Description: This collection is of mixed provenance and consists of miscellaneous materials, arranged by topic, relating to Jewish life in countries around the world. The collection is comprised of printed materials, posters, correspondence, fragmentary records of institutions and personal papers. These materials are arranged in geographic subgroups by country or region. The following countries and regions are included: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Baltic countries, (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia), Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, Far East, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, North Africa, Panama, Peru, Poland, Rhodesia, Rumania, Russia and the Soviet Union, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.
ENGLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, HOLLAND, HUNGARY. POLAND, RUSSIA and USSR, have their own separate collection level records at this website. They can be located by searching for 'Territorial Collection: England', 'Territorial Collection: France I and France II', "Territorial Collection: Germany I and Germany II", "Territorial Collection: Poland I, Poland II, Poland II", and "Territorial Collection: Russia and USSR".
The rest of the subgroups in this Territorial Collection are described below:
*ARGENTINA*. Diary of Berl Greenberg relating to the Jewish community of Buenos Aires, several hundred pages, 1957-1958. Newspapers clippings from the Spanish language press, 1941-1948. Miscellaneous printed materials and circulars relating mainly to Jewish organizations.
*AUSTRALIA*. Printed materials relating to Jewish organizations and schools in Melbourne and Sydney.
*AUSTRIA*. Several older documents, 17th c.- 19th c., including statutes of the Jewish community of Mattersdorf, 1872, and letters, petitions and government orders to Vienna Jewish community, 1795-1844. Materials on antisemitism, Nazi period, war crimes trials, Displaced Persons camps. Includes eyewitness account of expulsion of Jews from Kittsee, 1938.
*BALTIC COUNTRIES* (LITHUANIA, LATVIA AND ESTONIA). Miscellaneous materials relating to cultural and religious activities during the period of national independence, 1919-1939, antisemitism, the Holocaust, war criminals. Following localities are represented in this subgroup: Daugavpils, Iwie, Kaltinenai, Kalvarija, Kedainiai, Kudirkas Naumiestis,, Kaunas, Kupiskis, Kvedarna, Memel (Klaipeda), Maljaty (Moletai), Olsiady, Palanga, Panevezys, Pilviskiai, Riga, Talsi, Telsiai, Triskiai, Ukmerge, Uzventis, Vidukle, Zagare. Materials of the Holocaust period pertain mainly to the ghettos in Kaunas, Riga, Daugavpils, and to the Klooga concentration camp.
*BELGIUM*. The collection relates primarily to the Belgian Jewish community in the Holocaust and post-World War II periods. Included are: materials relating to the underground resistance; alphabetical lists of Jews who were in the Malines internment camp during the war; schoolwork of students in a Yiddish class, Brussels, ca. 1941-42. The printed materials of the post-war period pertain to the activities of Jewish organizations. There is an emphasis on Zionist organizations, primarily in Brussels, such as Mizrachi, Betar, Poalei Zion, Hashomer Hatsair. *BRAZIL*. Printed material, circulars, clippings relating to cultural, educational and communal activities in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santos and other places.
*CANADA*. Printed materials from various Jewish organizations in Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Calgary. A file of correspondence of Western Canada's Jewish Relief Fund, 1913-1921 pertaining to immigration from Eastern Europe.
*CHILE*. Miscellaneous materials.
*COLOMBIA*. Printed materials relating to educational, cultural and community activities. Organizations include the Zionist Federation, Hillel and the Centro Israelita.
*CZECHOSLOVAKIA*. The bulk of the collection pertains to the Holocaust period, 1938-1945. Noteworthy are materials on the concentration camp Theresienstadt (Terezin) which include: birth and death records, daily orders, circulars, announcements about deportations, regulations concerning the Altestenrat (Council of Elders), documents on health conditions, and other official records of the ghetto administration; testimonies and eyewitness accounts of the survivors; press articles written after the war. The collection includes also materials on Jewish communities in Slovakia, post World War II.
*DENMARK*. The collection relates mainly to Copenhagen. Printed materials, relating to Yiddish cultural and educational life, Zionist groups, workers' unions, various Jewish organizations, in the 1930s. Minutes and other materials of the Jewish Parents' Association of the Yidisher shul, 1920-1930s. Handwritten periodical published by the Hazomir Society consisting of humorous and satirical pieces in Yiddish, 1937-1953. Minutes of meetings, invitations, printed materials, by-laws of the Yidish Fareyn, 1930-1936.Printed materials relating to Jewish situation in Denmark during World War II, including circulars from the Danish Red Cross.
*FINLAND*. Miscellaneous materials.
*FRANCE: FRANCE I and FRANCE II.* Appears separately at this website at: Territorial Collection: France I and France II.
*GERMANY: GERMANY I AND GERMANY II* Appears separately at this website at: Territorial Collection: Germany I and Germany II.
*HOLLAND* Appears separately at this website at: Territorial Collection: Holland
*HUNGARY* Appears separately at this website at Territorial Collection: Hungary
*ISRAEL* The collection relates to cultural, political, labor, religious, social welfare and charitable activities in Israel. The bulk of the collection consists of printed materials, a large proportion of which are posters. Cultural activities: materials about musical events. Political materials: political parties including Agudas Israel, Mapai, elections to the 3rd and 4th Knesset, elections to the 22nd Zionist Congress. Labor activities: materials of the Histadrut. Religious lfe: activities of the Chief Rabbinate. Social welfare and charitable organizations: old-age homes, orphanages, hospitals, charitable agencies such as the Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Fund.
*ITALY* The bulk of the collection pertains to the World War II period and consists of copies of documents from the Comitato Ricerche Deportati Ebrei in Rome. Included are eywitness accounts by survivors, lists of deported Jews.
*MEXICO* Materials of the local Zionist organizations and of Yiddish schools, 1960s.
*NEW ZEALAND* Circulars relating to communal and cultural activities, 1949-1954.
*POLAND: POLAND I, POLAND II, POLAND III. Appears separately at this website at: Territorial Collection: Poland I, Poland II, Poland III.
*RUMANIA* Pinkas (register) of the gmilas khesed (interest free loan) society in Bacu, 1836. Handwirtten copies of pinkasim of various societies, 19th century. Leaflets, posters and programs published by the *Fusgeyer* groups, 1900. Reports and essays on the Jewish situation in Rumania prior to World War II. Chronology of the history of Jews in Rumania during World War II. Anti-Jewish legilation of the Rumanian government. Reports on the concentration camps in Transnistria. Albums of photographs, documents, charts and maps on the annihilation of Rumanian Jewry, prepared after the war by the Rumanian Section of the World Jewish Congress. Materials on the post-war period, including posters and other printed matter of Jewish organizations in Rumania.
*RUSSIA AND USSR* Appears separately at this website at Territorial Collection: Russia and USSR
*SOUTH AFRICA*. Newspaper clippings, 1903-1906. British government documents on recognition of Yiddish as a language in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, 1903. Copies of proceedings of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, 1960s-1970s.
*SWEDEN* Materials pertain mainly to Holocaust survivors who settled in Sweden between 1943 and 1949. Included are private letters and mimeographed circulars from Jewish organizations in Stockholm, Uppsala and other cities.
*SWITZERLAND* Materials on Swiss Jewish Refugee Committee (Verband Schweizerischer Judischer Fluchtlingshelfen), 1939-1946. Miscellaneous circulars, clippings, 1930s-1940s. Minutes of a board meeting of Jewish leadership in Switzerland held in 1942; a Swiss cabinet minister present at the meeting explained the new government measures with regard to Jewish refugees who were trying to enter the country. Typed report of conference of fascists in Montreux, 1934. Press release of Bureau de Presse de la Federation Suisse des Communautes Israelites, 1946-1958.
*URUGUAY* Newspaper clippings, 1941-1952. Posters relating to Yiddish cultural life, 1940s.