Jerzy Gliksman
Title: Jerzy Gliksman
Inclusive Dates: 1928-1958
ID: RG 1464

5' 10"

Born June 23, 1902 in Warsaw. Studied jurisprudence at the universities of Warsaw and Paris. Since 1917, was active in the Bund's youth organization and in its political party. Became a member of the Bund's Central Committee. Was voted in as one of the Bund's councilmen in Warsaw during the elections for city council. His brother (from a common mother), Wiktor Alter, who was also a Bundist, was arrested and executed by the Soviet authorities. Gliksman was likewise arrested and imprisoned by the Soviet authorities, in 1939 and 1940. In 1943, following the Warsaw ghetto uprising and the suicide of Shmuel Arthur Zygelbojm, initiated a large demonstration on behalf of the millions of Jews who had already been murdered. In 1946, immigrated to the United States. Contributed articles to the following publications, both Bundist and otherwise: Folks-tsaytung, Unzer tsayt, and YIVO-bleter. Published Tell the West (1948) and Conditions of Industrial Labor in the USSR : A Study of the Incentive System in Soviet Industry (1954), among other works. Died in Washington, D.C. on September 4, 1958 and was buried in NY.

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Acquisition Note:
Transferred from the Bund Archives of the Jewish Labor Movement to YIVO, 1992
Collection Material Type: Personal Papers