Rue Amelot
Title: Rue Amelot
Inclusive Dates: 1939-1944
ID: RG 343

11'8"; 15 5"ltr; 12 5"lgl; 1 2.5"ltr; 1 2.5"lgl

The committee "Rue Amelot" was founded in Paris on June 15, 1940, in the office of the organization Colonie Scolaire, located at 36 Rue Amelot. Rue Amelot functioned as an underground organization providing aid to refugees, internees and children. It achieved its aims by clandestinely coordinating the activities of five social welfare organizations, the Colonie Scolaire and its medical dispensary, 'La Mere et L'Enfant', and four canteens, run by the Cercle Amical, the Foyer Ouvrier Juif, the Foyer Amical and the Federation de Societes Juives. Rue Amelot provided medical services, clothing, free meals, legal aid and shelter for children. At different times, the Rue Amelot received financial or other support from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, OSE and ORT. Rue Amelot was one of many Jewish institutions in the Paris area affiliated with the UGIF network and it was listed as section 69 of the Third UGIF Group of the Northern Zone. The organization was directed by Dovid Rapoport.

Inventories: English, 57 pp., typed; Yiddish (incomplete) by Z. Szajkowski in YIVO Archives authority file

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