Dina Blond
Title: Dina Blond
ID: RG 1462

1' 3"

Was born on March 1, 1887 in Vilna and named Shayne-Feygl Szapiro. Actively participated in the Russian Revolution of 1905, and from then on, was also a member of the Jewish labor party, the Bund. Joined the Jewish commercial employees' association in Vilna, which was politically dominated by the Bund. In 1913, defeated two other candidates and was sent to the "All-Russian Congress of Commercial and Bank Employees" in Moscow as a delegate of the Vilna commercial employees. Until the outbreak of World War II, was active in party work and translating. Translated into Yiddish, over thirty works of world literature from Russian, German, and English, prior to 1939. This included Konstantin Fedin's Cities and Years (1924), Joseph Roth's Confession of a Murderer (1937), and Liam O'Flaherty's The Informer (1925). In 1920, moved with her husband, the Bundist activist, Beinish Michalewicz, to Warsaw, which was then the Bund's headquarters. In the mid-1920s, became chairwoman of the YAF (Yidisher Arbeter Froy), the women's division of the Bund, and editor of the weekly Froyen-Vinkl, the women's page of the party newspaper, Naye Folkstsaytung. As chairwoman of the YAF, coordinated women's activities among the Jewish working-class, which included the establishment of daycare centers and summer day camps. In 1939, fled the Germany Army and returned to Vilna. From there, she immigrated to the United States in 1941. Remained active in the workers' movement through the Bund Committee in New York and the Workmen's Circle. Died in New York in 1985.

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Acquisition Note:
Transferred from the Bund Archives of the Jewish Labor Movement to YIVO, 1992
Collection Material Type: Personal Papers