Brief Description: The collection pertains to the "One Thousand Children Inc." (OTC inc.), a non-profit research and educational organization devoted to the concerns of the "One Thousand Children," also known as the "OTC Children," or "OTC." It documents the history of the children involved, and of the organization. The collection consists of original and copied materials such as newspaper clippings, correspondence, and photographs pertaining to the OTC, their biological families, and adoptive families in the United States. Included is correspondence (originals and copies) in the original language(s) and in English translation, 1913-2007. Clippings, articles, lectures, press releases, book manuscripts, publication excerpts, plays, and book reviews, 1922-2007. Autobiographical and biographical accounts and interviews (originals, copies, and translations), 1934-2005, including audio and video interviews. Photographs and artwork (originals and copies), 1914-2005. Confidential files relating to OTC children. Documentation regarding rescuers, 1933-1945. Legal hearings and migration reports regarding the rescue and resettlement of OTC children (originals and copies), 1924-2005. Meeting minutes and bylaws (originals and copies), 1925-2003. Name lists, 1934-2004. Profiles, academic essays, theses, and manuscripts, 1983. Flyers, notices, programs, and brochures, 1938-2003. Obituaries (originals and copies), 1952-2006. Personal documents (originals and copies), including birth and other certificates, identity cards, declaration of death forms, certificates of residency, school reports, visa applications, and affidavits, ship manifests, drivers' licenses, passports, resumes, business cards, albums, United States military forms and certificates, announcements, and related materials, 1896-2005. Diskettes, CD ROMs, DVDs, cassettes, and films. Promotional materials for films, museum exhibitions, and related programs, 2001-2007 Video tapes of the OTC Reunion and Conference talks, and of interviews with OTC children and others. Documentary and Theater videos, and accompanying materials.