Chojrev, Vilna
Title: Chojrev, Vilna
Inclusive Dates: 1924-1930's
ID: RG 49

1'3"; 3 5"lgl; 1 map folder

The collection is arranged in 3 series: I) Correspondence with Teachers & Applicants (folders 1-6); II) Corres. with Schools & Organizations (7-18); III) Misc. (19-20)

Central Committee for Religious Education. An educational organization, founded in 1924 at an Agudas Israel conference, with the support of the Chofetz Chaim (Rabbi Israel Meir Hakohen Kagan) and Rabbi Chaim Oyzer Grodzienski of Vilna. Based in Warsaw it maintained a network of Orthodox Jewish schools for boys of all ages. The schools included *Yeshivot ketanot* (junior Yeshivot), *Yeshivot gedolot* (higher Yeshivot) and *hadorim* (elementary schools). In 1937 CHOJREV maintained a total of 580 institutions with 73,311 students. CHOJREV did not include the higher Yeshivot of the Eastern provinces of Poland which had been organized in Vilna in 1924 into a separate organization, the Vaad Hayeshivot. An organizational newspaper, *Dos vort*, was published weekly in Vilna from 1924-1939 and represented both CHOJREV and the Vaad Hayeshivot. CHOJREV was active until the outbreak of World War II. This collection consists primarily of the records of the Vilna office of CHOJREV.

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