Brief Description: Manuscripts by S. Bickel including *Mishpokhe harchik*. Manuscripts by others including S. Bloch, Jacob Botoshansky, Dr. Eliezer Bickel, Rabbi Abraham Hertzberg. Correspondence with individuals: Salo Baron, Dr. Joseph Bernfeld, Marc Chagall, Daniel Charney, Abraham Golomb, Abba Gordin, Raphael Mahler, Itzik Manger, Shmuel Niger, Shlomo Noble, David Opatoshu, Mendel Osherowitch, David Pinsky, Melech Ravitch, Mordkhe Schaechter,Jacob Shatzky, Abraham Sutzkever, Joseph Tenenbaum, Jonas Turkow, Menashe Unger, Max Weinreich, Uriel Weinreich, Aaron Zeitlin, Chaim Zhitlowsky. Correspondence with organizations. Clippings of articles by Bickel from various periodicals. Obituaries on Bickel's death. Correspondence and manuscripts relating to articles written by S. Bickel for the *Encyclopedia Judaica*. Lectures, radio talks, diaries. Personal documents. Some papers of Yetta Bickel, wife of S. Bickel.