Folder 1: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 1 A: Geschaeftsfuehrung, Bestimmungen, Etc. (Miscellaneous)
Records of Reprasentanten Versammlung. Correspondence with Government; statutes of community; government orders
Folder 2: Die Wahl Und Anstellung Der Korporations-Beamten
Records of Reprasentanten Versammlung. Election meetings; minutes of representative meetings; government correspondence
Folder 3: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947.
Folder 4: Die Fuehrung Der Personen Standes Register (Miscellaneous)
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Government regulations and correspondence concerning keeping of vital statistics
Folder 5: Kassen Und Rechungs Sachen (Miscellaneous)
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Government regulations. Internal administrative rules
Folder 6: Die Buergerlichen Und Kommunal-Verhaeltnisse, Naturalisirung (Miscellaneous)
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Government correspondence, decrees, citizenship oaths
Folder 7: Die Umzuege Der Korporations Mitglieder Und Abloesung Derselben (Miscellaneous)
Regulations, government correspondence. Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Folder 8: Die Auffuehren Der Inventarienstuecke Der Gemeinde
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Inventories; communal meetings authorizing purchases and sales of property; auctions; communal documents and books
Folder 9: Die Organisirung Der Korporation-Vervaltung, Wahle Der Verwaltungs- Und Repraesentanten Sowie Der Einzelnen Verwaltungs-Kommissione
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Communal decisions, announcements of elections, lists of eligible voters, government documents, elections at various levels, closing an account on change of officeholder
Folder 10: Die Wahlen Der Gemeindebehoerden Und Die Bildung Von Verwaltungs- Kommissionen
Communal meetings, government correspondence, lists of eligible voters, newspaper announcements, petitions and litigation against results, membership dues, death of communal officers, death notices in newspaper, commissions
Folder 11: Die Wahlen Der Gemein-Behoerden Und Der Bildung Von Verwaltungs- Kommissionen
Communal meetings, regulations, elections, announcements, petition. Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Folder 12: Ordnungs-Und Polizeistrafen. Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Fines ordered by community (for non- attendance at meetings, etc.); communal decisions, correspondence with government and others
Folder 12 A: Privilegien Und DocumenteRecords of Verwaltungs-Beamten.
Copies, mortgage, court cases concerning communal property, communal decisions, communal debts, communal buildings
Folder 13: Vermaechtnisse Und Geschenke (pages numbered 11-117 & blanks)
Rules concerning specific endowments; wills, probate court documents, correspondence; letters concerning gifts
Folder 14: Die Buergerlichen Und Kommunal-Verhaeltnisse
Records of Reprasentanten-Versammlung. Copy of royal decree, lists of community members with professions and citizenship status, legal regulations, correspondence concerning Jewish civil rights; list of villages
Folder 15: Die Anstellung Des Rabbiners Auerbach Und Pensionierung Der Wittwe DesselbenRecords of Reprasentanten-Versammlung
Communal decisions and protests as well as other materials concerning fees for rabbi; rabbi’s contract; correspondence, etc. concerning rabbi’s death in 1848; material concerning his widow and orphans
Folder 16: Die Anstellung Eines Rabbiners Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Correspondence; pay order; petitions; communal decisions; announcements of election; letters of application; announcements of meetings; lists of members; extention of rabbi’s contract; salary; government correspondence; correspondence with Rabbi Stoessel; litigation between rabbi and community; contract; list of attendance at communal meetings; lists of fees to rabbi; Rabbi Stoessel’s death in 1861; letters of recommendation; doctoral thesis; aid to widow
Folder 17: Anstellung Des Rabbiners Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Excerpt from communal rules; announcement of election; communal decisions; choice of election officials; letters of application; curriculum vitaes; recommendations; telegrams; list of eligible voters with their votes. Election of Rabbi Duschak; not hired and post kept vacant
Folder 18: Die Anstellung Des Rabbiners
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. List of applicants, petition, letters of application, references; communal meetings; curriculum vitaes; telegrams; election meeting; list of eligible voters, etc. Election of Rabbi Freimann
Folder 19: Die Anstellung Und Dienstfuehrung Der Rabbinats-Assessoren Und Schlaechter Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Vacancy for rabbi’s post. Letters of application; communal decisions; announcement of meetings; correspondence concerning salary, conditions and functions; various official business handled by temporary rabbis; announcements, petitions; government correspondence and announcements
Folder 20: Die Wahl, Anstellung Und Amtsfuehrung Des Rabbiners Dr. Freimann
Communal board meetings, election meeting, list of eligible voters and their choices, congratulations, Dr. Freimann’s letters of application and recommendation, inauguration ceremonies and invitations, his contract, apartment, raises, telegrams, etc. concerning his death in 1884; burial; widow and children
Folder 20 A: Untitled
Communal decisions and correspondence concerning illness and gravestone for Mrs. Freimann, widow of ex-rabbi
Folder 21: Wahl Eines Rabbiners, Aufstellung Des Rabbi, Dr. Freund
Newspaper announcements and advertisements, letters of application and recommendation; material concerning rabbi’s marriage in 1900 and his resignation in 1907
Folder 22: Die Wahl Und Aufstellung Eines Rabbiners/Dr. Plessner
Letters of application, newspaper announcements, contract, renewals, correspondence, communal decisions, government correspondence; Dr. Plessner’s death in 1898, telegrams, pension for his widow
Folder 23: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 24: Die Aufstellung Eines/Haft Und Schaechters
Newspaper announcements, letters of application, communal decisions, Letters of recommendation, hiring of Cantor Haft, his contract, election, List of voters, vacations; hiring of a (ritual slaughterer)
Folder 25: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 26: Die Wahl Und Austellung Der Kantoren Und Schaechter
Lists of applications, communal decisions, government correspondence, order to fire foreign cantor and; list of eligible voters; letters of application, newspaper announcements, letters of recommendation, tests and auditions; election hiring of Cantor Senior, contract, firing of cantor, new applications, rehiring of cantor, along with assistant
Folder 27: Die Anstellung Und Dienstfuehrung Des Korporations-Schreibers Und Rendanten (?)
Petitions, communal decisions, government correspondence
Folder 28: Anstellung Und Dienstfuehrung Der Korporations-Und Synagogendiener
Communal decisions; complaints against synagogue caretaker, investigations, correspondence, correspondence with government
Folder 29: Untitled
Letters of application and recommendation for job of assistant cantor in Ostrowo for High Holidays
Folder 30: Die Annahme Eines Hilfvorbeters Zu Den Hohen Festtagen
Applications, recommendations
Folder 30 A: Die Neubesetzung Der Vakanten Synagogendienerstelle/Schmuckler
Letters of application and recommendation from various places
Folder 31: Der Verein Zur Pflece Der Kranken Und Beerdigung Der Leichen
Records of Reprasentanten Versammlung. Concerning Hevra Kadisha, correspondence with government, community committee meetings, government regulations and fines
Folder 32: Die Umzuege Der Korporations-Mitglieder Und Abfindung Derselben
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Communal decisions in individual cases; correspondence, petitions, attestations of permission to move
Folder 33: Umzuege Und Ablosung Der Korporations-Mitglieder
Jews moving to other towns: specific cases, petitions, communal and governmental decisions, sums of amounts owed, jurisdictional disputes between communities
Folder 34: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 35: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 36: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 37: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 38: Die Verzeichnisse Der Maennlichen Geburten
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Copies of official birth records for 1847-1850; registry of all male Jewish births in Adelnau Kreis, 1851-1859; registry of all male Jewish births in Ostrowo, 1859-1874
Folder 39: Die Abschliessung Von Vertraegen Ueber Den Verkauf Der Synagogen Sitzstellen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Collection of contracts for individual synagogue seats issued before notary public
Folder 40: Die Abschliessung Von Vertraegen Ueber Den Verkauf Der Synagogen- Sitzstellen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten; continuation of above. Collection of contracts for individual synagogue seats
Folder 41: Die Naturalisirung Der Korporations Mitglieder
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Summons to meetings, petitions, lists of individuals, government correspondence and orders, name changes, detailed forms concerning individuals, communal decisions
Folder 42: Die Geduldeten Korporationsmitglieder Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten.
Concerning Jews merely tolerated, but without citizenship. Government-issued certificates of toleration. Government orders, annual lists of tolerated Jews, government correspondence concerning individuals and general matters
Folder 43: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 44: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 45: Etats Und Repartitionen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Government orders, communal decisions, budgets, communal tax rolls (not completely chronological)
Folder 46: Die Feststellung Des Klassifikations Tarifs Zur Veranlagung Der Gemeinde Steuern
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Communal meetings on changing assessment systems; proposed systems of assessment, government order regulations
Folder 47: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 48: Die Veranlagung Der Korporations-Beitraege
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Communal tax rolls, petitions government orders (c. 220 heads of family)
Folder 49: Die Repartition Der Corporationsbeitraege
Mostly assessment lists; communal deliberations, adjustments, government correspondence
Folder 50: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 51: Reclamationen Wegen Korporations-Beitraegen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Requests for reductions, communal meetings, government regulations
Folder 52: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 53: Kassen Und Rechnungs-Sachen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. (Some in Yiddish script). Correspondence, choice of finance committee, government orders, lists of amounts owed, communal decisions, bills, audits, correspondence within communal administration, notices of amounts due, notes on budget items
Folder 54: Kassen Und Rechnungs-Sachen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Government regulations, audits, bills, communal meetings, correspondence, balance sheets, accounts
Folder 55: Die Revision Der Korporations-Kasse
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Periodic (sometimes monthly) reports of expenses, income and cash on hand by commission (some reports missing), bond posted for auditors, choice of auditors, government orders
Folder 56: Korporations-Kassen Rechnungen Pro 1863 Und 1864
Records of Vorstand. Correspondence, regulations, lawsuit
Folder 57: Einziehung Rueckstaend, Beitraege Und Korpor. Kassen-Rechnung
Lists of debtors, general revenue and expenses, balance sheets, government correspondence, audits, communal decisions, legal proceedings to collect debts, individual petitions and communal decisions
Folder 58: Die Jahresberechnungen Der Korporations-Kasse
Correspondence, accounts for 1910-1911, balance sheet of Legatenfond (endowment fund), communal decisions
Folder 59: Die Krupken-Abgabe, Verpachtung Der Diesfaelligen Revenue
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Tax on kosher meat: rules concerning collection, auctions, announcements (some in Yiddish script). Correspondence, communal decisions, contract with collector, government correspondence, income
Folder 60: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 61: Die Feststellung Und Erhebung Der Krupkensteuer Und Schlachtgebuehren,
Communal debates and orders concerning fees and tickets, bids for tax farm, petitions for tax reductions, concerning הטיחש; correspondence, auction of collection rights, rules, meeting announcements. (Includes some loose pages)
Folder 62: Corporation Wider Tauchenpaechter Mueller
Court case; correspondence with government; court documents, communal decisions; also includes case vs. Korn
Folder 63: Materials concerning mikve (ritual bath) in Ostrowo
Communal decisions, contracts with mikve renters, correspondence, rules of mikves in other towns, petitions, government correspondence, bills, inventories
Folder 64: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 65: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 66: Die Veranlagung Zur Fleischerei Berufsgenossenschaft
Statutes of national guild; correspondence
Folder 67: Die Berichtgung Der Forderung Des Provinzial Schul-Fonds
1833-1846, 1869
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Mainly correspondence with government; also official documents, court documents
Folder 68: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 69: Die Abloesung Des An Die Katholische Kirche Hierselbst Zu Liefernden Shiesspulver Und Talg
Law suit with church; communal meetings, appeals, court decisions, agreement, further suits
Folder 70: Die Forderung Des Kreis-Physikus Dr. Koschny An Die Hiesige Juedische Korporation
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Court case concerning debt, communal decisions, court documents
Folder 71: Die Entnahme Des Darlehens Aus Dem Legatenfonds
Synagogue mortgages, amortization, communal decisions, legal discussions, bank correspondence, inheritances, wills, legal rules, endowments, government correspondence
Folder 72: Die Aufnahme Eines Darlehens Bei Der Chevra Kadischa Und Der Preuss. Cent. Boden Credit Akt. Gesellschaft? Berlin
1872, 1907-1909
8,000 mark loan; bank correspondence, government permission, government correspondence, conditions of loan, communal decisions, communal property, excerpts from government documents
Folder 73: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 74: Die Unterstuetzung Der Armen Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Court case, petitions requesting help from individuals, especially in 1848 (includes victims of pogroms in region), petitions from congregations and other institutions, list of poor, 1847, receipts, reports of epidemics
Folder 75: Die Unterstuetzung Der Armen
Communal meetings and orders, regulations, pleas for aid by individuals, decisions of aid commission in individual cases, pay orders for aid, lists of recipients; includes society to aid poor gymnasium students
Folder 76: Die Armenpflege
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Petitions for aid by individuals, communal decisions, meeting of united khevres concerning poor: announcement, attendance, correspondence, pleas from organizations, correspondence concerning accounts of poor administration
Folder 77: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 78: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 79: Armenunterstuetzung Und Beihilfe Zu Wohltaetigkeitszwecken
Receipts, requests for help from institutions and individuals
Folder 80: Die Verabreichung Des Ostermehls An Armen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Passover flour for poor: lists of recipients, communal meetings, regulations, correspondence, announcements
Folder 81: Die Armenunterstuetzung
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Petitions for aid, vouchers for aid expenditures, correspondence, including one Yiddish letter
Folder 82: Die Bekleidung Armer Schulkinder
1834, 1842-1846, 1865
Poor children sent home from school for insufficient clothes, communal purchases of clothes, statements of parents, communal decisions, bills
Folder 83: Collecten Und Milde Beitraege
Collection for hospital, etc.; list of contributors, correspondence, etc., appeals for aid from various organizations
Folder 84: Aid to the Poor
Appeals from organizations and individuals; communal decisions
Folder 85: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 86: Der Frauen-Verein, Unterstuetzung Duerftiger Frauen Und Jungfrauen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Correspondence between community and the society, etc.; balance sheets of women’s society, statutes of various societies to aid poor women, government correspondence, minutes, announcements of meetings, society to provide soup to poor: lists of members, bills for soup delivered
Folder 87: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 88: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 89: Die Aus Der Schule Entlassenen Knaben Sowie Unterbringung Und Beaufsichtigung Derselben
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Communal decisions in individual cases; government correspondence; requests and declarations by individuals; lists of children over 14 years old with professions they are learning; apprenticeship contract; requests for apprentices, school reports
Folder 90: Die Organisirung Der Schule, Beschaffung Und Unterhalt Der Unterrichtslocalien
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Proposals for building a schoolhouse and mikve, plans, cost estimates (1840); sale of old elementary school (1835), rented building, correspondence, government correspondence, communal decisions
Folder 91: Schul-Sachen, Anstellung Der Lehrer Und Unterrichts-Sachen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Government orders, lists of all school- age children, correspondence, truancy, school materials, appointment and recommendation of teachers, communal decisions
Folder 92: Der Privat “Schul” Unterricht Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Orders against such instruction, threats of punishment, passing on of government decrees against khedorim, certificates for Jewish teachers
Folder 93: Gehalt Quittungen concerning assistant teacher, Callomon
Folder 94: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 95: Die Errichtung Und Verwaltung Der Gemeinde-Religionsschule
Statutes of school with amendments, communal decisions, nomination of administrators, correspondence, invitation, hiring teacher, list of students, curricular plan for 1912, minutes of education committee
Folder 96: Schulbesuchs-Liste Der Religions-Schule Zu Ostrowo
Attendance book
Folder 97: Kultus Angelegenheiten Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Ritual objects belonging to synagogue, synagogue budgets, Ner Tomid Society, fees for religious ceremonies, questionnaires, communal decisions, government approval and others, petitions concerning anti-shekhite proposals, list of voting members, mikve, Austritt, etc.
Folder 98: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 99: Untitled
Correspondence concerning cemetery plots and care, communal decisions
Folder 100: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 101: Der Neubau Der Synagoge Und Deren Documente
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Communal meetings, purchase of land, etc., budget, contracts, official record, inauguration
Folder 102: Der Neubau Einer Leichenhalle, Umbau Des Hauses No. 57, Die Errichtungen Von Umwaehrmungen, Etc.
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Sketches, communal meetings, expense estimates for various projects, correspondence, rabbi’s residence, additional expenses, cemetery ownership
Folder 103: Umbau Des Treppenaufganges In Der Synagoge Und Deren Umgebens
Correspondence, communal decisions, plans and blueprints, estimated costs, permits
Folder 104: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 105: Verkauf Eines Teilgrundstueckes An Epstein
Correspondence, communal decisions, meeting, copy of agreement concerning building and sale, lawyers’ correspondence, government permission
Folder 106: Die Renovation Und Verwaltung Der Tauche (Radeanstalt)
Plan, government correspondence, communal decisions, bills, cost estimates, correspondence, communal meetings, public announcements, letters from other communities asking advice, government inspections, firing of superintendent of mikve, applications for post of cemetery caretaker, contract of superintendent, income and expenses of mikve
Folder 107: Der Neubau Und Unterhaltung Der Tauche Und Des Schulgebaeudes
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Communal decisions, conditions for building, public announcements, government correspondence, contract for land, cost estimates, bills, tax to pay for building, list of payers, contract, plans, correspondence
Folder 108: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 109: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 110: Korrespondenzen Gemischten Inhalts; Gesuche, Reschwerden, Etc.
1838- 1855
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Folder 111: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 112: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 113: Fuehrungsattestn
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Petitions, certificates of good behavior and recommendation, issued by the Ostrowo community
Folder 114: Verschiedene Publicanda
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Government and individual requests for community to make public announcements, includes some of the actual announcements
Folder 115: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 116: Verlassen Und Vormundschafts-Sachen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Birth and death certificates for government cases, government correspondence
Folder 117: Die Collonisation Der Juden Im Grossherzogthum Posen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Creation of Jewish colonization organization, correspondence, applications of prospective colonists
Folder 118: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 119: Verschiedene Currenden An Die Verwaltungs-Beistaende, Veranlagungs- Commission Und Einschaetzungs-Commission
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Several hundred circulars announcing meetings
Folder 119 A: Circulars summoning meetings of Jewish communal board, commission and khevres of Ostrowo
Folder 120: Patriotische Kundgebungen Und Andachtsuebuncen
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Prayers for government, government orders, special prayers and celebrations, announcements of parliamentary elections, meetings, etc., king’s birthday, end of war, official days of prayer, aid for war wounded, etc., communal decisions
Folder 121: Die Am Vorafende Des Versoehnungsfeste 5633/am 11. Oktober 1672 In Der Synagoge Zu Ostrowo Stattgehabte Unglueckliche Katastrophe
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Fatal accident: correspondence, letters of condolences, expenses, newspaper announcements, communal meeting, statutes of orphans’ home in Schwerin a. W., pleas for aid, donations
Folder 122: Verzeichniss Der Zu Naturalisirenden Mitglieder Der Israelitischen Corporation Zu Ostrowo
Petitions, information on several individual cases
Folder 123: Record of Jewish weddings at Ostrowo
(Cover missing)
Folder 124: (Untitled) Case of Berliner vs. Jewish community of Ostrowo concerning pillar in front of synagogue seat
Court announcements, copy of accusation and of synagogue seat contract, correspondence, legal documents, decision
Folder 125: Nachweis Der Synagogenplaetze
Synagogue seat rentals, list
Folder 126: Das Angebot Der Israelitischen Heiraten
Records of Verwaltungs-Beamten. Rules, permission to marry, petitions
Folder 127: Repartitionen Und Etat
Communal tax list and budget with government approval; listed among general contents: Grundriss Des Unteren Raumes Der Synagoge Zu Ostrowo (missing)
Folder 128: Nachweis Der Synagogensitzplaetze
List of seat owners
Folder 129: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 130: Rechnung Der Israelitischen Corporations-Kasse Zu Ostrowo Fuer Den Jahrgang
Folder 131: Umlegung Der Rekrutensteuer
(Records of Repraesentanten-Versammlung). Government correspondence, communal decisions and announcements, amounts paid
Folder 132: Die Untersuchung Wider Beiden Repraesentanten Baruch Krotoszyner Und Aron ZellnerRecords of Verwaltungs-Beamten
Investigation of two officials for for insubordination and revealing secrets, regulations, minutes of investigation, including depositions
Folder 133: (Untitled) Accompanying Finance Documents
Expense orders, communal decisions, applications, Recrutensteuer, bills, concerning aid to poor
Folder 134: Etat
Includes outstanding debts for 1840 and 1841; budget; communal tax list, expense vouchers
Folder 135: Einnahme Quittungen of Verein Zur Heranbildung Juedischer Handwerker in Ostrowo
Society for training Jewish artisans; lists of receipts for dues
Folder 136: Belaege Der Ausgaben
(Poor fund?) Pleas for aid by individuals; orders for payment
Folder 137: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 138: Ausgabe Belaege Der Armen-Casse
Pay orders
Folder 139: Ausgabe Belaege Zur Rechnung
List of expenses by category, bills, expense vouchers and pay orders
Folder 140: Einnahme Belaege Zur Rechnung
Overview of income, etc., communal decisions, Einnahme Anweisungen (orders to register income)
Folder 141: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 142: Ausgabe Belaege Zur Rechnung
Bills, receipts, pay orders
Folder 143: Einnahme Belaege Zur Rechnung
Communal decisions, Einnahme Anweisungen, lists of various types of income
Folder 144: Belaege Zur Jahres-Rechnung
Bills, pay orders, Einnahme Anweisungen, communal decisions, etc., receipts; both income and expenditures
Folder 145: Ausgabe Belaege
Mostly bills, pay orders
Folder 146: Ausgabe Journal
Folder 147: Ausgabe Belaege
Government and communal decisions concerning owed dues, bills, pay orders, receipts for aid, etc.
Folder 148: Ausgabe Belaege
Bills, pay orders
Folder 149: Einnahme Belaege
Receipts, accounts, lists of contributions, Einnahme Anweisungen, synagogue seats
Folder 150: Ausgabe Belaege
Bills, pay orders, receipts, etc.
Folder 151: Ausgabe Journal
Folder 152: Ausgabe Belaege/Armen-Verwaltung
Almost exclusively pay orders for aid to individuals
Folder 153: Ausgabe Belaege
Mostly bills, etc.
Folder 154: Die Rauchfangs-Steuer Der Hiesigen Corporations
Chimney tax: government letters, list of papers, communal decision, government announcement
Folder 155: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 156: Einnahme Belaege
Income lists; Einnahme Anweisungen
Folder 157: Ausgabe Belaege
Receipts, bills, lists of expenses, pay orders
Folder 158: Einnahme Belaege
Lists of various kinds of income, Einnahme Anweisungen, receipts
Folder 159: Ausgabe Belaege
Bills, pay orders
Folder 160: Ausgabe Belaege
Bills, lists of expenses, pay orders
Folder 161: Saemmtlichen Den Jugendverein Betreffenden Angelegenheiten
Statutes of youth organization, apprenticeship contract, contributions, apprenticeship questions
Folder 162: Untitled
Accompanying documents for budget of Eger Lodge (Jewish lodge) in Ostrowo (mostly bills)
Folder 163: Akten Des Vereins Malbisch Arumim of Ostrowo
Membership meetings, lists of children needing clothes, budget
Folder 164: Adhirenda in case of Przygodzic vs. Ostrowo
Suit between Jewish community and domain of Przygodzic in court of Krotoszyn concerning quit-rents for various properties (Dominial Entschaedigungs Ansprueche). Various court documents
Folder 165: Untitled
Expenses in court case of Zukerman, et. al. vs. Jewish community of Ostrowo, in Friedensgericht case involving communal dues: correspondence, accounts, communal tax to pay courtroom expenses, court documents, receipts
Folder 166: Receipts, expense orders
Folder 167: Acta Manualia Des Koenigl. Justiz-Commisarius Mittelstaedt in case of Lissner vs. Ostrowo
Suit by Moses Lissner of Pless O/S against Jewish community; court costs
Folder 168: Acta Manualia Des Landsgerichts-Raths Springer in case of Probst Kramarkiewicz vs. Synagoge Ostrowo
Concerning a debt: government correspondence, court papers, inquest, court correspondence
Folder 169: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 170: Jewish communal tax lists (lists of payment), fragmentary
Folder 171: Registry of slaughterhouse, Ostrowo
Folder 171 A: Registry of slaughterhouse, Ostrowo?
Folder 172: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 173: According to the prewar catalog to this collection, this folder originally held documents which, due to the circumstances of the war, were not transferred to YIVO in New York in 1947
Folder 174: Armenpflege
List of people to be aided, receipts from organizations
Folder 175: Einnahme
Manual Income ledger
Folder 176: Auszug Aus Dem Gemeinde-Citzstellenarchiv
List of synagogue seat owners
Folder 177: (Untitled) Accompanying documents for expenses of Eger Lodge in Ostrowo
Bills, receipts, pleas for aid from organizations
Folder 178: Case of Krauskopf vs. community
Concerning Krupka (meat tax) collection: summonses to hearings, lawyer’s bills, promissory notes
Folder 179: (Untitled) Documents concerning two synagogue seats
Contracts, payments
Folder 180: Untitled
Contracts and documents concerning a small number of specific seats in the synagogue of Ostrowo
Folder 181: Imtitled
List of debtors who owe communal taxes
Folder 182: Untitled
Correspondence concerning purchase of Kopfhalter for slaughterhouse in Ostrowo
Folder 183: Miscellaneous
undated, 1824, 1841-1843
Announcements by Jewish community, 1841-1843. Tax classification list, no amounts, n.d. Yiddish list of taxes paid, n.d. List of contributors for Passover flour 1824.
Folder 184: Miscellaneous
1838, 1890s, 1910-1915
Communal and government decisions concerning a gravestone, 1838. Receipts for dues – Holzverein in Ostrowo, 1890’s. Letter concerning matzohs from Rabbi Neuhaus, 1915. First page of communal tax list, 1890. Letter concerning repairs of synagogue roof, 1912 and of clock, 1913. Repair of hearse, 1913; slaughtering fees, 1909; communal decision to raise teacher’s salary, 1894; correspondence concerning a member’s 50th anniversary; letter of condolence to Rabbi Freund, 1910; etc.