame 421

Folder 1603: Ekonomishe Konfliktn (Tsu der Kharakteristik fun der nayer Opozitsie in Rusland) [Economic Conflicts (on the Characteristic of the New Opposition in Russia)]

9 pgs.

reel 21, frame 432

Folder 1604: Ekonomisher Matsev fun Yidn in Poylin (Economic Situation of Jews in Poland)

3 pgs., incomplete

reel 21, frame 442

Folder 1605: Der Ershter Mai (The First of May)

2 pgs., outlines

reel 21, frame 446

Folder 1606: Pozitsies un Opozitsies (Positions and Oppositions)

9 pgs.

reel 21, frame 449

Folder 1607: Di Politishe Lage in Amerike far der Ershter Velt-Milkhome (The Political Situation in America Before the First World War)

5 pgs., incomplete

reel 21, frame 460

Folder 1608: Di Politishe Lage. Di Tsveyte Velt-Milkhome (The Political Situation. The Second World War)

7 pgs.

reel 21, frame 466

Folder 1609: Politishe Konfliktn (Tsu der Kharakteristik fun der Nayer Opozitsie in Rusland) [Political Conflicts (on the Characteristic of the New Opposition in Russia)]

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 474

Folder 1610: Politisher Ani-Maymin, Farvos Ikh hob mikh Ayngeshtelt in Mayn Lebn (Political Credo, What I Stood Up for in My Lifetime)

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 485

Folder 1611: Der Politisher Program fun der Sotsialistisher Partey in der Tsayt fun der Parizer Komune (The Political Program of the Socialist Party in the Time of the Paris Commune)

3 pgs., author unknown

reel 21, frame 496

Folder 1612: Politik mitn Forverts (Politics with the Forward)

3 pgs.

reel 21, frame 499

Folder 1613: Patsifizm (Pacifism)

20 pgs.

reel 21, frame 503

Folder 1614: A Por Verter vegn S. Ansky un zayn "Dibuk" (A Few Words about S. Ansky and His “Dybbuk”)

16 pgs.

reel 21, frame 524

Folder 1615: A Por Verter tsu dem 20-yorikn Yortsayt fun S. Anskys Toyt (A Few Words on the Twentieth Anniversary of S. Ansky’s Death)

22 pgs.

reel 21, frame 542

Folder 1616: A Por Verter tsu Mayne Fraynd un Faynd (A Few Words to My Friends and Foes)

12 pgs.

reel 21, frame 565

Folder 1617: A Por Zikhroynes vegn P. Rutenberg (A Few Memories of P. Rutenberg)

50 pgs., 5 articles

reel 21, frame 578

Folder 1618: Di Partey Sotsialistn-Revolutsionern in Rusland (The Social Revolutionary Party in Russia)

8 pgs., notes

reel 21, frame 629

Folder 1619: Poyerim un Arbeter (Peasants and Workers)

13 pgs.

reel 21, frame 686

Folder 1620: Georgii Plekhanov

5 pgs.

reel 21, frame 701

Folder 1621: Der "Petliura Fal"(The “Petliura Case”)

3 pgs.

reel 21, frame 707

Folder 1622: Di Problemen fun dem Goles-Natsionalizm, tsveyter artikl, Der Kamf far Natsionale Rekht (1900-1904) [The Problems of Diaspora Nationalism, Second Article: The Fight for National Rights (1900-1904)]

40 pgs.

reel 21, frame 711

Folder 1623: Der Problem fun Yidisher Eynikeyt (The Problem of Jewish Unity)

8 pgs.

reel 21, frame 752

Folder 1624: Problem Fraye Tsayt (The Problem of Free Time)

8 pgs.

reel 21, frame 761

Folder 1625: Prog un Zheneve (Prague and Geneva)

8 pgs.

reel 21, frame 770

Folder 1626: Program un Onshoyung, der Bund (Programs and Concepts, the Bund)

4 pgs.

reel 21, frame 780

Folder 1627: Program un Taktik fun der Yidisher Sotsialistisher Arbeter Partey (Programs and Tactics of the Jewish Socialist Workers Party)

44 pgs., author unknown

reel 21, frame 785

Folder 1628: Progresiver Natsionalizm (Progressive Nationalism)

9 pgs.

reel 21, frame 830

Folder 1629: Produktive Arbet (Productive Work)

106 pgs., not in order

reel 21, frame 849

Folder 1630: Proletariat un Poyerimshaft (Proletariat and Peasantry)

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 975

Folder 1631: Prese un Teater (Press and Theater)

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 985

Folder 1632: Y.L. Peretz der Denker (I.L. Peretz the Thinker)

8 pgs., notes

reel 21, frame 996

Folder 1633: Y.L. Peretzs Natsionale Badaytung (The National Significance of I.L. Peretz)

20 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1009

Folder 1634: Y.L. Peretz - Festrede (I.L. Peretz – Celebratory Speech)

11 pgs., Chicago

reel 21, frame 1030

Folder 1635: Y.L. Peretz Shulbanket (I.L. Peretz School Banquet)

7 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1044

Folder 1636: Folk un Klas (People and Class)

6 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1053

Folder 1637: Folklor (Folklore)

18 pgs., not in order

reel 21, frame 1058

Folder 1638: A Folk fun "Maysim Toyvim" (nit keyn Krigs Artikl) [A People of “Good Deeds,” (not a War Article)]

4 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1077

Folder 1639: Familie un Fraye Libe (Family and Free Love)

4 pgs., notes

reel 21, frame 1082

Folder 1640: Fantine, Ershter Bukh, Der Gerekhtshafener (Fantine, First Book [of Les Miserables], the Righteous)

9 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1095

Folder 1641: Di Farbindung fun Religie mit Filosofie baym Yidishn Folk (The Connection of Religion with Philosophy Among Jewish People)

7 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1105

Folder 1642: Farvos hot Men Undz Faynt? (Nokh a Mol: "Komets Aleph O") [Why Do They Hate Us? (Back to the Beginning Again)]

10 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1112

Folder 1643: Forvort tsum Band Akht (Forward to the Eighth Volume)

3 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1124

Folder 1644: Fartunklte Shtern (Darkened Stars)

11 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1128

Folder 1645: Di Forloyfer fun Oktober 1917 (The Forerunners of October 1917)

76 pgs., 7 articles (numbered 1-5, 7-8)

reel 21, frame 1140

Folder 1646: "Fashyo-Bolshevizm" (“Fascio-Bolshevism”)

5 pgs., incomplete

reel 21, frame 1216

Folder 1647: Fashizm un di Oyfgaben fun di Yidishe Sotsialisten (Fascism and the Tasks of Jewish Socialism)

4 pgs., outlines

reel 21, frame 1222

Folder 1648: Der Poyer (The Peasant)

14 pgs. (numbered 11-24), author unknown

reel 21, frame 1227

Folder 1649: Fun Unter di Reder fun der Geshikhte, Undzer Milkhome-Tsiln (From Under the Wheels of History, Our War Goals)

5 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1242

Folder 1650: Fun dem Mekhaber (Araynfir tsu Dr. Kh. Zhitlowskys Shriftn) [From the Author (Introduction to Dr. Chaim Zhitlowsky’s Writings)]

49 pgs., incomplete

reel 21, frame 1248

Folder 1651: Filo un Gvirol (Philo and Gabirol)

14 pgs., outlines

reel 21, frame 1271

Folder 1652: Filosofie (Philosophy)

7 pgs., outlines

reel 21, frame 1286

Folder 1653: Di Filosofie fun der Tsayt (The Philosophy of Our Time)

33 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1294

Folder 1654: Felker un Printsipn (Nations and Principles)

3 pgs., incomplete

reel 21, frame 1325

Folder 1655: Der Fridlikher Veg tsum Sotsializm (Norman Tomas un Zayn Naye Sotsialistishe Taktik) [The Peaceful Road to Socialism (Norman Thomas and His New Socialist Tactics)]

19 pgs.

reel 21, frame 1329

Folder 1656: Fraynd un Faynd Eyns - Konferents Zeyer a Gerotene (Friend and Foe at the Same Time – A Very Successful Conference)

10 pgs.

reel 22, frame 2

Folder 1657: Di Fraye Yidishe Shule (The Free Jewish School)

2 pgs., outlines

reel 22, frame 13

Folder 1658: Tsu Undzer Shprakh Krig (On Our Language War)

3 pgs., outlines

reel 22, frame 16

Folder 1659: Tsu Ale Yidn in di Fareynikte Shtatn (To All Jews in the United States)

10 pgs., includes a letter “to my dear brothers and sisters”

reel 22, frame 20

Folder 1660: Tsu di Teoretishe Tezen, Shtelung tsu an Algemeyne Partey-Filosofie (On the Theoretical Theses, Attitude Towards a General Party Philosophy)

9 pgs.

reel 22, frame 36

Folder 1661: Tsu dem Yidishn Arbeter-Kongres (On the Jewish Workers Congress)

16 pgs., incomplete

reel 22, frame 46

Folder 1662: Tsu dem Yidishn Folk (To the Jewish Nation)

3 pgs.

reel 22, frame 56

Folder 1663: Tsu dem 10-yoriken Yubiley fun der Yidisher Kultur-Gezelshaft in Klivlend (On the Tenth Anniversary of the Jewish Culture Society in Cleveland)

12 pgs., a greeting

reel 22, frame 60

Folder 1664: Tsu dem Ershten Band Zikhroynes, Forvort (On the First Volume of Memoirs, Forward)

5 pgs.

reel 22, frame 73

Folder 1665: Tsu der Yidisher Geshikhte (On Jewish History)

27 pgs.

reel 22, frame 79

Folder 1666: Tsu der YIVO-Konferents (On the YIVO Conference)

14 pgs., includes materials in connection with YIVO

reel 22, frame 107

Folder 1667: Tsu der Natsionaler Frage (On the National Question)

9 pgs., not in order

reel 22, frame 145

Folder 1668: Tsu der Frage vos iz a Natsion" (On the Question ‘What is a Nation?’)

10 pgs.

reel 22, frame 155

Folder 1669: Tsu der Frage fun Yidisher Kolonizatsie in Amerike (On the Question of Jewish Colonization in America), by Solomon Liebmann

28 pgs. (3 articles)

reel 22, frame 167

Folder 1670: Tsu der Redaktsie Dos Yidishe Vokhnblat (To the Editor of The Jewish Weekly Journal)

2 pgs.

reel 22, frame 197

Folder 1671: Tsu der Shprakh-Frage (On the Language Question)

3 pgs., incomplete

reel 22, frame 200

Folder 1672: Tsu vos zikh Graytn? (What to Ready Oneself For?)

2 pgs.

reel 22, frame 204

Folder 1673: Tsu Vladecks Yubiley (On Vladeck’s Anniversary)

2 pgs.

reel 22, frame 207

Folder 1674: Tsu Chernows Zikhroynes (On Chernow’s Memoirs)

6 pgs.

reel 22, frame 210

Folder 1675: Tsu Yehoashs Ovent (On Yehoash’s Evening), May 1917

9 pgs.

reel 22, frame 217

Folder 1676: Tsu Reisens 60-yorikn Yubiley (On Reisen’s 60th Anniversary)

6 pgs., a greeting

reel 22, frame 232

Folder 1677: Tsveyte Rezolutsie vegn di Natsionale Sotsialistishe Parteyen (Second Resolution about the National Socialist Parties)

4 pgs., author unknown, incomplete

reel 22, frame 239

Folder 1678: Der Tsveyter un Driter Internatsional (The Second and Third International)

5 pgs.

reel 22, frame 244

Folder 1679: Der Tsveyter Front in Eyrope, Notitsn fun a Yidishn Sotsialist (The Second Front in Europe, Notes of a Jewish Socialist)

12 pgs.

reel 22, frame 252

Folder 1680: Tsvey Lagern in der Yidisher Efntlekhkeyt, Stalinistish-Komunistish un Anti-Komunistish (Two Camps in the Jewish Public, Stalinist-Communist and Anti-Communist)

11 pgs.

reel 22, frame 265

Folder 1681: Di Tsvey Entfers (The Two Answers)

6 pgs., incomplete

reel 22, frame 277

Folder 1682: Di Tsvey Frontn (The Two Fronts)

6 pgs., first page is missing

reel 22, frame 284

Folder 1683: Tsvey Tsenters, Ober Velkher (Two Centers, But Which)

5 pgs., incomplete

reel 22, frame 290

Folder 1684: Tsvishn Tsvey Beholes (Vegn di Politishe Klangen in Eyrope un vegn Stalins Nayesten "Zigzag") [Between Two Confusions (About the Political Rumors in Europe and about Stalin’s Newest ‘Zigzag’)]

10 pgs.

reel 22, frame 296

Folder 1685: Di Tsukunft (The Future)

7 pgs.

reel 22, frame 307

Folder 1686: Di Tsukunft fun Undzer Yugent do in Land un di Asimilatsie (The Future of Our Youth Here and Assimilation)

18 pgs., notes

reel 22, frame 315

Folder 1687: Di Tsukunft fun dem Yidishn Folk (The Future of the Jewish People)

15 pgs., notes and outlines

reel 22, frame 338

Folder 1688: Di Tsukunft fun der Linker Bavegung in Amerike (The Future of the Leftist Movement in America)

8 pgs.

reel 22, frame 417

Folder 1689: Di Tsukunft fun der Religion (The Future of Religion)

7 pgs.

reel 22, frame 426

Folder 1690: Tsurik tsu Dr. Herzl (Back to Dr. Herzl)

10 pgs.

reel 22, frame 434

Folder 1691: Der Tsushtand fun dem Eksperiment (The State of the Experiment)

27 pgs., debate with Abramowitch

reel 22, frame 445

Folder 1692: Der Tsushtand fun der Yidisher Bafelkerung do in Land (The State of the Jewish Population in This Country)

11 pgs.

reel 22, frame 474

Folder 1693: Tsu Shalom-Aleichems Tsvantsikstn Yohrtsayt (On the Twentieth Anniversary of Shalom Aleichem’s Death)

5 pgs., a speech

reel 22, frame 486

Folder 1694: Tsi Boyt zikh Itster Sotsializm in Rusland? (Is Socialism Being Built in Russia Now?)

21 pgs., first and second article

reel 22, frame 492

Folder 1695: Tsionizm un Asimilatsie (Zionism and Assimilation)

8 pgs., notes

reel 22, frame 514

Folder 1696: Tsionizm un Goles-Natsionalizm (Zionism and Diaspora Nationalism)

7 pgs.

reel 22, frame 542

Folder 1697: Tsionizm un Emigratsie (Zionism and Immigration)

5 pgs.

reel 22, frame 550

Folder 1698: Tsionizm, Teritorializm un Goles-Natsionalizm (Zionism, Territorialism and Diaspora Nationalism)

14 pgs.

reel 22, frame 556

Folder 1699: Tsionistn un Teritorialistn (Zionists and Territorialists)

11 pgs.

reel 22, frame 572

Folder 1700: Tsunoyfbindung fun dem Marksizm (Consolidation of Marxism)

8 pgs.

reel 22, frame 584

Folder 1701: Tsi Konen un Zoln? (Can [They] and Should [They]?)

11 pgs.

reel 22, frame 593

Folder 1702: Di Tsore mit Ratenland (The Trouble with the Soviet Union)

10 pgs.

reel 22, frame 610

Folder 1703: Herman Cohen, L. Geiger, Bergson

5 pgs., outlines

reel 22, frame 621

Folder 1704: Komunizm - Asimilatsie (Communism – Assimilation)

14 pgs.

reel 22, frame 627

Folder 1705: Komunizm fun Bazits (Communism of Ownership)

4 pgs.

reel 22, frame 641

Folder 1706: Komunistishe Partey un Komintern (The Communist Party and the Comintern)

11 pgs.

reel 22, frame 646

Folder 1707: Komunistn Mikol Haminim (Zeyer Kumen Tsurik tsum Folk) [Communists of All Types (Their Return to the Nation)]

10 pgs.

reel 22, frame 658

Folder 1708: Der Kamf Tsvishn Yidish un Hebreyish (The Struggle Between Yiddish and Hebrew)

4 pgs.

reel 22, frame 669

Folder 1709: Kamf Kegn Asimilatsie (The Fight Against Assimilation)

8 pgs.

reel 22, frame 674

Folder 1710: Kamf Kegn Hitlerizm (The Fight Against Hitlerism)

5 pgs.

reel 22, frame 681

Folder 1711: Kongres (Congress)

3 pgs., second article, incomplete

reel 22, frame 687

Folder 1712: Kant

5 pgs., outlines

reel 22, frame 691

Folder 1713: Konstitutsie (Constitution)

3 pgs., outlines

reel 22, frame 697

Folder 1714: Konspekt fun Farsheydene Temes: Yidish vi a Velt-Historishe Kraft; Linker Sotsializm; England un der Felkerbund; Tsionistn un Asimilatsie; Ratenland, Eyrope un Amerike; andere (Synopsis of Various Themes: Jews as a World Historical Power; Left-Wing Socialism; England and the League of Nations; Zionists and Assimilation; Soviet Union, Europe and America; others)

64 pgs.

reel 22, frame 703

Folder 1715: Konspekt fun Farsheydene Temes: Yidntum un Yidishistentum; Di Arbaytershaft un di Emigratsie; Bund un Poalei Tsion in Amerike; Fanatizm un Bildung; Der Farbrekhn fun di Es-Er'n; Di Tsukunft fun Yidishn Teater; andere (Synopsis of Various Themes: Judaism and Yiddishistism; Labor and Immigration; The Bund and Poale Zion in America; Fanaticism and Education; The Crimes of the Social Revolutionaries; The Future of Yiddish Theater; others)

110 pgs.

reel 22, frame 775

Folder 1716: Kon dos Yidishe Folk Farshvinden (Can the Jewish People Disappear?)

4 pgs.

reel 22, frame 848

Folder 1717: Kon Men Zayn far a Proletarisher Diktatur in Sovetn Rusland (Can One "Be For" a Proletarian Dictatorship in Soviet Russia?)

12 pgs.

reel 22, frame 854

Folder 1718: Kosmopolitizm un Veltlekhkeyt (Cosmopolitanism and Secularity)

3 pgs., remarks

reel 22, frame 867

Folder 1719: Kapitalizm un Demokratie (Capitalism and Democracy)

5 pgs., outlines

reel 22, frame 872

Folder 1720: Kapitalizm, Fashizm un Sotsializm (Capitalism, Fascism and Socialism)

6 pgs., incomplete

reel 22, frame 878

Folder 1721: Kabole un Khsides (Kabbalah and Hasidism)

15 pgs., notes

reel 22, frame 884

Folder 1722: Kvaln fun Antisemitizm in Rusland (Sources of Anti-Semitism in Russia)

18 pgs.

reel 22, frame 944

Folder 1723: Di Kultur-Velt - Di Tsveyte Yetsire (The Cultural World, the Second Creation)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 22, frame 963

Folder 1724: Di Kulturele Lage fun dem Yidishn Folk in Rusland (The Cultural Situation of the Jewish People in Russia)

3 pgs., outlines

reel 22, frame 968

Folder 1725: Kulturele Tsores (Cultural Problems)

9 pgs., notes and remarks

reel 22, frame 972

Folder 1726: Kunst un Literatur (Art and Literature)

45 pgs., notes

reel 22, frame 991

Folder 1727: Kinstler un Hedyet (Artist and Layman)

8 pgs., second article

reel 22, frame 1047

Folder 1728: Kleynbirgerlekher Fanatizm (Petty Bourgeois Fanaticism)

4 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1058

Folder 1729: A Kleyne Hakdome (A Short Preface)

2 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1063

Folder 1730: Kenig Midas un Yidn (King Midas and the Jews)

13 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1066

Folder 1731: Krig un Friden (War and Peace)

10 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1082

Folder 1732: Der Krizis in Tsionizm (The Crisis in Zionism)

18 pgs., notes

reel 22, frame 1093

Folder 1733: Di Kritik fun Iluzies (The Critique of Illusions)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 22, frame 1114

Folder 1734: Di Kritik fun dem Kooperativn Sistem (Critique of the Cooperative System)

6 pgs. (numbered 13-18), incomplete

reel 22, frame 1118

Folder 1735: Kritisher Denker un Rekhts-Gefil (Critical Thinker and Justification)

5 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1125

Folder 1736: Der Krig un dos Folk (The War and the People)

3 pgs., outlines

reel 22, frame 1131

Folder 1737: Der Krig un di Yidn-Frage (War and the Jewish Question)

36 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1135

Folder 1738: Der Krig un di Interesn fun dem Yidishn Folk (War and the Interests of the Jewish People)

8 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1175

Folder 1739: Ragged Individualizm (“Rugged Individualism” )

8 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1184

Folder 1740: Der Radikaler Gloybn vegn Visnshaft, Filosofie un Religie (Radical Beliefs About Knowledge, Philosophy, and Religion)

5 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1193

Folder 1741: Di Role fun Gevise Klasn in der Mentshlekher Geshikhte (The Role of Certain Classes in Human History)

7 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1199

Folder 1742: Di Role fun dem Yidishn Folk in der Alveltlekher Kultur (The Role of the Jewish People in World Culture)

31 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1208

Folder 1743: Di Rusish-Yidishe Maskilim (The Russian-Jewish Promulgators of the Jewish Enlightenment)

4 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1242

Folder 1744: Rusishe Lirik (Russian Lyric Poetry)

9 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1246

Folder 1745: Di Rusishe Neshome un di Bolshevikes (The Russian Soul and Bolsheviks)

11 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1256

Folder 1746: Di Rusishe Revolutsie un dos Yidishe Folk (The Russian Revolution and the Jewish People)

5 pgs., a speech delivered at the Cooper Union Institute, includes outlines on ‘Russian Freedom and the Interests of the Jewish People in Russia’

reel 22, frame 1268

Folder 1747: Rayze Gedanken (Thoughts from a Journey)

17 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1276

Folder 1748: Di Rikhtike Oyffasung fun di Printsipn (The Correct Understanding of Building Principles)

7 pgs.

reel 22, frame 1294

Folder 1749: Der Rambam (Rambam [Moses Maimonides])

7 pgs.

reel 23, frame 2

Folder 1750: Redaktsie un Revolutsie (Editors and Revolution)

3 pgs.

reel 23, frame 10

Folder 1751: Rede far der Yubiley-Fayerung (Speech for the celebration Celebration)

33 pgs., includes a typescript on the same theme

reel 23, frame 20

Folder 1752: Rede in Nomen fun Sotsialistn-Revolutsionern un fun der Yidisher Sotsialistisher Arbayter Partey (Speech in the Name of Socialist Revolutionaries and from the Jewish Socialist Workers Party)

37 pgs.

reel 23, frame 54

Folder 1753: Di Revolutsie fun 1905 in Rusland (The Revolution of 1905 in Russia)

11 pgs.

reel 23, frame 92

Folder 1754: Rezolutsie vegn dem Itstiken Moment in der Algemeyner Taktik fun der Partey (Resolution regarding the Current Moment in the General Tactics of the Party)

3 pgs. (numbered 43-45)

reel 23, frame 104

Folder 1755: Rezultatn fun der Groyser Velt-Milkhome un fun der Rusisher Revolutsie (The Outcome of the Great World War and of the Russian Revolution)

3 pgs.

reel 23, frame 108

Folder 1756: Religie un Folk (Religion and Nation)

5 pgs.

reel 23, frame 112

Folder 1757: Religie un Fraydenkeray (Religion and Freethinking)

21 pgs., notes, hypotheses and remarks

reel 23, frame 118

Folder 1758: Shayles u'Tshuves in Hilkhes Yidishkayt (Questions and Answers about Traditional Yiddishism)

76 pgs., 2 parts: preface and introduction; an answer to B. Rivkin

reel 23, frame 198

Folder 1759: Shtats-Kapitalizm un Shtats-Sotsializm (State Capitalism and State Socialism)

4 pgs., the second page is missing

reel 23, frame 303

Folder 1760: Der Shtandpunkt - An Entfer Mayne Kritiker (The Standpoint – An Answer to My Critics)

13 pgs.

reel 23, frame 307

Folder 1761: Di Shtayn-Legende (The Stone Legend)

2 pgs.

reel 23, frame 321

Folder 1762: Dos Shtetl Adamovitch (The Shtetl Adamowitch)

5 pgs.

reel 23, frame 324

Folder 1763: Di Shtelung fun a Modernem Sotsialist tsu a Sotsialer Revolutsie (The Attitude of a Modern Socialist Towards a Social Revolution)

5 pgs.

reel 23, frame 330

Folder 1764: Shtelung tsu Eygener Arbet un Ibertsaygungen (The Attitude Towards Individual Work and Convictions)

4 pgs.

reel 23, frame 336

Folder 1765: Shtelung tsum Internatsional (Attitude Towards the International)

4 pgs.

reel 23, frame 341

Folder 1766: Di Shtelung tsum Tsveytn Front (The Attitude Towards the Second Front)

5 pgs., incomplete

reel 23, frame 345

Folder 1767: Di Shpaltung un Vos Vayter? (The Rift and What Further?)

11 pgs.

reel 23, frame 351

Folder 1768: Di Shprakhn-Frage un Andere Kultur-Problemen (The Language Question and Other Culture Problems)

8 pgs.

reel 23, frame 367

Folder 1769: Skitsn tsu Farsheydene Artiklen (Drafts to Various Articles)

220 pgs.

reel 23, frame 376

Folder 1770: Di Talmudish-Rabonishe Gezetsgebung un Farfolgungen (Talmudic Rabbinic Law and Persecutions)

71 pgs.

reel 23, frame 513

Folder 1771: Fragments from manuscripts

50 pgs., a drama in four acts, missing the first act

reel 23, frame 585

Folder 1772: Fragments from manuscripts

120 pgs.

reel 23, frame 636

Folder 1773: Fragments from manuscripts

200 pgs.

reel 23, frame 759

Folder 1774: Fragments from manuscripts

200 pgs.

reel 23, frame 989

Folder 1775: Fragments from manuscripts

150 pgs.

reel 24, frame 2

Subseries 2: Russian
Folders: 176
Folder 1776: Agrarnyi Vopros (Agrarian Question)

3 pgs., notes, author unknown

reel 24, frame 169

Folder 1777: Anarkhizm, Sotsial demokratiia (Anarchism, Social Democracy)

12 pgs., author unknown

reel 24, frame 173

Folder 1778: Assotsiatsia idei (Association of an Idea)

93 pgs., missing pgs. 1-4

reel 24, frame 182

Folder 1779: Azef, by Vera Lochava

12 pgs.

reel 24, frame 273

Folder 1780: Azef

48 pgs., pg. 1 is missing, author unknown

reel 24, frame 285

Folder 1781: Chto i kak chitat? (Who Reads and How?)

4 pgs., author unknown

reel 24, frame 333

Folder 1782: Chto khotiat Sotsialisty-Revoliutsionery (Who Do Socialist Revolutionaries Want)

16 pgs.

reel 24, frame 338

Folder 1783: Chto mozhet delat Evreiskaia inteligentsiia v Amerike dlia resheniia nashego natsionalnogo voprosa (What Can the Jewish Intelligentsia in America Do to Solve Our National Question?)

4 pgs.

reel 24, frame 355

Folder 1784: Chto nado znat Sotsialistu Revoliutsioneru (What Socialist Revolutionary Should Know )

7 pgs.

reel 24, frame 360

Folder 1785: Chto takoe Natsionalnost? (What is a Nationality?)

5 pgs.

reel 24, frame 368

Folder 1786: Detskii Iazyk (Children’s Language)

18 pgs., author unknown

reel 24, frame 375

Folder 1787: Dialekticheskii Materializm (Dialectical Materialism)

136 pgs.

reel 24, frame 394

Folder 1788: Dialekticheskii Materializm (Dialectical Materialism)

59 pgs., fragments

reel 24, frame 591

Folder 1789: Dobroliubov

8 pgs., incomplete

reel 24, frame 713

Folder 1790: Edinaia Rabochaia Partiia (United Labor Party)

57 pgs.

reel 24, frame 722

Folder 1791: Ekonomicheskii Faktor (Economical Factor)

6 pgs.

reel 24, frame 730

Folder 1792: Ekonomiia i ee rol u Sotsialisticheskikh pisatelei (Economy and Its Role in Socialist Writings)

14 pgs., outline

reel 24, frame 737

Folder 1793: Etapnym Poriadkom (iz vospominanii) [Being Deported (from my memoirs)], by Vera Lokhova

48 pgs.

reel 24, frame 753

Folder 1794: Evrei i chelovek (A Jew and a Man)

11 pgs., author unknown

reel 24, frame 804

Folder 1795: Evreiskie Zaniatiia (Jewish Occupations)

9 pgs., author unknown

reel 24, frame 816

Folder 1796: Evreiskii Natsionalizm (Jewish Nationalism)

6 pgs.

reel 24, frame 826

Folder 1797: Evreiskii Vopros (Jewish Question)

4 pgs., incomplete, author unknown

reel 24, frame 834

Folder 1798: Filosofiia (Philosophy)

65 pgs.

reel 24, frame 839

Folder 1799: Filosofiia i Revoliutsia (Philosophy and Revolution)

5 pgs.

reel 24, frame 908

Folder 1800: Gegel i Kant (Hegel and Kant)

12 pgs., outline

reel 24, frame 914

Folder 1801: Moses Hess i Sionitskoe Dvizhenie (Moses Hess and the Zionist Movement)

8 pgs., notes and outline, author unknown

reel 24, frame 927

Folder 1802: Glavnyi Punkt Spora (The Main Point in a Dispute)

11 pgs.

reel 24, frame 936

Folder 1803: Ideal cheloveka (Man’s Ideal)

2 pgs.

reel 24, frame 949

Folder 1804: Ideal Inteligentsii i Klassovaia Borba (Intelligentsia Ideal and the Class Struggle)

11 pgs., author unknown

reel 24, frame 952

Folder 1805: Interesy Razlichnykh klassov Amerikanskogo Naroda v Voine (Interests of Various Classes of the American People in the War)

5 pgs.

reel 24, frame 964

Folder 1806: Istoricheskie Assotsiatsii Idei (Historical Associations of an Idea)

119 pgs., author unknown

reel 24, frame 970

Folder 1807: Istoricheskie Assotsiatsii Idei (Historical Associations of an Idea)

48 pgs., author unknown

reel 24, frame 1090

Folder 1808: Istoricheskie Assotsiatsii Idei (Historical Associations of an Idea)

86 pgs.

reel 24, frame 1243

Folder 1809: Istoricheskii Materializm v Proizvedeniakh Drevne-Grecheskikh Istorikov (Historical Materialism in the Writings of the Ancient Greeks)

31 pgs.

reel 25, frame 2

Folder 1810: Istoriia Vremen Restavratsii (History in the Times of Restoration)

8 pgs., incomplete

reel 25, frame 35

Folder 1811: Istoriia i Kritika (History and Criticism)

250 pgs.

reel 25, frame 52

Folder 1812: Sotsializm Marksa (Socialism of Marx)

50 pgs.

reel 25, frame 448

Folder 1813: Nravov i Obraza Zhizni Bushmenov (Bushmen’s Way of Life)

15 pgs.

reel 25, frame 498

Folder 1814: Vospominaniia Chitatelia (Memoirs of a Reader)

4 pgs.

reel 25, frame 514

Folder 1815: Kapitalizm i Zemledelie (Capitalism and Farming)

13 pgs, incomplete

reel 25, frame 519

Folder 1816: Khasydyzm (Hasidism)

9 pgs., author unknown

reel 25, frame 532

Folder 1817: K Kharakteristike Programy "Narodnoi Voli" (Characteristics of the Program of the Peoples’ Will)

6 pgs., author unknown

reel 25, frame 542

Folder 1818: Klassovaia Borba (Class Struggle)

6 pgs., author unknown

reel 25, frame 549

Folder 1819: Klassovaia Psikhologiia i Gruppovaia Psikhologiia (Class Psychology and Group Psychology)

11 pgs., author unknown

reel 25, frame 556

Folder 1820: K natsionalnomy Voprosu (On the National Question)

182 pgs.

reel 25, frame 568

Folder 1821: Konets XIX v. v Istorii Evreiskogo Naroda (The End of the 19th Century in the History of the Jewish People)

12 pgs.

reel 25, frame 766

Folder 1822: K programmnym Voprosam (On the Program Questions)

14 pgs.

reel 25, frame 779

Folder 1823: Psikhologiia Pokolenii Vosemdesiatykh godov (Psychology of the Generation of 1918)

7 pgs.

reel 25, frame 794

Folder 1824: Kritika (Criticism)

8 pgs.

reel 25, frame 802

Folder 1825: Kritika Filosofii (Philosophical Criticism)

4 pgs., incomplete

reel 25, frame 811

Folder 1826: Kritika Filosofii Prava (Criticism of the Philosophy of Law)

7 pgs.

reel 25, frame 817

Folder 1827: Kritika C. D. (Criticism C.D.)

14 pgs., author unnown

reel 25, frame 821

Folder 1828: Kriticheskaia Mysl u Lavrova (Lavrov’s Critical Thought)

4 pgs., outline

reel 25, frame 837

Folder 1829: Krugovorot Filosofskikh Sistem (Cycle of the Philosophical System)

28 pgs.

reel 25, frame 842

Folder 1830: K Voprosu ob Obshchine v Rossii (On the Question of Motherland in Russia)

88 pgs., author unknown

reel 25, frame 868

Folder 1831: K Voprosu o Psikhologii (On the Question of Psychology)

19 pgs.

reel 25, frame 961

Folder 1832: K Voprosu o Vliianii Lichnosti (On the Question of the Influence of an Individual)

3 pgs., incomplete

reel 25, frame 982

Folder 1833: Fridrikh Albert Lange o Filosofskom obrazovanii (Friedrich Albert Lange on Philosophical Education)

74 pgs.

reel 25, frame 987

Folder 1834: P. Lavrov, Avtobiograficheskie Zapiski (P. Lavrov. Memoirs), by S. Ansky

68 pgs.

reel 25, frame 1061

Folder 1835: Lavrov i Marks (Lavrov and Marx)

8 pgs.

reel 25, frame 1132

Folder 1836: Mak (Poppy Flowers), by Vera Lokhova

6 pgs.

reel 25, frame 1143

Folder 1837: Maksimalizm i Narodnyi Sotsializm (Maximalism and Peoples’ Socialism)

7 pgs., author unknown

reel 25, frame 1150

Folder 1838: Malenkii Gospodin (The Little Sir), by Vera Lokhova

23 pgs.

reel 25, frame 1157

Folder 1839: Marksizm i ego Izuchenie (Marxism and its Study)

58 pgs.

reel 25, frame 1181

Folder 1840: Materializm (Materialism)

4 pgs., author unknown

reel 25, frame 1243

Folder 1841: Moe Polozhenie (My Generation)

8 pgs., author unknown

reel 25, frame 1249

Folder 1842: Molodaia Poeziia i Starye Voprosy (Young Poetry and the Old Question)

68 pgs.

reel 26, frame 2

Folder 1843: Molodoe Pokolenie (Young Generation)

70 pgs, notes

reel 26, frame 73

Folder 1844: Moskva (Moscow), by Vera Lokhova

34 pgs.

reel 26, frame 196

Folder 1845: Nadson, Minskii i Merezhkovskii v pervykh Periodakh ikh poeticheskago Tvorchestva (Nadson, Minski, and Merezhkovsky During Their First Poetical Experiments)

21 pgs.

reel 26, frame 232

Folder 1846: Narodnaia ili Rabochaia Partiia v Germanii (People’s or Labor Party in Germany)

118 pgs.

reel 26, frame 256

Folder 1847: Narodnaia Volia (People’s Will)

94 pgs., notes

reel 26, frame 376

Folder 1848: Narodovo-Demokraticheskaia i Rabochaia Partiia v Germanii (People's Democratic and Labor Party in Germany)

144 pgs. (numbered 40-183)

reel 26, frame 478

Folder 1849: Natsionalizm i Istoricheskii Materializm (Nationalism and Historical Materialism)

6 pgs.

reel 26, frame 591

Folder 1850: Natsionalizm i Klassovaia Politika Proletariata (Nationalism and Class Politics of the Proletariat)

19 pgs.

reel 26, frame 598

Folder 1851: Natsionalizm i Sotsializm (Nationalism and Socialism)

7 pgs., outline in Yiddish

reel 26, frame 638

Folder 1852: Natsionalnye Dvizheniia i Natsionalnye Partii v XIX v. (National Movement and National Parties in the 19th Century)

20 pgs.

reel 26, frame 649

Folder 1853: Nauchnoe Obozrenie (Scientific Review)

13 pgs., fragments, author unknown

reel 26, frame 670

Folder 1854: Nauchnye Teorii Nauchnaia Praktika (Scientific Theories Scientific Practice)

2 pgs., outline

reel 26, frame 684

Folder 1855: Neokantizm (Neokantism)

26 pgs., notes, all in German

reel 26, frame 687

Folder 1856: Neskolko slov ob etikh temah (A Few Words About These Topics)

2 pgs., notes

reel 26, frame 714

Folder 1857: Nravstvennost i Nauka (Conscience and Science)

6 pgs.

reel 26, frame 717

Folder 1858: Ob Antisemitizme (On Anti-Semitism)

5 pgs., author unknown

reel 26, frame 725

Folder 1859: Ob Ob’edinenii Sotsialisticheskikh Partii v Rossii (On Unification of the Socialistic Party in Russia)

7 pgs.

reel 26, frame 731

Folder 1860: Ocherk Istorii Marksizma (Essay on the History of Marxism), by E. Volgin

201 pgs.

reel 26, frame 739

Folder 1861: Ocherki po Istorii Marksizma (Essay on the History of Marxism), by E. Volgin

106 pgs.

reel 26, frame 994

Folder 1862: Ocherki po Istorii Marksitskoi idei (Essay on the History of the Marxist Idea)

55 pgs., author unknown

reel 26, frame 1096

Folder 1863: O Chernovitskoi Konferentsii (On the Czernowitz Conference)

94 pgs.

reel 26, frame 1158

Folder 1864: O Filosofskoi Systeme Marksa i Engelsa (On the Philosophical System of Marx and Engels)

3 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 2

Folder 1865: O P. L. Lavrove (On P.L. Lavrov), by Gurevitch

18 pgs.

reel 27, frame 9

Folder 1866: O Maksimum i Minimum Programmakh (On Maximum and Minimum Programs)

13 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 28

Folder 1867: O Nauchnom Sotsializme (On Scientific Socialism)

29 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 42

Folder 1868: O Nositele Evreiskogo Sotsializma (On the Bearer of Jewish Socialism), by M. Samuilov

48 pgs.

reel 27, frame 74

Folder 1869: Opravdanie Natsionalnogo Printsipa pered Sotsialisticheskoi t.e. peredovoi Mysliiu (Justification of the National Principle Versus the Social One)

16 pgs., includes German and Yiddish, author unknown

reel 27, frame 125

Folder 1870: O Razdelenii Truda (On the Separation of Labor)

4 pgs., fragment, contains German

reel 27, frame 141

Folder 1871: Osnovnaia Tsel Istinnykh Sotsialistov (Foundations For the Goals of the Real Socialists)

36 pgs., not in order

reel 27, frame 146

Folder 1872: Osnovnye Printsipy Sovremennogo Mirovozreniia i Zhiznivozreniia (Basic Principles of the Modern Philosophy of Life and Way of Life)

2 pgs.

reel 27, frame 187

Folder 1873: O Soglashenii (On the Truce Between the Socialist Revolutionaries and the Social Democrats)

19 pgs.

reel 27, frame 190

Folder 1874: O Sovremennom Sostoianii Istologii (About the Current State of Histology)

3 pgs.

reel 27, frame 210

Folder 1875: Otvet g. Kritikusu (Response to Mr. Kritikus)

27 pgs.

reel 27, frame 214

Folder 1876: Otvet na Vopros: Chto Iavliaetsia Prichinoi Sotsialnoi Organizatsii (Answer to the Question: What are Causes of a Social Organization)

35 pgs., not in order

reel 27, frame 241

Folder 1877: O Znachenii Evreiskovo Iazyka dlia Vozrozhdeniia Evreiskogo Naroda (On the Importance of the Jewish Language to the Rebirth of the Jewish People)

3 pgs.

reel 27, frame 286

Folder 1878: Partiia Sotsialistov Revoliutsionistov (P.S.R.) i Narodnaia Volia (N.V.) (Socialist Revolutionary Party and People’s Will)

2 pgs., outline

reel 27, frame 292

Folder 1879: Partiia Sotsialistov Revoliutsionistov (P,S,R.) i Sotsial -demokraty (S.D.) (Socialist Revolutionary Party and Social Democrats)

39 pgs.

reel 27, frame 295

Folder 1880: Pervyi Internatsional (First International)

9 pgs.

reel 27, frame 337

Folder 1881: Pirogi gospodin Zhitlovskogo (Pies of Mr. Zhitlovsky)

20 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 348

Folder 1882: Pisma Sotsialista o Evreiskom Voprose, Pismo Pervoe (Letter of a Socialist on the Jewish Question)

13 pgs., first letter

reel 27, frame 369

Folder 1883: Pismo Oskaru Konu (Letter to Oskar Kohn)

18 pgs.

reel 27, frame 383

Folder 1884: Pochemu Vyshlo Plokho? (Why Did it Turn Out Badly?)

13 pgs.

reel 27, frame 407

Folder 1885: Podsnezhnik i Zvezda (Snowdrop and a Star), by Vera Lokhova

3 pgs.

reel 27, frame 421

Folder 1886: Pokonchil (Had Finished)

17 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 425

Folder 1887: Politicheskii i Ekonomicheskii Krizis (Political and Economical Crisis)

3 pgs.

reel 27, frame 443

Folder 1888: Politicheskoe Ustroistvo (Political System)

23 pgs.

reel 27, frame 447

Folder 1889: Polskii Vopros (Polish Question)

32 pgs.

reel 27, frame 471

Folder 1890: Povtorenie (Repetition)

4 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 506

Folder 1891: Pozitsiia P.S.R. (Partii Sotsialistov Revoliutsionistov) po otnosheniiu k Proletariatu (Position of the Socialist Revolutionary Party Towards the Proletariat)

50 pgs.

reel 27, frame 511

Folder 1892: Predislovie (Forward)

3 pgs.

reel 27, frame 562

Folder 1893: Prichiny Poradivshia Razvitie Ras Plemien Otnositelno Cherepa, volos, tsveta kozhi i voobshene vsekh fizycheskikh Razlichii, osobenno deistvovav (The Causes Responsible for the Developments of Racial Differences in Terms of Skull, Hair, Skin Color, and Other Aspects)

21 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 566

Folder 1894: Programma i Taktika Sotsialistov Revoliutsionistov (Programs and Tactics of the Socialist Revolutionaries)

8 pgs.

reel 27, frame 588

Folder 1895: Programma Minimum Sotsializma (Socialism’s Minimum Program)

2 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 597

Folder 1896: Proiskhozhdenie Partii Sotsialistov Revoliutsionistov (Origins of the Socialist Revolutionary Party)

9 pgs.

reel 27, frame 600

Folder 1897: Psevdo-Demokrticheskii Format Marksizma (Pseudo-Democratic Format of Marxism)

9 pgs.

reel 27, frame 610

Folder 1898: Razgranichenie mezhdu Filosofiei i Naukoi (Separations Between Philosophy and Science)

8 pgs., fragment

reel 27, frame 620

Folder 1899: Razlozhenie "Istinnogo" Sotsializma i Perekhod k Materializmu (The Degredation of "Real" Socialism and the Transition to Materialism)

116 pgs., fragments not in order, contains German

reel 27, frame 629

Folder 1900: Razum i Chuvstvo Istoriosofii (Intellect and a Sense of Historiography)

13 pgs.

reel 27, frame 886

Folder 1901: Razum i Razsudok (Intellect and Mind)

11 pgs., fragment

reel 27, frame 902

Folder 1902: Razvitie Kapitalizma (Development of Capitalism)

4 pgs., outline

reel 27, frame 917

Folder 1903: Religiia (Religion)

8 pgs., fragment

reel 27, frame 926

Folder 1904: Reziume (Resume)

18 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 938

Folder 1905: Russkaia Revoliutsiia i Evreiskii Narod (Russian Revolution and the Jewish Question)

35 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 957

Folder 1906: Son, by S. Ansky ?

9 pgs., fragment

reel 27, frame 993

Folder 1907: Sotsialdemokratiia, Anarkhizm i Revoliutsionnyi Sotsializm (Social Democracy, Anarchism and Revolutionary Socialism)

12 pgs., outline and notes

reel 27, frame 1003

Folder 1908: Sotsializm i Natsionalnyi Vopros (Socialism and the National Question)

10 pgs., also a printed and bound copy, author unknown

reel 27, frame 1019

Folder 1909: Sotsializm i Politicheskaia Borba (Socialism and Political Struggle)

14 pgs., author unnown

reel 27, frame 1076

Folder 1910: Sotsializm i Voina (Socialism and War)

3 pgs., outline

reel 27, frame 1096

Folder 1911: Sotsializm kak Problema Svobody (Socialism as a Problem of Freedom)

6 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 1100

Folder 1912: Sotsializm v Borbe za Politicheskuiu Svobodu (Socialism in the Struggle for Political Freedom)

35 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 1107

Folder 1913: Sotsialno-Politicheskaia Tochka Zreniia Proletariata (Social-Political Point of View of the Proletariat), by S. Ansky ?

70 pgs.

reel 27, frame 1146

Folder 1914: Soznanie (Conciseness)

5 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 1217

Folder 1915: Spenser i Marks (Spencer and Marx)

2 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 1223

Folder 1916: S. R. i Rabochii Klass (Socialist Revolutionaries and the Working Class)

8 pgs.

reel 27, frame 1226

Folder 1917: Staroe Vozrazhenie Krichevskomu (The Old Objection to Krichevsky)

33 pgs., author unknown

reel 27, frame 1235

Folder 1918: Staryi i Novyi Sotsializm (The Old and the New Socialism)

7 pgs.

reel 27, frame 1274

Folder 1919: Staryi Shovinizm, Pochemu? (The Old Chauvinism, Why?)

2 pgs., outline

reel 27, frame 1282

Folder 1920: Studencheskie Volneniia (Student Unrest)

16 pgs.

reel 27, frame 1285

Folder 1921: Subektivnyi Metod v Sotsiologii (Subjective Method in Sociology)

34 pgs.

reel 28, frame 2

Folder 1922: Teni (Shadow), by Vera Lokhova
1893, 1914, undated

13 pgs.

reel 28, frame 37

Folder 1923: Tochka Zrenia Proletariata i Marksizm (Point of View of the Proletariat and Marxism), by S. Ansky ?

32 pgs.

reel 28, frame 51

Folder 1924: Tri Tipa Otnoshenii k Deistvitelnosti (Three Types of Attitude Towards Reality)

45 pgs., includes German and Yiddish

reel 28, frame 85

Folder 1925: Tsarskii Manifest i Tsarskii Reskript (Tsarist Manifesto and Tsarist Decree)

10 pgs.

reel 28, frame 131

Folder 1926: Tsiva, by Vera Lokhova

13 pgs.

reel 28, frame 142

Folder 1927: U Kladbyshchenenoi Steny (By the Cemetery Wall), by Vera Lokhova

5 pgs.

reel 28, frame 156

Folder 1928: Universalizm i Natsionalizm v Evreiskoi Istorii (Universalism and Nationalism in Jewish History)

2 pgs., author unknown

reel 28, frame 162

Folder 1929: Utopicheskii Metod Otnosheniia k Deistvitelnosti (Utopian Attitude Towards Reality)

23 pgs.

reel 28, frame 165

Folder 1930: Utopisty (Utopians)

137 pgs., not in order

reel 28, frame 189

Folder 1931: Utopizm v Istoriografii (Utopia and Historiography)

7 pgs. (numbered 40-46)

reel 28, frame 357

Folder 1932: Variatsiia na: "Der Marksismus ist privatsache" [Variations on "Der Marxismus ist privatsache" (Marxism is a Private Matter)]

47 pgs., not in order

reel 28, frame 365

Folder 1933: Velikii Istoricheskii Den (Great Historical Day)

7 pgs., author unknown

reel 28, frame 411

Folder 1934: Volgin ob Obshchine (Volgin on Community)

16 pgs., author unknown

reel 28, frame 419

Folder 1935: Voprosy Russkoi Revolutsii (Question of the Russian Revolution)

21 pgs., author unknown

reel 28, frame 437

Folder 1936: Vozvrat k Kantu (Return to Kant)

145 pgs., incomplete, author unknown

reel 28, frame 459

Folder 1937: V Temnuiu Noch (Into the Dark Night), by Vera Lokhova

8 pgs.

reel 28, frame 555

Folder 1938: V Tsarskikh Zastenkakh (In the Tsarist Dungeons)

179 pgs., author unknown

reel 28, frame 563

Folder 1939: Vvedenie v Istoriu Aristotelevskogo Perioda (Introduction to the History of the Aristotelian Period)

4 pgs.

reel 28, frame 760

Folder 1940: Vvedenie v Istoriu Sotsializma (Introduction to the History of Socialism)

3 pgs., author unknown

reel 28, frame 765

Folder 1941: Vyshshee i Nishshee Potrebnosti Avstralitskikh Pervobytnykh Narodov (Highest and Lowest Needs of the Australian Native People)

3 pgs., outline, includes German

reel 28, frame 769

Folder 1942: Vzaimodeistvie (Cooperation)

11 pgs., fragment

reel 28, frame 773

Folder 1943: Zadacha Territorialistov (Goals of the Territorialists)

4 pgs.

reel 28, frame 786

Folder 1944: Zadachi (Goals)

3 pgs., author unknown

reel 28, frame 792

Folder 1945: Zadachi Chitatelia (Goals of the Reader)

29 pgs.

reel 28, frame 796

Folder 1946: Zadachi Evreiskoi Inteligentsii (Goals of the Jewish Intelligentsia)

27 pgs.

reel 28, frame 827

Folder 1947: Zemlia i Volia (Land and Will)

33 pgs., fragment

reel 28, frame 856

Folder 1948: Zubatov

8 pgs., author unknown

reel 28, frame 894

Folder 1949: Fragments in Russian

150 pgs., includes German and Yiddish

reel 28, frame 904

Folder 1950: Fragments in Russian

150 pgs.

reel 28, frame 1119

Folder 1951: Fragments in Russian

100 pgs.

reel 28, frame 1306

Subseries 3: German
Folders: 68
Folder 1952: Analogien Zur Theorien und Zielen der Praxis (Analogies to Theories and Objectives of Practice)

7 pgs., author unknown

reel 29, frame 2

Folder 1953: Die Anfaenge des Neukantismus (Weise, Zeller) (The Origins of Neo-Kantism)

6 pgs.

reel 29, frame 10

Folder 1954: Aufwerfung der Frage (Posing the Question)

2 pgs., includes Russian

reel 29, frame 17

Folder 1955: Aristotelische Bezeichnungen (Aristotelian Terms)

8 pgs., in Russian, only title is in German

reel 29, frame 20

Folder 1956: Aristokratischer Radikalismus. Eine Abhandlung ueber Friedrich Nietzsche (Aristocratic Radicalism. An essay about Friedrich Nietzsche), by G. Brandes

94 pgs., notes, includes Russian

reel 29, frame 29

Folder 1957: Astrologie und Kaballah als die Vorlaeufer der Geschichte der Philosophie (Astrology and Kaballah as the Precursors of the History of Philosophy)

7 pgs., author unknown

reel 29, frame 128

Folder 1958: Die Aufgaben der Sozial-Wissenschaft (The Tasks of Social Science)

32 pgs.

reel 29, frame 136

Folder 1959: Aus der S. Petersburger Zeitschrift "Mir Bozhij" (From S. Petersburg Journal "G-d's World"), by N. Vinogradov

10 pgs.

reel 29, frame 170

Folder 1960: Der Ausgangspunkt des Sozialphilosophischen Denkens (The Starting Point of Social Philosophical Thinking)

7 pgs.

reel 29, frame 181

Folder 1961: Cesare Beccaria

5 pgs., author unknown

reel 29, frame 189

Folder 1962: Bernstein als Marxist; Plechanow Contra Bernstein (Bernstein as a Marxist. Plechanow against Bernstein)

16 pgs., author unknown

reel 29, frame 195

Folder 1963: Bibliothek der Aufklaerung (Library of the Enlightenment)

5 pgs., incomplete, author unknown

reel 29, frame 212

Folder 1964: Brief an Toennies (Letter to Toennies)

13 pgs.

reel 29, frame 218

Folder 1965: Das Buch von erhabenen Glauben und die Stellung des Abraham ibn Daud zu seinen Vorgangern (The Book of Sublime Faith and the Position of Abraham ibn Daud to his Predecessors)

47 pgs. (numbered 145-192), chapter 5

reel 29, frame 234

Folder 1966: Descartes

9 pgs.

reel 29, frame 289

Folder 1967: Die Entwicklung des Kapitalismus in Russland (The Development of Capitalism in Russia)

57 pgs., author unknown

reel 29, frame 299

Folder 1968: Entwicklungslehre (Evolutionary Theory)

26 pgs., author unknown

reel 29, frame 358

Folder 1969: Entwicklungslehre bei Hegel und Marx (Evolutionary Theory in Hegel and Marx)

65 pgs.

reel 29, frame 387

Folder 1970: Erfahrung, Wahrnehmung und Empfindung (Experience, Perception and Sensation)

7 pgs., incomplete

reel 29, frame 459

Folder 1971: Die Federation der Voelker Russlands und das Problem der Russischen Freiheit (The Federation of the Peoples of Russia and the Problem of Russian Freedom), by Osyepovitch

2 pgs., incomplete

reel 29, frame 467

Folder 1972: Fuenf und achtzig Jahre Kaempfe fuer Russische Freiheit (Eighty-five Years of Fighting for Russian Freedom)

5 pgs.

reel 29, frame 470

Folder 1973: Gedanken ueber die geschichtlichen Schicksale des Judentums (Thoughts on the Historical Fate of the Jews)

90 pgs., first and second sections

reel 29, frame 476

Folder 1974: Das Geheimnis der Hegelischen Dialektik beleuchtet von konkret sozialistischen Standpunkte (The Secret of the Hegelian Dialectic Illuminated by Concrete Socialist Views), by Eugene Horowitz-Schmidt

16 pgs.

reel 29, frame 567

Folder 1975: Geschichte der Aristotelischen Richtung in der Juedischen Religionsphilosophie (History of the Aristotelian Movement in the Jewish Philosophy of Religion)

227 pgs., contains Hebrew and Russian

reel 29, frame 586

Folder 1976: Die geschichtlichen Ideenassociationen des Balthasar Bekker (The Historical Association of Ideas of Balthasar Bekker)

10 pgs.

reel 29, frame 789

Folder 1977: Die geschichtlichen Schicksale der Juedischen Arbeitermassen (The Historical Fate of the Jewish Working Masses)

6 pgs., incomplete

reel 29, frame 805

Folder 1978: Das Gesetz der Korrelation (The Law of Correlation)

12 pgs.

reel 29, frame 812

Folder 1979: Grossrussenthum und Absolutismus (Greater Russia and Absolutism)

10 pgs., second article

reel 29, frame 825

Folder 1980: Die Heilige Familie (The Holy Family)

32 pgs.

reel 29, frame 836

Folder 1981: Ideenassociation von Sittlichkeit und Froemmigkeit (Association of Ideas of Morality and Piety)

5 pgs.

reel 29, frame 936

Folder 1982: Individueler Beweis fuer die Freiheit des willens (Distinct Evidence for Free Will), by Dr. Otto Liebmann

13 pgs.

reel 29, frame 948

Folder 1983: Judenfrage und Socialismus (Jewish Question and Socialism)

8 pgs.

reel 29, frame 963

Folder 1984: Juerg Jenatsch Trauerspiel in fuenf Aufzuegen (Juerg Jenatsch Tragedy in Five Acts), by Richard Voss

10 pgs.

reel 29, frame 972

Folder 1985: Der Kampf der Reaktionaeren Clique in Russland (The Struggle of the Reactionary Clique in Russia)

12 pgs., first page missing, author unknown

reel 29, frame 983

Folder 1986: Kongress Fragen (Congress Questions)

7 pgs.

reel 29, frame 996

Folder 1987: Die Konservative Rolle der Hegelischen Philosophie (The Conservative Character of Hegel's Philosophy)

46 pgs., incomplete, not in order

reel 29, frame 1005

Folder 1988: Der Kriegerische, industrielle und menschliche Typus (The Warlike, Industrial and Human Type)

22 pgs., contains Russian

reel 29, frame 1066

Folder 1989: Ein Kritiker des Marxismus (A Critic of Marxism)

20 pgs.

reel 29, frame 1089

Folder 1990: Lange ueber philosophische Bildung (Long on Philosophical Education)

21 pgs.

reel 29, frame 1112

Folder 1991: Lieder (Songs), by A. Schitlovsky

8 pgs.

reel 29, frame 1135

Folder 1992: Logik, Einleitung (Logic, Introduction)

5 pgs., notes, author unknown

reel 29, frame 1144

Folder 1993: Logik und Erkenntnistheorie (Logic and Epistemology), by Prof. Stein

68 pgs.

reel 29, frame 1149

Folder 1994: S. Maimon

38 pgs.

reel 29, frame 1221/1222

Folder 1995: K. Marx, Eine Studie (Karl Marx, a Study), by Gustav Gross

6 pgs., excerpts

reel 29, frame 1265

Folder 1996: K. Marx und Herbert Spencer (Karl Marx and Herbert Spencer)

2 pgs., author unknown

reel 29, frame 1272

Folder 1997: "Marxistisches" aus der Reichsphilosophie Hegels (Marxist from Hegel's Philosophy of Empire)

134 pgs., not in order

reel 29, frame 1275

Folder 1998: "Marxistisches" aus Russland (Marxist from Russia)

19 pgs., author unknown

reel 30, frame 2

Folder 1999: Das Memorial an die Grossmaechte (The Memorial to the Great Powers)

10 pgs.

reel 30, frame 22

Folder 2000: Nataliens Unglueck (Natalie's Misfortune), by Vera Lokhova

15 pgs.

reel 30, frame 33

Folder 2001: Die Ost-Europaeische Frage (The East-European Question)

8 pgs., pg. 2 is missing, author unknown

reel 30, frame 49

Folder 2002: Philosophie (Philosophy)

6 pgs., notes

reel 30, frame 58

Folder 2003: Philosophie der Geschichte und Soziologie (Philosophy of History and Sociology)

4 pgs., author unknown

reel 30, frame 66

Folder 2004: Prozess der Geschichte (Trial of History)

10 pgs., incomplete

reel 30, frame 72

Folder 2005: Religionsphilosophie (Philosophy of Religion)

6 pgs., incomplete

reel 30, frame 85

Folder 2006: Die Religionsphilosophie Hegels (Hegel's Philosophy of Religion)

7 pgs., incomplete

reel 30, frame 93

Folder 2007: Der Sozialismus und die vulgaere Nationaloekonomie (Socialism and the Common Political Economy)

2 pgs., incomplete

reel 30, frame 108

Folder 2008: Sozialismus und Wissenschaft (Socialism and Science)

8 pgs., incomplete, contains Russian

reel 30, frame 111

Folder 2009: Ein Socialistisches Volksbuch etwa nach folgendem plan (A Socialist People's Book according to the Following Plan)

3 pgs.

reel 30, frame 120

Folder 2010: Sozialphilosophie (Social Philosophy)

18 pgs., notebook 1

reel 30, frame 124

Folder 2011: Rudolf Stammlers Theorie des "Sozialen Monismus" (Rudolf Stammler's Theory of "Social Monism")

14 pgs., incomplete, Yiddish notes

reel 30, frame 145

Folder 2012: Ludwig Steins Sozialphilosophie (Ludwig Stein's Social Philosophy)

56 pgs., notes

reel 30, frame 165

Folder 2013: Stellung an Hegel (View on Hegel)

30 pgs., not in order, contains Russian

reel 30, frame 244

Folder 2014: Terrorismus und Anarchismus (Terrorism and Anarchy)

5 pgs.

reel 30, frame 307

Folder 2015: Tierschutz oder Menschenschutz? (Animal Protection or Human Protection?)

5 pgs.

reel 30, frame 312

Folder 2016: Versuch ueber die Transcendenthal Philosophie von Solomon Maimon (Essay on the Transcendental Philosophy of Solomon Maimon), Berlin 1790

21 pgs.

reel 30, frame 319

Folder 2017: Der Zusammenhang der Philosophie der Geschichte mit der Politik (The Relationship of the Philosophy of History with Politics)

1 pg.

reel 30, frame 337

Folder 2018: Zwei Typen der Religionsphilosophie (Two Types of Religious Philosophy)

4 pgs.

reel 30, frame 339

Folder 2019: Fragments in German

75 pgs., contains Russian and English

reel 30, frame 345

Subseries 4: English
Folders: 10
Folder 2020: The Beginning of an Introduction Into the Problems and the Philosophy of Human Life

5 pgs., author unknown

reel 30, frame 426

Folder 2021: Bolsheviki and Socialist-Revolutionists in Russia

12 pgs., not finished

reel 30, frame 433

Folder 2022: The Future of Races in America

86 pgs., two essays, author unknown

reel 30, frame 446

Folder 2023: Love of Happiness

8 pgs., author unknown

reel 30, frame 605

Folder 2024: The Melting Pot

22 pgs., author unknown

reel 30, frame 614

Folder 2025: The Messiah Idea in Jewish History

5 pgs., author unknown

reel 30, frame 637

Folder 2026: The Problem of Social Peace

22 pgs., notes

reel 30, frame 644

Folder 2027: The Tendencies of the Russian Revolution

49 pgs.

reel 30, frame 689

Folder 2028: What's About Us?

3 pgs., author unknown

reel 30, frame 750

Folder 2029: Fragments of an untitled manuscript

107 pgs. (numbered 23-129)

reel 30, frame 754

Series VI: Typescripts and Printed Materials
This series consists of typed, mimeographed and printed copies that were found among the Zhitlowsky papers. Zhitlowsky's own works dominate the series, especially among the Yiddish and Russian materials. This series is divided into four subseries by language. The items are listed by title in alphabetical order within each subseries. Unidentified fragments are located at the end of each subseries.
Folders: 77
Subseries 1: Yiddish
1908-1938, undated
Folders: 45
Folder 2030: Der Oyfkum fun dem Aristotelishn Period in der Yidisher Religiezer Filosofie (The Beginnings of the Aristotelian Period in Jewish Religious Philosophy)

62 pgs., incomplete

reel 30, frame 862

Folder 2031: Umbarekhtikter Pesimizm Benegeye Kolektivizm (Unjustified Pessimism Concerning Collectivism), by M. Rozenboim

16 pgs.

reel 30, frame 925

Folder 2032: Di Yidishe Arbetershaft un der Yidisher Kongres (Jewish Labor and the Jewish Congress)

12 pgs.

reel 30, frame 942

Folder 2033: In di Vokhn Teg fun der Revolutsie, Zikhroynes (In the Weekdays of the Revolution, Memoirs), Vera Lokhova-Zhitlowsky

18 pgs., translated from Russian

reel 30, frame 966

Folder 2034: Di Itstike Tsentral-Oyfgabe fun der Yidisher Dertsiung (The Current Central Task of Jewish Education)

3 pgs.

reel 30, frame 985

Folder 2035: Di Alt-Hebreyishe Neviim vi di Forloyfer fun Sotsialistishn Gedank (The Ancient Hebrew Prophets as the Forerunners of Socialist Thought)

7 pgs.

reel 30, frame 989

Folder 2036: S.Z. Ansky Rappoport un der Kharakteristik fun Zayn Fraynd Shmuel Gurevitch (S. Ansky and the Characterization of his Friend Shmuel Gurevitch)

26 pgs., Riga, 2 copies

reel 30, frame 997

Folder 2037: Der Badayt fun a Yidishn Velt-Kongres (The Significance of a Jewish World Congress)

7 pgs., speech at the opening of the Congress convention in Philadelphia

reel 30, frame 1024

Folder 2038: Der Badayt fun Biro-Bidjan (The Significance of Biro-Bidjan)

12 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1032

Folder 2039: not used

the materials from folder 2040 have been microfilmed as though they were folder 2039

reel 30, frame 1046

Folder 2040: Di Getlekhe Komedie (The Divine Comedy), by S. Shtern

nothing was filmed for folder 2040

43 pgs., translation of Dante into Yiddish, fragments of 8 poems, Kaunas, Lithuania

reel 30, frame 1090

Folder 2041: Di Dertsiung tsu Arbet un der "Takhles" fun Undzer Shul-Sistem (An Entfer der Redaktsie) [Labor Education and the "Ultimate Purpose" of Our School System (An Answer to the Editor)]

the microfilm sheet says that this folder was not used, but the materials from folder 2041 were microfilmed

4 pgs., from Unzer Shul (Our School)

reel 30, frame 1091

Folder 2042: Di Hoypt-Oyfgaben fun "Dos Naye Lebn," a Por Verter tsu di Lezer un Onhenger fun dem Altn "Dos Naye Lebn" (The Main Task of "Dos Naye Lebn," a Few Words to the Readers and Admirers of the Old "Dos Naye Lebn")

16 pgs., bound copy

reel 30, frame 1102

Folder 2043: Herman Heijermans Der Yingerer un Zayn "Geto" (Herman Heijermans Jr. and His "Ghetto")

29 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1116

Folder 2044: Vos iz di Badaytung fun a Yidishn Gezelshaftlekhn Teater (What is the Significance of a Yiddish Community Theater)

7 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1155

Folder 2045: Vegn Teritorializm (On Territorialism)

3 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1163

Folder 2046: Vegn Yidish in Erets-Yisroel (About Yiddish in Palestine)
1934, undated

4 pgs., copy of "Yiddish in Palestine" from Di Feder (The Pen), 1934, 2 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1167

Folder 2047: Vegn Yidishe Natur-Forsher un Denker (On Jewish Nature Researchers and Thinkers)

34 pgs. (numbered 43-76), translated from Russian by A.I. Goldschmid

reel 30, frame 1174

Folder 2048: Vegn a Natsionaln Vidergeburt fun Yidishn Folk (About a National Rebirth of the Jewish Nation)

13 pgs., 2 copies

reel 30, frame 1209

Folder 2049: Vegn Tanakh (About the Bible)

5 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1223

Folder 2050: Zakhtlekhe Oysbeserungen in S. Yanovskys Erinerungen (Factual Corrections in S. Yanovsky's Memories), by S. Ellsberg

5 pgs., interview with Dr. Ellsberg

reel 30, frame 1229

Folder 2051: Zoln Mir Helfn Sovet-Rusland oder Shtern? An Entfer tsum Khaver un Fraynd L. Sigel (Should We Help or Impede Russia, an Answer to Comrade and Friend L. Sigal), by Abe Goldberg

5 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1240

Folder 2052: Der Kholem fun a Leydikgeyer (The Dream of an Idler)

1 pg., poem, from Di Fraye Velt (The Free World)

reel 30, frame 1246

Folder 2053: Der Teritorializm, Zayne Gegner un Zayn Videroyfleb (Territorialism, its Opponents and its Revival)

20 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1248

Folder 2054: Di Yidishe Legionen-Bavegung in Amerike (The Jewish Legion Movement in the United States)

5 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1271

Folder 2055: Khronik oys dem Yor 1908 (Chronicle from the Year 1908)

15 pgs. (numbered 50-64)

reel 30, frame 1277

Folder 2056: B. Lapin: Umetige Vegen (B. Lapin: Lonely Roads)

2 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1294

Folder 2057: Lenin, Trotsky un Stalin (Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin), by I. Pomerantz and Zhitlowsky

9 pgs.

reel 30, frame 1299

Folder 2058: Der Mandat oyf Erets-Yisroel (The Palestine Mandate)

4 pgs., from Dos Naye Lebn (The New Life)

reel 30, frame 1309

Folder 2059: Marksizm in der Yidisher Velt (Marxism in the Jewish World), by I.N. Sternberg

100 pgs., Berlin

reel 31, frame 2

Folder 2060: Militarizm un Eyrope (Militarism and Europe)

10 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 105

Folder 2061: Notitsn, Di Bale-Tshuves (Notes, Returners to Judaism)

4 pgs.

reel 31, frame 116

Folder 2062: Notitsn, di Forverts-Frage (Notes, the Forward Question)

19 pgs.

reel 31, frame 123

Folder 2063: Der Natsi Bayst oyf der Yidisher Gas (Etvos Vegn di Onfaln oyf Dr. Kh. Zhitlowsky) [The Nazi Beast on the Jewish Street (A Bit About the Attack on Dr. Zhitlowsky)], by W. Zuckerman

5 pgs.

reel 31, frame 146

Folder 2064: Naye Bikher (New Books)

4 pgs. (numbered 59-62)

reel 31, frame 152

Folder 2065: Sotsial-Demokratie, Anarkhie un Revolutsionerer Sotsializm (Social Democracy, Anarchy and Revolutionary Socialism)

2 pgs., preface

reel 31, frame 157

Folder 2066: Sotsializm, Milkhome un Natsionalizm (Socialism, War and Nationalism)

7 pgs.

reel 31, frame 160

Folder 2067: Herbert Spenser: Geklibene Shriftn Iber di Lehre fun der Mentshlekher Gezelshaft-Ordnung (Herbert Spencer: Collected Writings on the Study of the Human Social Order)

3 pgs.

reel 31, frame 175

Folder 2068: Farvos Antloyft di Yugnt fun Folk? Vegn der Drama "Geto" fun Herman Heijerman dem Yingern (Why are We Losing Our Youth? On the Drama, "Ghetto" by Herman Heijerman the Younger)

10 pgs. (numbered 14-23)

reel 31, frame 180

Folder 2069: Tsu dem Ershtn Mai (On the First of May)

5 pgs., from Dos Naye Lebn (The New Life)

reel 31, frame 193

Folder 2070: Tsu dem Problem fun Undzer Sotsialistisher Kinder-Dertsiung (On the Problem of Our Socialist Childrens Pedagogy)

6 pgs. (numbered 6-11)

reel 31, frame 200

Folder 2071: Tsvishn Tsvey Lagern (Between Two Camps)

6 pgs.

reel 31, frame 209

Folder 2072: Tsum Yubiley fun Bund (On the Anniversary of the Bund)

4 pgs.

reel 31, frame 216

Folder 2073: "Der Rebbe Hot Geheysn Freylekh Zayn" (The Rebbe Ordered [Us] to be Happy

3 pgs.

reel 31, frame 223

Folder 2074: Avrom Reisen, Gedanken Vegn Zayn Shafn (Abraham Reisen, Thoughts on His Creations)

5 pgs., from Di Feder (The Pen)

reel 31, frame 228

Subseries 2: Russian
1885-1933, undated
Folders: 14
Folder 2075: Aristotelevskii Period v Evreiskoi Religioznoi Filosofii (Aristotelian Period in Jewish Religious Philosophy)

50 pgs.

reel 31, frame 235

Folder 2076: Delo G. Bermana (G. Berman’s Case)

7 pgs.

reel 31, frame 274

Folder 2077: Gosti (Guests), by Ira Jan

25 pgs., Jaffa

reel 31, frame 282

Folder 2078: Kak Eto Bylo (How it Happened), by Victor Chernov

3 pgs.

reel 31, frame 308

Folder 2079: Krovavye Fevralskie Dni v Vienie (February’s Bloody Days in Vienna), by Victor Chernov

4 pgs.

reel 31, frame 312

Folder 2080: Literaturnaya Letopis (Literary Chronicle)

10 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 317

Folder 2081: Materialism i Dialekticheskaia Logika (Materialism and Dialectical Logic)

20 pgs. (numbered 84-103), from Russkoe Bogatstvo (Russian Wealth)

reel 31, frame 324

Folder 2082: Natsionalnyi Vopros i Sotsialdemokratiia (National Question and Social Democracy)

54 pgs., St. Petersburg

reel 31, frame 346

Folder 2083: Ot Avtora, o Tsarskoi Politike (From the Author, About the Tsarist Politics)

8 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 400

Folder 2084: Partia Sotsialistov-Sionistov (Oni-zhe Sotsialisty-Territorialisty) [Socialist-Zionist Party (also known as Socialist-Territorialists)]

5 pgs.

reel 31, frame 409

Folder 2085: Psikhika Iudaizma, Induisma, Ellinizma (Psyche of Judaism, Hinduism, Hellenism)

23 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 415

Folder 2086: Ritualnye Navety v Evreiskom Narodnom Tvorchestve (Ritual Slander in the Jewish People’s Creative Work), by S. Ansky

46 pgs., (numbered 57-92), from Russkoe Bogatstvo (Russian Wealth)

reel 31, frame 440

Folder 2087: Stutgartskii Kongres (Stuttgart Congress)

39 pgs. (numbered 227-265), other articles on pgs. 266-320, from Serp (Sickle)

reel 31, frame 477

Folder 2088: Tezisy dla Diskussii o Yedinom Fronte (Theses for the Discussion of a United Front), by Victor Chernov

5 pgs. (numbered 3-7), from Put (Way), contains whole issue

reel 31, frame 556

Subseries 3: German
1930, undated
Folders: 3
Folder 2089: Fliegen und Spinnen (Flies and Spiders)

4 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 573

Folder 2090: Die Juedische Kolonization in Palestina (The Jewish Colonization in Palestine)

23 pgs., Tel Aviv, author unknown

reel 31, frame 579

Folder 2091: Ein Voelkerbund (A League of Nations)

75 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 602

Subseries 4: English
1917, 1936, undated
Folders: 15
Folder 2092: Capitalist Values

4 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 678

Folder 2093: Karl Marx and the Jewish Question

21 pgs.

reel 31, frame 683

Folder 2094: Memoirs of M.M. Rosenbaum

20 pgs.

reel 31, frame 707

Folder 2095: Memoirs, by Nora Zhitlowsky

10 pgs.

reel 31, frame 729

Folder 2096: The Philosophy of a Proletarian, by a Peaceful Workman

8 pgs., contains Yiddish

reel 31, frame 741

Folder 2097: The Power of Truth

35 pgs.

reel 31, frame 751

Folder 2098: The Practical Way of Solving the Jewish Problem

4 pgs.

reel 31, frame 786

Folder 2099: A Preliminary Outline for Constructive Endeavour in the Diaspora

6 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 791

Folder 2100: Principles of Cell Genesis in Organic and Mental Evolution

47 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 798

Folder 2101: Problems of Religious Belief

31 pgs.

reel 31, frame 854

Folder 2102: Scientific Research to Counteract Anti-Semitism

7 pgs., author unknown

reel 31, frame 886

Folder 2103: The Synthesis of the Whole, by S. Riesel

37 pgs., Jerusalem

reel 31, frame 894

Folder 2104: Vanitas, Vanitatum, by S. Schitlovsky

9 pgs., manuscript for a film after a story by A. Chekhov

reel 31, frame 934

Folder 2105: Will Fascism Lead to a United Front Between the Second and the Third International?

18 pgs.

reel 31, frame 946

Folder 2106: Yiddish Poetry in English, by Israel Knox

5 pgs.

reel 31, frame 966

Series VII: Miscellaneous Speeches
1910, 1937-1943
The series contains notes for lectures, speeches and greetings on numerous occasions. Most of the notes and outlines in folders 2107-2125 are on small pieces of paper within envelopes or stapled together, while some are in bound journals. The notes are generally in Yiddish, although there is also some German and Russian. While some of the notes have dates on them, the majority of them are undated and so the folders have all been labeled as undated.
Folders: 34
Folder 2107: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2108: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2109: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2110: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2111: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2112: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2113: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
reel 31, frame 972
Folder 2114: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
reel 31, frame 985
Folder 2115: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2116: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2117: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2118: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2119: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2120: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2121: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2122: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2123: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
reel 31, frame 1108
Folder 2124: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2125: Notes and outlines for various lectures, presentations and other cultural undertakings
not filmed
Folder 2126: Greetings at banquets

43 pgs.

reel 31, frame 1243

Folder 2127: Greeting at the Concert Evening of the Jewish Music Union

11 pgs.

reel 31, frame 1290

Folder 2128: Greeting at the Conference of the Workers Bloc

8 pgs.

reel 31, frame 1302

Folder 2129: Greeting at the ORT Conference

8 pgs.

reel 31, frame 1311

Folder 2130: Greeting to the Celebrant (for Z. Weinper's 50th Birthday)

2 pgs. (numbered 4-5), from Yiddishe Kultur (Yiddish Culture)

reel 31, frame 1319

Folder 2131: Greeting to Peretz Hirshbein on the 30th Anniversary of his "Kunst Teater" (Art Theater)

7 pgs.

reel 31, frame 1324

Folder 2132: Greeting for the Franz Werfel Evening at the I.L. Peretz Union

7 pgs.

reel 31, frame 1332

Folder 2133: Greeting on the 75th Anniversary Celebrated by International Worker's Order IKUF (World Jewish Culture Association) and ICOR (Association for Jewish Colonization in Soviet Union)

33 pgs.

reel 31, frame 1340

Folder 2134: Greeting to the Jewish Culture Congress

12 pgs.

reel 32, frame 2

Folder 2135: Greeting to Adults and Children from the Yiddish Section of the International Worker's Order

10 pgs.

reel 32, frame 14

Folder 2136: Greeting to the First National Socialist Convention

13 pgs.

reel 32, frame 25

Folder 2137: Greeting to the 25th Anniversary of the I.L. Peretz School in Montreal

7 pgs.

reel 32, frame 43

Folder 2138: Greeting to the Arbeter-Ring (Workmen's Circle) Convention

5 pgs.

reel 32, frame 51

Folder 2139: Greeting to M. Katz's Anniversary Evening in Philadelphia

5 pgs.

reel 32, frame 57

Folder 2140: Greeting to the Editorial Staff of the Journal, Shriftn (Writings)

1 pg. (numbered 4-5)

reel 32, frame 63

Series VIII: Financial Records
Included are agreements and accounts with the publishers of Zhitlowsky's works and receipts for the sales of his books.
Folders: 4
Folder 2141: Agreements with various publishing houses and publishers
reel 32, frame 69
Folder 2142: Bills
not filmed
Folder 2143: Bills and statements of money sent from various banks and institutions
1897, 1920-1941
not filmed
Folder 2144: Bills and statements of money collected from the sale of Dr. Zhitlowsky's work, as well as from various periodicals
not filmed
Series IX: Newspaper Clippings
Included are articles published by Zhitlowsky in (Der Tog) The Day as well as articles written by others about Zhitlowsky, which were published in various periodicals. The clippings are in extremely fragile condition. The microfilm can be found on reels 32A-1 and 32A-2. The clippings do not appear to have been filmed in any order and are in Yiddish, Russian, German, and English. Some of the clippings are earlier than has been indicated in the container list, with a few as early as 1900.
Folders: 33
Subseries 1: Articles Published in Der Tog
Folders: 25
Folder 2145: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2146: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2147: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2148: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2149: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2150: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2151: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2152: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2153: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2154: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2155: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2156: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2157: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2158: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2159: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2160: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2161: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2162: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2163: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2164: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2165: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2166: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2167: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2168: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2169: Articles published in Der Tog (Day)
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Subseries 2: Articles Published in Various Periodicals about Dr. Zhitlowsky
Folders: 8
Folder 2170: Articles published in various periodicals about Dr. Zhitlowsky
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2171: Articles published in various periodicals about Dr. Zhitlowsky
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2172: Articles published in various periodicals about Dr. Zhitlowsky
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2173: Articles published in various periodicals about Dr. Zhitlowsky
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2174: Articles published in various periodicals about Dr. Zhitlowsky
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2175: Articles published in various periodicals about Dr. Zhitlowsky
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2176: Articles published in various periodicals about Dr. Zhitlowsky
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Folder 2177: Articles published in various periodicals about Dr. Zhitlowsky
reel 32A, boxes 1 and 2
Series X: Records of Celebrations for Zhitlowsky
There were four celebrations observed widely in the USA and abroad: 25 years of Zhitlowsky's literary activity in 1912; his 60th birthday in 1925; his 70th birthday in 1935, and his 75th birthday in 1940. The years in which his birthdays were celebrated seem to conform to his having been born in 1865. The 70th birthday in particular became a cause for worldwide celebration among his followers. For this occasion, Zhitlowsky committees were organized in 37 cities in the U.S., 8 cities in Canada, as well as in Cuba, Mexico, South Africa, Poland, Latvia, Austria, and England. The records of each celebration are grouped separately, under the celebration's heading. Besides correspondence, the series includes financial accounts, reports of the festivities, speeches, and commemoration books. The book that was originally in folder 2227 has been removed to the YIVO Library collection.
Folders: 53
Folder 2178: 25 years of Zhitlowsky's literary activity

greetings and correspondence, other materials

reel 32, frame 137

Folder 2179: 60th birthday celebration

a list of members of the Celebration Committee

reel 32, frame 196

Folder 2180: 60th birthday celebration

correspondence, greetings, announcements, programs, a celebration song by M. Davidson, other materials

reel 32, frame 201

Folder 2181: 60th birthday celebration

financial reports

reel 32, frame 279

Folder 2182: 70th birthday celebration

appeals, announcements

reel 32, frame 304 and frame 319 (filmed twice)

Folder 2183: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Irvington, NJ, Albany, NY; correspondence

reel 32, frame 335

Folder 2184: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Boston, MA, Bridgeport, CT; correspondence, notice from the Provisional Celebration Committee

reel 32, frame 367/368

Folder 2185: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Grand Rapids, MI, Jacksonville, FL, Detroit, MI, Hartford, CT; correspondence, financial matters

reel 32, frame 411

Folder 2186: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Worcester, MA, Waterbury, CT, Wyoming, PA, Washington D.C.; correspondence

reel 32, frame 436

Folder 2187: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Trenton, NJ, Chattanooga, TN, Houston, TX; correspondence

reel 32, frame 455

Folder 2188: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Lawrence, MA, Los Angeles, CA; correspondence

reel 32, frame 477

Folder 2189: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

New Brunswick, NJ, Newark, NJ; correspondence

reel 32, frame 505

Folder 2190: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

New York, NY; correspondence, notices, fincial reports

reel 32, frame 538

Folder 2191: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

New York, NY; correspondence, notices, fincial reports

reel 32, frame 718

Folder 2192: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States
1936-1937, undated

New York, NY; correspondence, notices, fincial reports

reel 33, frame 1

Folder 2193: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

San Francisco, CA, Stanford, CT, Seattle, WA, Cincinnati, OH, Syracuse, NY, Springfield, MA

reel 33, frame 43

Folder 2194: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Passaic, NJ, Point Pleasant, NJ; correspondence

reel 33, frame 74

Folder 2195: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Pittsburgh, PA, Patterson, NJ; correspondence, circulars, notices

reel 33, frame 89

Folder 2196: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States
1934-1936, undated

Philadelphia, PA; correspondence, reports, appeals, financial matters, other materials

reel 33, frame 190

Folder 2197: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Kansas City, KS; correspondence

reel 33, frame 317

Folder 2198: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Cleveland, OH; correspondence

reel 33, frame 334

Folder 2199: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Cambridge, MA; correspondence

reel 33, frame 404

Folder 2200: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Rochester, NY, Rye, NY; correspondence

reel 33, frame 415

Folder 2201: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in the United States

Chicago, IL; correspondence, appeals, notices, other materials

reel 33, frame 425

Folder 2202: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Argentina, South Africa

reel 33, frame 543

Folder 2203: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries


reel 33, frame 550

Folder 2204: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries


reel 33, frame 555

Folder 2205: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries


reel 33, frame 557

Folder 2206: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries


reel 33, frame 561

Folder 2207: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Poland: Warsaw, Vilna

reel 33, frame 564

Folder 2208: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Canada: Winnipeg, Man.

reel 33, frame 586

Folder 2209: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Canada: Toronto, Ont.

reel 33, frame 766

Folder 2210: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Canada: London, Ont.

reel 33, frame 827

Folder 2211: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Canada: Montreal, Que.

reel 33, frame 832

Folder 2212: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Canada: Saskatoon, Sask.

reel 33, frame 897

Folder 2213: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Canada: Edmonton, Alta.

reel 33, frame 901

Folder 2214: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Canada: Calgary, Alta.

reel 33, frame 915

Folder 2215: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries

Canada: Regina, Sask.

reel 33, frame 933

Folder 2216: 70th birthday celebration: celebrations in other countries


reel 33, frame 938

Folder 2217: 70th birthday celebration: celebration speech

20 pgs.

reel 33, frame 949

Folder 2218: 70th birthday celebration: meeting minutes from the Celebration Committee

34 pgs., 19 sets of minutes

reel 33, frame 970

Folder 2219: 70th birthday celebration: meeting minutes from the Celebration Committee, also financial reports

37 pgs.

reel 33, frame 1005

Folder 2220: 70th birthday celebration: financial reports, various lists

10 pgs.

reel 33, frame 1087

Folder 2221: 70th birthday celebration: children's work from Jewish People's School

Montreal, Canada

reel 33, frame 1111

Folder 2222: 70th birthday celebration: children's work from I.L. Peretz Schools

Montreal, Canada

reel 33, frame 1137

Folder 2223: 70th birthday celebration: celebration book

Detroit, MI

reel 33, frame 1165

Folder 2224: 70th birthday celebration: celebration book

New York, NY

reel 33, frame 1190

Folder 2225: 70th birthday celebration: celebration book

Cleveland, OH

reel 33, frame 1240

Folder 2226: 70th birthday celebration: newspaper clippings
reel 33, frame 1261
Folder 2227: 70th birthday celebration: Fraye Shriftn (Open Writings), from Jewish Socialist Ideas, collected in a book, edited by I.N. Steinberg

160 pgs., Warsaw, removed to the YIVO Library

reel 34, frame 1

Folder 2228: 75th birthday celebration

Detroit, MI

reel 34, frame 2

Folder 2229: 75th birthday celebration

Los Angeles, CA, New York, NY

reel 34, frame 50

Folder 2230: 75th birthday celebration

Montreal, Canada

reel 34, frame 87

Series XI: Miscellaneous
This series consists of leaflets, documents, minutes and reports pertaining to the Socialist International, the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party, various Jewish Socialist parties, and Jewish emigration. These documents have been divided into subseries.
Folders: 40
Subseries 1: Materials about Zhitlowsky
This subseries includes articles by Yiddish writers written after Zhitlowsky's death, announcements, flyers, tickets, and other documents from various occasions such as lectures and celebrations connected with Zhitlowsky.
Folders: 5
Folder 2231: "Khaim Zhitlowsky in Tsenter fun Shprakhn-Kamf in Erets-Yisroel in 1914" (Chaim Zhitlowsky in the Center of the Language Conflict in Israel in 1914), by M. Chmielnik; "Variantn" (Variations), by Mordechai Lutzky, dedicated to Zhitlowsky

6 pgs.; 2pgs., Kineret

reel 34, frame 95

Folder 2232: "Iz Zhitlowsky in Stire mit zikh Aleyn?" (Is Zhitlowsky in Contradiction with Himself?)

35 pgs., author unknown

reel 34, frame 104

Folder 2233: "A Gaystiker Aristokrat un a Folksmentsh" (An Intellectual Aristocrat and a Man of the People)

19 pgs., author unknown

- other evaluations of Dr. Zhitlowsky

- articles written after his death, including: "A Hesped oyf Zhitlowsky" (A Eulogy for Zhitlowsky), undated, 11 pgs., author unknown, missing the first two pages;

"Zikhroynes vegn Dr. Khaim Zhitlowskys Bazukh in Czestochowa Poland in 1926" (Memories of Dr. Chaim Zhitlowsky's Research in Czestochowa Poland in 1926), by David Koniecpoler, 1952, 3 pgs.

- published articles about Dr. Zhitlowsky by Zalman Berul, B.Z. Goldberg, Sonya Zhitlowsky-Lira, Dr. Raphael Mahler, Kalman Melamed, Shmuel Niger, Shimshon Erdberg, Louis Pearlman, Leon Kobrin, Moshe Katz, Abraham Gulman, Mordechai Gebirtig, Chaim Lieberman, Jacob Lestschinsky, Yudl Mark, Dr. Al. Mukdoni, Gershon Pomerantz, Dr. Ch. Frank

- appeals from the Zhitlowsky Folks Committee

reel 34, frame 161

Folder 2234: William Edlin's speech

33 pgs.

reel 34, frame 301

Folder 2235: Notices, postcards, other materials connected with Zhitlowsky
reel 34, frame 347
Subseries 2: Documents about Various Political Parties and about Jewish Immigration and Colonization
This is a subseries of miscellaneous documents including resolutions, constitutions, programs, appeals, and minutes and reports of various political parties to which Zhitlowsky belonged, as well as miscellaneous materials about Jewish immigration and colonization.
Folders: 9
Folder 2236: Socialist International
1908, 1937
reel 34, frame 488
Folder 2237: Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party
1891-1905, 1919-1925
reel 34, frame 509
Folder 2238: Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party

368 pgs., meeting minutes from the first Congress of the S.R. Party, Russian

reel 34, frame 691

Folder 2239: Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party

meeting minutes from the New York branch

reel 34, frame 1062

Folder 2240: Various Socialist Groups: SERP, Osvobozhdenie truda (Liberation of Labor), Social Democrats, Bund
1929, undated
reel 34, frame 1159
Folder 2241: Poale Zion and Zeire Zion
reel 34, frame 1207
Folder 2242: Projects of various publications
reel 34, frame 1254
Folder 2243: Jewish immigration and colonization
1906-1911, 1933-1936, undated
reel 34, frame 1277
Folder 2244: Various documents
1883-1889, 1916, 1922

including: Narodnaya Volya, an announcement

- Hovevei Zion, statutes, Warsaw, 1883

- Obshchestvo Druzyei Yevryeiskoi Narodnoi literatury (Society of Friends of Jewish National Literature), statute, 1889

reel 35, frame 1

Subseries 3: Photographs
This subseries includes portraits of Zhitlowsky, of Russian revolutionaries in the Siberian mines and pictures of Yiddish writers.
Folders: 6
Folder 2245: Photographs of Chaim Zhitlowsky, portraits
not filmed
Folder 2246: Photographs of the Zhitlowsky family
not filmed
Folder 2247: Photographs of Russian and Russian Jewish revolutionaries

including Vera Figner, Vasily Sukhomlin and wife, Ekaterina Breshkovskaya, Nikolai Tchaikovsky, A. Gercen, N. Dobrolyubov

police photographs of political figures exiled to Siberia

not filmed

Folder 2248: Photographs of various people

including Charles Rappoport, Azarya Rayevsky, Jean Jaures, Morris Winchevsky, Abraham Reisen

not filmed

Folder 2249: Photographs of Zhitlowsky with various people

including Ekaterina Breshkovskaya, N. Tchaikovsky, Zerubavel, Seltzer and Libin, Mendel Rozenboim, Leibush Lehrer, Dr. Kopelow, Maria Reinis, S. Ansky

not filmed

Folder 2250: Unidentified photographs
not filmed
Subseries 4: Bibliography of Zhitlowsky’s Writings
This subseries consists of bibliographical notes on Zhitlowsky's writings. The excerpts from folders 2251-2256 are generally undated but many appear to be early works, some possibly as early as the 1860s, and are in Yiddish, Russian, German, and English.
Folders: 9
Folder 2251: Excerpts from various works
reel 35, frame 65
Folder 2252: Excerpts from various works
reel 35, frame 330
Folder 2253: Excerpts from various works
reel 35, frame 651
Folder 2254: Excerpts from various works
not filmed
Folder 2255: Excerpts from various works
not filmed
Folder 2256: Excerpts from various works
not filmed
Folder 2257: Bibliographical notes on Zhitlowsky's works

notecards wrapped in bundles

not filmed

Folder 2258: Bibliographical notes, general


not filmed

Folder 2259: Bibliographical notes, general

loose pages and bound notebooks

not filmed

Subseries 5: Miscellaneous
This subseries contains dedications from various authors written to Zhitlowsky, as well as various unidentified loose pages, photocopies of articles found elsewhere in the collection, letters and telegrams, materials having to do with Zhitlowsky’s will and Nora Zhitlowsky’s court case with YIVO, and articles that do not appear to be found elsewhere in the collection. The last two folders have not been microfilmed.
Folders: 11
Folder 2260: Dedications from authors to Zhitlowsky

mainly written on title pages

reel 35, frame 668

Folder 2261: Loose pages
reel 35, frame 791
Folder 2262: Loose pages
reel 36, frame 1
Folder 2263: Miscellaneous
reel 36, frame 244
Folder 2264: Articles from Dos Naye Lebn (The New Life)


reel 36, frame 533

Folder 2265: Various presents for Zhitlowsky
reel 36, frame 576
Folder 2266: Various printed materials
1897-1906, 1922-1937
reel 36, frame 580
Folder 2267: Letters
1898, 1912-1932, 1943, undated
reel 36, frame 691
Folder 2268: Telegrams
reel 36, frame 746
Folder 2269: Zhitlowsky's Will

also Nora Zhitlowsky's dealings with YIVO

not filmed

Folder 2270: Articles
1911, 1935, undated

"Religion, Culture, and Language,"

"Is There a Jewish People?,"

"The First 25 Years of Our Shules"

not filmed

Browse by Series:

Series 1: Series I: Personal Documents, 1887-1944,
Series 2: Series II: Family Correspondence, 1886-1943,
Series 3: Series III: General Correspondence: Individuals, 1882-1955,
Series 4: Series IV: General Correspondence: Organizations, 1892-1943,
Series 5: Series V: Manuscripts, 1881-1942,
Series 6: Series VI: Typescripts and Printed Materials, 1885-1938,
Series 7: Series VII: Miscellaneous Speeches, 1910, 1937-1943,
Series 8: Series VIII: Financial Records, 1897-1942,
Series 9: Series IX: Newspaper Clippings, 1916-1942,
Series 10: Series X: Records of Celebrations for Zhitlowsky, 1912-1942,
Series 11: Series XI: Miscellaneous, 1883-1958
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