Day-Morning Journal ("Der Tog")
Title: Day-Morning Journal ("Der Tog")
Inclusive Dates: 1922-1972
ID: RG 639

36'7"; 84 5"lgl; 1 3"lgl; 1 3"ovr; 5 wrapped packages

The *Day-Morning Journal* (*Tog-morgn zhurnal*) was a Yiddish daily in New York formed through the merger of *The Day* (*Der tog*) and the *Jewish Morning Journal*. In 1970 circulation was estimated at 50,000. The newspaper ceased publication in 1971. *The Day*, a Yiddish daily was founded in 1914 by a group of New York intellectuals and businessmen led by Judah Magnes and Morris Weinberg. *The Day* was established as a non-partisan liberal newspaper with high intellectual standards. Under the editorship of William Edlin, its staff included Shmuel Niger, David Pinsky, Aaron Glanz-Leieles, Peretz Hirschbein. The Day reached its peak circulation of 81,000 in 1916. In 1919 it absorbed *Di varhayt*. Its readership declined after World War I. The *Jewish Morning Journal*, a New York Yiddish daily, was founded in 1901 by the Orthodox publisher Jacob Saperstein. Its first editor was Peter Wernik. In 1916 it reached its peak circulation of 111,000 and in the same year Jacob Fishman was appointed editor, directing the paper from 1916 to 1938. Prominent journalists included Jacob Glatstein, Bernard Gorin, Alexander Mukdoni, Jacob Magidov, and Gedaliah Bublick. In 1928 the *Morning Journal* absorbed the *Yiddishes Tageblatt*. As was the case with most Yiddish newspapers, its readership declined steadily after World War I.

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