Raphael Abramovitch
Title: Raphael Abramovitch
Inclusive Dates: 1906-1963
ID: RG 1456

2' 6"

Born in Riga in 1880; Raphael Abramovitch's real name was Adolf Rein. Joined the Bund and the RSDRP in 1901. Later became member of the Menshevik party. Edited the Social-Democratic journals, Evreiskii Rabochii (Jewish Workers) and Nashe Slovo (Our Word). In 1905, became a member of the Central Committee of the Bund. In 1907, ran unsuccessfully as a candidate for the second Duma. In 1911, fled to Germany and France, after narrowly escaping arrest. After February Revolution of 1917, returned to Russia. Became member of the Central Committee of the Petrograd Soviet. Following the October Revolution, became increasingly critical of the Bolsheviks. Was arrested in 1918 for anti-Soviet activites and narrowly escaped execution. In 1920, left Soviet Russia and settled in Berlin, where he founded and co-edited the Menshevik paper, Sotsialisticheskii Vestnik (Socialist Courier). Moved to Paris following the rise of Hitler. Fled to the United States when the Germans invaded France. Contributed to the Yiddish Forverts. Wrote Di Farshvundene Velt (The Vanished World) and an English-language history of the Russian Revolution. Was one of the founders, in 1949, of the Union for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. Died in 1963.

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Acquisition Note:
Raphael Abramovitch. Transferred from the Bund Archives of the Jewish Labor Movement to YIVO, 1992
Collection Material Type: Personal Papers