Correspondence, reports, studies, statements, minutes of meetings, memoranda, speeches, and other papers. Portions of the Waldman files deal with Jewish affairs in foreign countries, especially Germany, Latin American, Poland and Rumania. These include: petitions to the League of Nations on behalf of Jews; AJC relations with the British Joint Foreign Committee and Neville Laski; problems of Jewish reconstruction after World War II; the San Francisco Conference of 1945; and creation of the United Nations; immigration and efforts to rescue Jewish refugees; AJC involvement in Zionist affairs; Palestine as a Jewish homeland, the partition of Palestine, the Jewish Agency, and related matters.
Still other segments of the Waldman files pertain to AJC domestic programs and contains papers on Nazism and Nazi propaganda in the United States. Materials on AJC efforts to combat antisemitism, including AJC actions in denouncing the *Protocols of the Elders of Zion*, Father Charles E. Coughlin's activities and Jewish-communist relationships. Materials on AJC interreligious activities, including Catholic-Jewish relations.
Additionally, there are minutes of meetings, reports, statements and other papers on the work of AJC with the General Jewish Council. Reports, minutes of meetings, correspondence, and other papers relating to the AJC Survey Committee. Correspondence and other papers pertaining to AJC relations with the American Jewish Congress, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Conference, Anti-Defamation League, B'nai Brith, Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, Service Bureau for Jewish Education, U.S. governmental agencies. Correspondence, plans, studies, reports and other papers on AJC administrative matters, such as AJC organization, programs and policies (including AJC historical data), fundraising, field offices, and staffing.